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Molecular Dynamics Simulation

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Presentation on theme: "Molecular Dynamics Simulation"— Presentation transcript:

1 Molecular Dynamics Simulation
Introduction to Molecular Dynamics Simulation

2 Exploring the Folding Landscape Protein Folding

3 Uses of Molecular Dynamics Simulation:
structure flexibility solvent effects chemical reactions ion channels thermodynamics (free energy changes, binding) spectroscopy NMR/crystallography

4 Atomic-Detail Computer Simulation
Model System Molecular Mechanics Potential Energy Surface  Exploration by Simulation..

5 Model System set of atoms explicit/implicit solvent periodic boundary conditions Potential Function empirical chemically intuitive quick to calculate Tradeoff: simplicity (timescale) versus accuracy

6 Lysozyme in explicit water

7 MM Energy Function 2/8 l q f r q i j

8 Newton’s Law: Fi=force on ith atom mi = mass of ith atom ai=acceleration of ith atom

9 Potential Function  Force
Newton’s Law:

10 Verlet’s Method Taylor:

11 Timescales. Bond vibrations - 1 fs Collective vibrations - 1 ps Conformational transitions - ps or longer Enzyme catalysis - microsecond/millisecond Ligand Binding - micro/millisecond Protein Folding - millisecond/second Molecular dynamics: Integration timestep - 1 femtosecond Set by fastest varying force. Accessible timescale about 100 nanoseconds.


13 Statistical Mechanics Observable Ensemble Average Ergodic Hypothesis: MD Simulation: 1 hr

14 Statistical Mechanics Observable: Ensemble Average: Probability density:

15 MD Simulation: Ergodic Hypothesis: e.g.:

16 Analysis of MD Configurations Averages Fluctuations Time Correlations

17 Analysis of fluctuations

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