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Published byBerniece Shields Modified over 9 years ago
Numerical model of the fusion-fission hybrid system based on gas dynamic trap for transmutation of radioactive wastes Andrey Anikeev Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany In collaboration with: Budker INP Novosibirsk Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Novosibirsk, Russia (original affilation) Institut für Sicherheitsforschung, Forschungszentrum Dresden-Rossendorf.
Motivation Transmutation of long-lived radioactive nuclear waste, including plutonium, minor actinides and fission products, represents a highly important problem of fission reactor technology and is presently studied worldwide in large-scale. Fusion-fission devices might be useful such as the production of fuel for fission reactors, direct electricity production, and closing the nuclear fuel cycle by transmuting spent nuclear fuel from fission reactors. GDT based neutron source shows great promise in future fusion-fission applications.
Objectives Numerical modelling and choice of parameters of the GDT NS as a driver in ADS-like subcritical burners. Neutron flux > 1018 n/s Test a GDT-DS burner capability Requirements to MA burner systems: energy efficiency Q=Poutel/Pinpel > 1 (self-sufficiency) ! servicing of min 5 LWRs
GDT plasma neutron source as irradiation facility
Background GDT plasma neutron source as irradiation facility Kotelnikov I.A., Mirnov V.V., Nagorny V.P., Ryutov D.D., Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, 2, IAEA, Vienna, p.309, 1985 Test zone ~ 15 m Magnetic field : B0 1 T Neutral beams injection: D0+T0 B 15 T energy , ED/T 65 keV Target warm plasma : total power, Pinj 36 MW temperature Те 0.75 keV Energy consumption: MW (50 MW) density ne 2-5 x 1020 m-3 Total fusion neutron power: MW
GDT plasma neutron source as irradiation facility
Background GDT plasma neutron source as irradiation facility Kotelnikov I.A., Mirnov V.V., Nagorny V.P., Ryutov D.D., Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion Research, 2, IAEA, Vienna, p.309, 1985 Test zone
Is a compact machine relatively low investment costs!
GDT neutron source driven system Technical idea The technical idea would be to put up the GDT vertically and to surround both neutron production zones by a sub-critical system. Positive features of the GDT NS: Continuous source. 2 drivers with variable intensities. n-zones can be longitudinally extended. n-emission intensity can be axially profiled. Neutron energy = 14 MeV Is a compact machine relatively low investment costs!
Preceding results Comparison of the driven sub-critical MA burners
Source: ADS [1] GDT basic [2] GDT basic [2,3] Te~ 3.5 keV GDT long [2] 2x1.5 m GDT long [3] 2x4 m Psuppl; MW 20 50 100 150 Pnusefull, MW 0.25 * * * * Sn , neutron/s 1.25х1018 * 2 х 1017 * x1017 * 6.8х1017 * 1.8х1018 Pfis , MW (total) 263 87 288 378 1044 Pelout , МW (η=40%) 105 35 115 151 418 Q= Pelout / Psuppl; 5.3 0.7 2.3 1.5 2.8 MA burning rate, kg/year ( 1 LWRs = 29 kg / year) 36 (1.2) 23 (0.8) 75 (2.6) 52 (1.8) 144 (5) * for both side of GDT (2 n-zones) [1] G. Aliberti et al.. Nuclear Science and Eng. 146 (2004) 13. [2] K. Noack et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 1216–1222. [3] A. Anikeev et al. in Proc. of Cairo 11th International Conference on Energy & Environment (2009).
Preceding results Comparison of the driven sub-critical MA burners
Source: ADS [1] GDT basic [2] GDT basic [2,3] Te~ 3.5 keV GDT long [2] 2x1.5 m GDT long [3] 2x4 m Psuppl; MW 20 50 100 150 Pnusefull, MW 0.25 * * * * Sn , neutron/s 1.25х1018 * 2 х 1017 * x1017 * 6.8х1017 * 1.8х1018 Pfis , MW (total) 263 87 288 378 1044 Pelout , МW (η=40%) 105 35 115 151 418 Q= Pelout / Psuppl; 5.3 0.7 2.3 1.5 2.8 MA burning rate, kg/year ( 1 LWRs = 29 kg / year) 36 (1.2) 23 (0.8) 75 (2.6) 52 (1.8) 144 (5) * for both side of GDT (2 n-zones) [1] G. Aliberti et al.. Nuclear Science and Eng. 146 (2004) 13. [2] K. Noack et al. Annals of Nuclear Energy 35 (2008) 1216–1222. [3] A. Anikeev et al. in Proc. of Cairo 11th International Conference on Energy & Environment (2009).
Study: Optimisation of the GDT neutron source
I. Improvement of the GDT basic: Electron temperature : Te should be increased up to the self-consistent value. – Radial confinement ! – Reduction of the electron heat losses ! GDT „Basic version“: Pinp = 50 MWel, Einj = 65 keV x ~3 ! : Pfis = 144 МW therm (one side) Pfistotal = 288 MW therm (both side) Pouttotal = 115 MWel Q = ~3 GDT-DS 0.75 3.5 Te < 10-2 Einj !
Study: Optimisation of the GDT neutron source
I. Improvement of the GDT basic: Electron temperature : Te should be increased up to the self-consistent value. – Radial confinement ! – Reduction of the electron heat losses ! ■ GDT experiment ♦ Estimation Te~Ph2/3 ▲ Estimation Te~Ph2/7 (electron heat conductivity).
Study: Optimisation of the GDT neutron source
II. Improved GDT neutron source for driven system (KIT version): Requirements: Continuous source. Neutron emission Sn > 1018 n/s (for each n-zones). Neutron power flux densyty qn < 2 MW/m2 → Geometry of the n-zone. Fusion energy efficiency Qfus ~ 1 → low energy “cost” of a neutron. Assumptions: Improved axial confinement → low axial loses → Te ~ 3 keV. Vortex radial confinement → low transverse tranport. High β ~ 60% (experimentally attained value). Maximal magnetic field in the mirror with approriate mirror ratio. Pilet injection → steady state plasma density. Extended neutron emission region → 2 x 2m n-zones.
Study: Optimisation of the GDT neutron source
II. Improved GDT neutron source for driven system: Instruments and methods of modeling: A full 3D calculations by Integrated Transport Code System (ITCS). ITCS includes modules: MCFIT – Monte-Carlo Fast Ions Transport code – fast ions, fusion reactions. NeuFIT – Neutral particles and gas simulations. FITMag – Magnetic field perturbation by high pressure plasmas (β reduction). PlasmaX – Target plasma simulations (heating, losses → temperature). NeutronS – Neutron flux calculation. + Input/Output subroutines.
Study: Optimisation of the GDT neutron source
II. Improved GDT neutron source for driven system: Results: Main parameters of the GDTNS_KA: Magnetic field (SC coils): in midplane, B T im mirror, Bm T lenght, L 16 m Target warm plasma : temperature, Те 3 keV density, ne 5x1020 m-3 radius, a 10 cm Neutral beams injection: D0+T0 energy, Einj 65 keV total power, Pinj 75 MW trapped power, Ptr 50 MW Fussion power: total, Pfus 15 MW neutron, Pn 12 MW neutron yield MW/m Is a compact machine → low investment costs. Electricity consumption ~ 120 MW. 2 x 2m neutron emission zones with intencivity of 1.5x1018 neutron/s
On axis magnetic field profile
Results: Improved GDT neutron source for driven system On axis magnetic field profile — vacuum magnetic field – – beta reduced MF n-zone
Axial profile of neutron yield
Results: Improved GDT neutron source for driven system Axial profile of neutron yield 2 x 2 m neutron emission zones with intencivity of 1.5x1018 neutron/s
Study: Subcritical GDT driven MA burner
First analysis of proposed GDT driven subcritical reactor we made on a base of EFIT (European Facility for Industrial Transmutation) reactor design [1]. The EFIT reactor is designed to be a demonstration ADS facility for industrial scale transmutation of minor actinides, with a power of about 400 MWth. The EFIT reactor is cooled by lead. Its fuel is uranium free CERCER fuel 50% MgO +50% (Pu,MAO2) in volume, containing a large quantity of americium. The plutonium content is ~ 37% leading to Keff ~ 0.97. In [2] several variations of EFIT design parameters were studied by using ENDF/B-6.5 based 69 group cross sections in the deterministic Sn code TWODANT. We used original (A) and extended (G) version of the EFIT reactor design for application with the GDT neutron source instead of the ADS lead target. [1] J.U. Knebel, 9th Information Exchange Meeting P&T, Nîmes, 2006 [2] M. Badea, R. Dagan, C.H.M. Broeders, Jahrestagung Kerntechnik 2007, Karlsruhe, Mai 2007
G A Applied EFIT-like cylindrical geometry with GDT neutron source
Study: Subcritical GDT driven MA burner Applied EFIT-like cylindrical geometry with GDT neutron source The fuel composition CERCER fuel 50% MgO +50% (Pu,MAO2) : a) plutonium with weight fractions: Pu , Pu , Pu , Pu , Pu b) MA with weight fractions: U , Np , Am , Am , Cm , Cm Fuel Pb Buffer Plenum Pb_Ext R= cm R 48 cm R 30 cm 14 MeV n-source 400 cm 250 cm R= cm 240 cm 90 cm A G
Pfis = 550 MW therm (one side)
Study: Subcritical GDT driven MA burner Results of calculations Source ADS GDT NS Geometry A G Radius (cm) 156.72 115.72 Height (cm) 240 400 Fuel height (cm) 90 250 Keff 0.9718 0.9724 0.9733 0.9741 Ks 0.9329 0.9573 0.9411 0.9577 Pfis = 550 MW therm (one side) Pouttotal = 440 MWel (both side) Pinp = 120 МВтel Q = 3.7
Conclusions. A new improved numerical model of the GDT neutron source based on last experimental results with a scaling to high Te ~ 3 keV and Qfus~ 0.3 was proposed and numerical simulated. The two 2 m n-zones with 1.6 MW/m neutron yield can produce 1.5x1018n/s each. It can be used for application to FDS burner of MA. Analysis of proposed GDT driven subcritical reactor for MA burning was made on the base of the EFIT reactor design. The elongated version of EFIT with GDT-NS instead a spallation target show considerable promise for future development of this model. Detailed 3D simulation and thermohydraulic study should be made in the nex step of the project.
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