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Prefetching Challenges in Distributed Memories for CMPs Martí Torrents, Raúl Martínez, and Carlos Molina Computer Architecture Department UPC – BarcelonaTech.

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Presentation on theme: "Prefetching Challenges in Distributed Memories for CMPs Martí Torrents, Raúl Martínez, and Carlos Molina Computer Architecture Department UPC – BarcelonaTech."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prefetching Challenges in Distributed Memories for CMPs Martí Torrents, Raúl Martínez, and Carlos Molina Computer Architecture Department UPC – BarcelonaTech

2 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 2

3 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 3

4 Prefetching Reduce memory latency Bring to a nearest cache next data required by CPU Increase the hit ratio It is implemented in most of the commercial processors Erroneous prefetching may produce – Cache pollution – Resources consumption (queues, bandwidth, etc.) – Power consumption 4

5 Motivation Number of cores in a same chip grows every year Nehalem 4~6 Cores Tilera 64~100 Cores Intel Polaris 80 Cores Nvidia GeForce Up to 256 Cores 5

6 Prefetch in CMPs Useful prefetchers implies more performance – Avoid network latency – Reduce memory access latency Useless prefetchers implies less performance – More power consumption – More NoC congestion – Interference with other cores requests 6

7 Prefetch adverse behaviors 7 M. Torrents, R. Martínez, C. Molina. “Network Aware Performance Evaluation of Prefetching Techniques in CMPs”. Simulation Modeling Practice and Theory (SIMPAT), 2014.

8 Distributed memories 8 Distribution of the memory access pattern: @@+2@+4@+6@+8 @+10 @ @ + 2 @ + 4 @ + 6 @ + 8 @ + 10

9 @ @ + 2 @ + 4 @ + 6 @ + 8 @ + 10 @ + 12 @ + 14 TILE 00 TILE 01 TILE 02 TILE 03 TILE 04 TILE 05 TILE 06 TILE 07 Distributed memories 9 Distribution of the memory access pattern: @@+2@+4@+6@+8 @+10 @+12 @+14

10 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 10

11 Prefetch Distributed Memory Systems Analysis phase 11 DISTRIBUTED L2 MEMORY @ L1 MISS for @ Distributed patterns

12 Pattern Detection Challenge Distribution of the memory stream Prefetcher aware of a certain part of the stream Harder to detect access patterns or correlation Not all the prefetchers affected – Correlation prefetchers affected: GHB – One Block Lookahead not affected: Tagged 12

13 Prefetch Distributed Memory Systems Request generation phase 13 DISTRIBUTED L2 MEMORY @@ + 2@ + 4 Queue filtering

14 Prefetch Queue Filtering Challenge Prefetch requests queued in distributed queues Independent engines generating requests Repeated requests can be queued In a centralized queue those would be merged Adverse effects: – Power consumption – Network contention 14

15 Prefetch Distributed Memory Systems Evaluation phase 15 DISTRIBUTED L2 MEMORY @@ + 2@ + 4 L1 MISS for @ + 2 Dynamic profiling

16 Dynamic Profiling Challenge Prefetch requests generated in one tile Dynamic profiling information in another tile Erroneous profiling in the self tile Techniques using this info may work erroneously – Filtering – Throttling – Concrete prefetching engines 16

17 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 17

18 Challenge evaluation methodology Three environments to test the challenges Pattern Detection Challenge: Ideal Prefetcher – Prefetcher that it is aware of all the memory stream – No extra network contention added in the system – No extra power consumed – Requests classified depending on its core identifier – To preserve the original stream of each core Prefetcher used to test: Global History Buffer 18

19 Pattern Detection Challenge 19

20 Challenge evaluation methodology Three environments to test the challenges Prefetch Queue Filtering: Centralized queue – All the requests sent to a centralized queue – Repeated requests are merged – No extra network contention added in the system – No extra power consumed – Repeated requests are not issued Prefetcher used to test: Tagged prefercher 20

21 Prefetch Queue Filtering Challenge 21

22 Challenge evaluation methodology 22

23 Dynamic Profiling Challenge 23

24 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 24

25 Experimental framework Gem5 – 64 x86 CPUs – Ruby memory system – L2 prefetchers – MOESI coherency protocol – Garnet network simulator Parsecs 2.1 25

26 Simulation environment 26

27 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 27

28 Pattern Detection Challenge 28

29 Prefetch Queue Filtering Challenge 29

30 Dynamic Profiling Challenge 30

31 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 31

32 Facing the challenges 32 There are two main options – Redesign the entire prefetch philosophy – Adapt the current techniques to work with DSMs Moreover, there are two main directions – Centralize the information – Handicap of communication increment – Distribute the prefetcher – Handicap of smartly distribute the prefetcher

33 Outline Introduction Naming the challenges Challenge evaluation methodology Experimental framework Challenge Quantification Facing the Challenges Conclusions 33

34 Conclusions 34 Three challenges when prefetching in DSMs – Prefetch Queue Filtering Challenge – Dynamic Profiling Challenge – Challenge evaluation methodology Directions for future investigators There are no evident solutions for them Not solving them -> limited prefetch performance

35 Q & A 35

36 Prefetching Challenges in Distributed Memories for CMPs Martí Torrents, Raúl Martínez, and Carlos Molina Computer Architecture Department UPC – BarcelonaTech

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