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Pattern Based Procedural Textures Sylvain Lefebvre Fabrice Neyret iMAGIS - GRAVIR / IMAG - INRIA

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Presentation on theme: "Pattern Based Procedural Textures Sylvain Lefebvre Fabrice Neyret iMAGIS - GRAVIR / IMAG - INRIA"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pattern Based Procedural Textures Sylvain Lefebvre Fabrice Neyret iMAGIS - GRAVIR / IMAG - INRIA

2 Overview Motivations Previous Work Contributions Our Framework –Case study –Results Conclusion

3 Motivations Texturing large areas –Landscapes in simulators –Video games Requirements  High resolution and low memory cost  Avoiding periodicity  User control

4 Previous work Large explicit texture Extensions –Clipmaps [Tanner et al. 98] –Texture Compression –Empty space compression [Kraus Ertl 02] Drawbacks –Memory cost –Lossy Compression

5 Previous work Procedural textures –[Perlin 85] [Worley 96] [Ebert 94] Drawbacks –Calculation cost –Control by the artist uneasy –Not all materials

6 Previous work Pattern based texturing –Aperiodic tiling [Stam 97] –Triangular patterns [Neyret Cani 99] –Virtual atlases [Soler 02] –Sparse convolutions [Lewis 89, Erbert 94] Drawbacks –Mesh dependency –Local variations uneasy

7 Previous work Pattern based texturing –Aperiodic tiling [Stam 97] –Triangular patterns [Neyret Cani 99] –Virtual atlases [Soler 02] –Sparse convolutions [Lewis 89, Erbert 94] Drawbacks –Mesh dependency –Local variations uneasy

8 Previous work Pattern based texturing –Aperiodic tiling [Stam 97] –Triangular patterns [Neyret Cani 99] –Virtual atlases [Soler 02] –Sparse convolutions [Lewis 89, Erbert 94] Drawbacks –Mesh dependency –Local variations uneasy

9 Contributions Framework for creating very large virtual textures by combining patterns –No constraint on mesh (texture space) –Low memory cost Runs on today graphics hardware As generic as possible

10 Method overview Texture coordinates  pattern Texture space (u,v)

11 Method overview Texture coordinates  pattern  color Texture space (u,v) color

12 Method overview Texture coordinates  pattern  color Texture space (u,v) color

13 Method overview Texture coordinates  color Corresponds to hardware fragment program CPU Software Vertex Program Rasterisation Interpolation Fragment Program Tests & Blending Matrices, lights, … Textures Frame Buffer Programmable Graphics Hardware

14 Our Framework Set of basic blocks 1 block = 1 functionality Textures by combining blocks

15 Overview Motivations Previous Work Contributions Our Framework –Case study –Results Conclusion

16 Case study Aperiodic tiling –N x N virtual cells –T x T patterns –3 blocks Virtual Tile Map Virtual Indirection Map Reference Texture u glob color u tile gp T N  NT

17 Aperiodic tiling Virtual Tile Map –cell index g –relative coordinates u tile Virtual Tile Map Virtual Indirection Map Reference Texture u glob color u tile gp T N  NT u glob u tile gg+1 g-1

18 Aperiodic tiling Virtual Indirection Map –random index p from g (aperiodic) –uses permutation table  Virtual Tile Map Virtual Indirection Map Reference Texture u glob color u tile gp T N  NT

19 Aperiodic tiling Reference Texture Virtual Tile Map Virtual Indirection Map Reference Texture u glob color u tile gp T N  NT p color

20 Aperiodic tiling Virtual Tile Map Virtual Indirection Map Reference Texture u glob color u tile gp T N  NT

21 Blocks –Pattern choice and positioning –Transitions between neighboring patterns –Animation

22 Blocks –Pattern choice and positioning –Transitions between neighboring patterns –Animation

23 Blocks –Pattern choice and positioning –Transitions between neighboring patterns –Animation

24 Overview Motivations Previous Work Contributions Our Framework –Case study –Results Conclusion

25 Probability distribution control Areas map Interpolation of probabilities

26 Probability distribution control Areas map Interpolation of probabilities Virtual resolution = 4096 ²

27 Transitions Textures from Warcraft ® III: Reign of Chaos™ © Blizzard Entertainment ®. All rights reserved. only one quad

28 Transitions only one quad Textures from Warcraft ® III: Reign of Chaos™ © Blizzard Entertainment ®. All rights reserved.

29 Random positioning

30 Animations

31 Using explicit positonning Memory cost = pattern + 16x16 positionning map

32 Performances 1.1 fps8.5 fps15.5 fps24.5 fps640x480 5 fps36 fps73 fps113 fps320x200 391075Tex. lookups 512 instr.117 instr.65 instr.56 instr.Code length Dithered Areas Map & transitions Dithered Areas Map Areas mapAperiodic tiling Measures on GeForce FX prototype (half speed) 32 bits precision texture covers full screen

33 Filtering MIP – mapping Close view point –Linear interpolation Far view point –Indirection  average color Issue in general with indirections

34 Conclusion Framework Runs on hardware Allows very large aperiodic textures Low memory cost  Filtering issue  Exploiting the framework  Tiling with edge constraints

35 Acknoledgements NVidia for the GeForce FX prototype Blizzard Entertainment for texture data

36 Thank you ! Questions ?

37 Pattern Based Procedural Textures Sylvain Lefebvre Fabrice Neyret iMAGIS - GRAVIR / IMAG - INRIA

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