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+ Chapter 7 Using Integrated Teaching Methods. + Integrated Teaching Methods Combining direct and indirect delivery of instruction Encourages self-directed.

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Presentation on theme: "+ Chapter 7 Using Integrated Teaching Methods. + Integrated Teaching Methods Combining direct and indirect delivery of instruction Encourages self-directed."— Presentation transcript:

1 + Chapter 7 Using Integrated Teaching Methods

2 + Integrated Teaching Methods Combining direct and indirect delivery of instruction Encourages self-directed learning, giving students more control and responsibility for their own learning Promotes the use of technology and the Internet giving teachers access to vast amounts of information The Methods: demonstrations, the Socratic method, concept attainment, cooperative learning, games, simulations, and individualized instruction

3 The Demonstration Method Use materials and displays to present information to students accompanied with a verbal explanation or discussion Students conduct demonstrations arousing their interest and involvement

4 + The Demonstration Method (cont.) Begin with an introduction Simply and as much to the point as possible complete the demonstration Follow-up with a check for understanding Plan student engagement for success (seating, questions…)

5 + The Demonstration Method: Guidelines Pace the demo so students can follow. Break the demo into small components and demonstrate each component separately If necessary repeat steps until students understand. When you are sure the students understand, put all the pieces together and conduct the entire demo

6 + The Socratic Method (pg 200) A questioning-and-interaction sequence designed to draw information out of students General Pattern: 1)First a broad, open-ended question that most students can answer is asked. 2)The next set of questions begins to narrow the range of responses and focuses the students’ thinking onto the topic. 3)Review statements are interspersed among the questions in order to keep the main points in the forefront. 4)A concluding question then brings the students to the desired end point.

7 Concept Attainment Students search for and identify attributes that can be used to distinguish examples of a given group or category from nonexamples This takes time to plan and prepare for with students. NounsNon-Nouns Boat Tree Horse Truck Elephant Walk Run Pretty Hungry Colorful

8 + Cooperative Learning mixed ability groups High, middle, and low learners balance in each group Rewards for team performance Roles should be assigned to group members for Individual accountability Several different forms: Peer Tutoring,Group Investigation, Jigsaw

9 + Cooperative Learning: Peer Tutoring Teacher presents the material to the students Student pairs use structured exercises to reinforce the new material Students take turns being the tutor and provide each other with immediate feedback

10 + Cooperative Learning: Group Investigation Student group investigates or solves some common problem Students develop their group goals, assign responsibilities, and bring project to completion Teachers responsible for heterogeneous grouping, facilitating the investigation, and monitoring student effort

11 + Jigsaw Strategy Teams work to investigate a common topic (broad in scope) Individual members assigned subjects within the topic Members of different teams who have studied the same subject convene to review and analyze material Members then return to original team where they take turns teaching their part to other team members Comprehensive quiz administered to assess learning

12 + Technology Integration Technology should play an integral part in the learning process Student level of comfort with technology makes it a motivator Variety of ways…. Effective Instructional Strategies, Second Edition Chapter 7 Using Integrated Teaching Methods

13 + Simulations and Games An artificial situation that represents reality but that removes the risk to the individual involved. 2 basic types Human simulations Person-to-computer simulations

14 + Simulations and Games (cont.) Role-playing (Tech or Live) acting out of roles in recreating events student tries to “become” another individual to understand the person’s actions and motivations involves a structure, issue to be resolved in some cases involves a winner and a loser followed by a debriefing session

15 + Simulations and Games (cont.) Educational Games involves students in decision-making roles, competing for certain objectives reflect society offer participants the opportunity to experience roles that are present in life

16 + Simulations and Games (cont.) Benefits actively involve students provide immediate feedback practice of communication skills high degree of interest and enthusiasm allow teachers to work with a wide range of student capabilities at the same time promote and reward analytical and critical thinking allow experimentation with a model of the real environment Limitations demand a great deal of imagination commercially produced products can be costly informal relationships can develop between teacher and students

17 + Individualized Strategies: Individualized Instruction Individualized Instruction engages students in learning plans designed to meet their interests, needs, and abilities. Individualize instruction by varying… the learning pace the instructional objectives the learning method the learning materials

18 + Individualized Strategies: Independent Study Any educational activity carried out by an individual with little or no guidance Self-directed learning Activity selected by the learner Allows teacher to work w/ individual students Ex: library research, tutoring, center instruction

19 + Individualized Strategies: Mastery Learning Takes a group approach to learning Diagnostic-corrective-enrichment model where students work on objectives until mastery is achieved

20 + Effectiveness of Individualization Can lead to higher student achievement Best for self-motivated learners Works best when monitored and planned closely Most effective approach is a mix of direct and individualized instruction Teachers play a key role

21 + Drill and Practice provides students with needed accuracy and/or speed drill concerned with recall of associations practice concerned with improvement flexibility and variety are key

22 + WHATEVER WORKS!!! Based on these three chapters --Direct Instruction, Indirect Instruction and now Integrated Instruction.. the conclusion is there are many ways to instruct students..but each teacher needs to use…

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