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International Conference: “Living Lakes” – 10-Year Partnership at Baikal: Chances and Challenges for Sustainable Future for People and the Lake", Russia,

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Presentation on theme: "International Conference: “Living Lakes” – 10-Year Partnership at Baikal: Chances and Challenges for Sustainable Future for People and the Lake", Russia,"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Conference: “Living Lakes” – 10-Year Partnership at Baikal: Chances and Challenges for Sustainable Future for People and the Lake", Russia, August 2009 Prof.Dr.Nina Dagbaeva, Baikal Information Centre GRAN, Republic of Buryatia, Russian Federation

2 Main Objective: Main Objective: - generalize experience of the joint work on nature conservation, and plan new environmental projects in the Baikal region Main topics for discussions: - role of the civil society and social partnership, as well as the following aspects of socially, environmentally and economically balanced development of the Baikal region: - Sustainable economics in Lake regions. Strategies, objectives and definite events for environmentally safe tourism and environmentally safe timber and woodworking industries. - Renewable energy sources usage. Potential and necessary programmes and events for renewable energy usage in industry and municipal economy.

3 Main topics for discussions: - Water as an integral resource for sustainable future. Water quality conservation with the help of eco- technologies, and environmentally safe usage of Lake Baikal ecosystem. - Well–aware and conscientious citizens as a basis for sustainable development. Education and information about environment, and mechanisms and forms of participation of local population and NGOs representatives and movements for protection and conservation of the Baikal region biological and cultural diversity.

4 Workshop “Sustainable Tourism Development, Promotion and Implementation” Workshop “Sustainable Tourism Development, Promotion and Implementation” Discussing issues of ecotourism development at Baikal (on the example of the Okinsky District) in work groups: - General conditions (transport, tourism staff professional development, state support, monitoring of social and environmental influence, etc.); - Concrete proposals (target groups, quality, originality); - Marketing and advertisement (ways /means, state support, etc.)

5 Conference participants Conference participants: About 100 German. Russian and international experts, as well as citizens of the Baikal region, representing state organizations and NGOs, scientific and business- structures, students and active population. Among German participants were representatives of GTZ, Futour, Bodensee-Stiftung, large environmental organizations, number of universities and research institutes like institute of lakes study. The German delegation was led by the state secretary of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, and Nuclear Safety of Germany (BMU) – Michael Müller. The Ministry for Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation was represented by Dmitry Seliverstov and Minister of Natural Resources of the Republic of Buryatia – Bair Angaev.

6 Conference Resolution (abstract): Tourism development in the Baikal Region We recommend: Travel agencies of the Republic of Buryatia – to take into account the Global Baseline Criteria for Sustainable Tourism while planning their tourism projects at Lake Baikal and in the Baikal region. Sustainable Tourism should be included into the Curricula and retraining programmes ­ for the existing and staff-to-be in the sphere of tourism, and people interested in agricultural and ecotourism. To establish the School for Sustainable and ecotourism, with a Certificate of Professional Development in “Eco- and Social Tourism”. This project could be financed by the German Government and economic zones investors. Economic development in the Baikal Region : Work out a recycling scheme and then develop it as one of new future economic sectors. Take into account a climate change impact, in particular, on Lake Baikal and boreal forests. Provide conservation of tree species diversity. Extend woodworking mode in Buryatia for end products’ cost increase

7 Conference Resolution (abstract): Government of the Republic of Buryatia: stimulate usage of innovative eco-technologies, esp. in woodworking industry, tourism, renewable energy sources and while drinking water quality rating. Russian Federation Ministry for Natural Resources and Ecology and Government of the Republic of Buryatia : support eco-educational an social projects of our partners “GRAN” and “FIRN.” These projects should get support from the German Government as well. Conference participants: assist a wide social partnership and experience exchange to turn Lake Baikal into a model region of sustainable development. In case all these recommendations are taken into account, and we succeed in implementing the sequential events, then we’ll have a chance that all the hopes and expectations of the conference participants will come true, and in 10 years we’ll see sustainable development at Baikal, that would serve as an example for other lakes.

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