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Overview of Mobile Database Caching
Presented By: Rooma Rathore Rohini Prinja
Overview Motivation Problem definition Caching Overview
Caching Granularity Cache Coherence Cache Replacement Summary Future Work
Motivation Popularity of mobile database applications is increasing
Caching can improve performance Caching in mobile DB is different Many papers have addressed different issues in mobile caching There are not many survey papers
Problem Definition Given Find Objectives Constraints
Applications running on mobile databases Find Efficient caching mechanisms to improve the response time Objectives Cache is consistent at all the times Cache-hit ratio is high Constraints Low bandwidth Frequent Disconnections Limited battery power
Basic Setup of Mobile Environment
Database Servers LAN, WAN etc MSS MSS MSS MSS Cells MH1 MH2 MH3 MH4 MH5 MH6
How mobile caching is different?
Wireless transmission is much slower Very important to minimize transmission Frequent disconnections by client Server might not be able to reach all clients for updates Clients have limited battery power Energy efficiency is important Uplink speed is much slower Important to reduce uplink queries from clients
Caching Overview Caching mechanism characterized by
Caching Granularity What to cache? Cache Coherence How to maintain consistency? Cache Replacement Which items to discard when new ones need to be inserted ?
Caching Granularity Page based caching mechanisms not suitable in mobile environment Object Caching Server sends all attributes of object, which are cache by client Attribute Caching Only attributes requested in query are sent and cached Hybrid Caching Cache the attributes likely to be used in future Semantic Caching
Caching Granularity - Comparison
Object Attribute Hybrid Semantic Requires more cache space But good if all attributes are used Saves cache space Not very good if some attributes used in one query and other in second. Best of object and attribute Hard to identify, which attributes will be used Semantic information is to be saved New queries with partial cached data can be answered while disconnected Very good in continuous queries, where just the remaining part can be sent to server.
Cache Coherence 1/3 Broadly classified into 3 categories
Stateful Server Server knows status and contents of all clients Client Verification Client verifies before use of cache Stateless Server Server doesn’t know about client’s status or its cache contents Mostly used in mobile environment
Cache Coherence 2/3 Different kinds of schemes Timestamp based
Broadcasting Timestamps Amnesic Terminals Signature Adaptive Vary transmission speed Adaptive Invalidation with Fixed Window Adaptive Invalidation with Adjusting Window
Cache Coherence 3/3 Asynchronous Stateful Validity Scoped
A Stateful scheme Based on HLC at MSS Validity Scoped Suitable for Location dependent data Bit Vector with Compression (BVC) Grouped Bit Vector (GBVC) Implicit Scope Information (ISI)
Cache Coherence- Comparison
Timestamp Adaptive Asynchronous Validity - based Periodic broadcast IR can become too long Long query delay Simple Adapt to load and other parameters Complex Difficult to identify threshold A stateful scheme Additional overhead of HLC on MSS Invalidation messages sent to individual clients so bandwidth utilization is low. Only suitable in location dependent data environment Doesn’t deal with data updates on server No periodic broadcast needed
Cache Replacement Tradition Schemes like LRU, LRU-K, MRU are not very suitable Access Frequency based Mean – mean inter operation duration Window – highest mean in window EWMA – recent use has higher weight Gain based SAIU – Stretch Access rate Inverse Update Frequency MinSAUD – Minimum Stretch integrated with Access rates Update frequency and cache validation Delay Target Driven
Cache Replacement - Comparison
Access Freq. based Gain Based Target driven Uses past access frequency to predict future Not very good if access behavior suddenly changes Tries to minimize stretch. Computation is complex and consumes battery power Assumes , access rate and update frequency of item is known or can be predicted correctly Provides generalized cost function Optimal results Function can be modified to optimize different parameters Doesn’t address what to do when more than one parameter needs to be optimized. Computation is complex
Summary Why mobile caching is important?
How mobile caching is different? Discussed papers in these areas Caching granularity Cache coherence Cache replacement
Future Work More research is needed in area of cache replacement
Study can be done to find which combination of techniques is suitable for what applications Study to determine which algorithms are currently being used in commercial applications.
References 1/3 [1] Kahol, S. Khurana, S.K.S. Gupta and P.K. Srimani, “A strategy to manage cache consistency in a distributed mobile wireless environment”, IEEE Trans. on Parallel and Distributed System, 12(7), pp , 2001 [2] Hong V. Leong, Antonio Si “On Adaptive Caching in Mobile Databases” April 1997, Proceedings of the 1997 ACM symposium on Applied computing [3] Alok Madhukar, Reda Alhajj “An Adaptive Energy Efficient Cache Invalidation Scheme for Mobile Databases” April 2006, Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing SAC '06 [4] Ken. C.K. Lee, H.V. Leong, Antonio Si “Semantic Query Caching in Mobile Environments”, June 2005, Proceedings of the 4th ACM international workshop on Data engineering for wireless and mobile access [5] Chi-Yin Chow, Hong Va Leong, Alvin T. S. Chan “Distributed Group-based Cooperative Caching in a Mobile Broadcast Environment” May 2005, Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Mobile data management MDM '05 [6] Boris Y. L. Chan, Antonio Si, Hong Va Leong . “Cache Management for Mobile Databases: Design and Evaluation.” 1998, Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Data Engineering [7] Jianliang Xu; Qinglong Hu; Wang-Chien Lee; Dik Lun Lee; “Performance evaluation of an optimal cache replacement policy for wireless data dissemination” 2004, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering [8] Quen Ren, Margret Dunham, “Semantic Caching in Mobile computing” (2001)
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