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Jini tm NetworkingTechnology Directions Jim Waldo Jini Architect Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "Jini tm NetworkingTechnology Directions Jim Waldo Jini Architect Sun Microsystems, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jini tm NetworkingTechnology Directions Jim Waldo Jini Architect Sun Microsystems, Inc.

2 Jini Networking Technology " Allows ad-hoc networking " Services advertise through lookup service " Services accessed through downloaded objects " Found and described by Java interface/type " Programming for a distributed world " Method invocation " Events " Leasing " Transactions

3 Where we are " First release " Defined basic interfaces " Sample implementation " Jini 1.1 " Ease of use " Lease Renewal, Event Mailbox services " Programming utilities " Community work " Service UI done, Printing, Storage in progress

4 Happening Now " RMI Security " Semantic model for Jini security " Authentication, privacy, delegation " Mechanism, not policy " Surrogate architecture " Code movement from small devices " Jini on memory-limited devices " Jini on non-IP networks

5 What's Next " Security services " Policy to fit in the mechanism " Certification, access control, etc. " Based on RMI model, not RMI implementation " More ease-of-use " EJB/Jini interoperation " JavaSpace services

6 Why this workshop? " Jini has a minimal programming model " Restricted to the interactions that are required by all " Simple, universal, and understandable " Patterns can expand best practice " Should there be more " Can there be less " How to communicate the model

7 Base Patterns " Call/Response through mobile objects " RMI model " Request for information " Events " Time-based resource allocation " Leasing " Group agreement " Transactions

8 Are there more? " Service UI patterns " Only for services with UIs " Not part of all services " Administration? " Location? "...

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