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Social Class Structure in Colonial America. New England Class Structure Upper Class - Merchants, Industry owners Drs., Lawyers, Some Ministers,

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Presentation on theme: "Social Class Structure in Colonial America. New England Class Structure Upper Class - Merchants, Industry owners Drs., Lawyers, Some Ministers,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Social Class Structure in Colonial America

2 New England Class Structure Upper Class - Merchants, Industry owners Drs., Lawyers, Some Ministers,

3 New England Class Structure Upper Class - Merchants, Industry owners Drs., Lawyers, Some Ministers, Middle Class - Skilled Workers, Teachers, Sailors, Some Ministers

4 New England Class Structure Upper Class - Merchants, Industry owners Drs., Lawyers, Some Ministers, Middle Class - Skilled Workers, Teachers, Sailors, Some Ministers Lower Class Unskilled Workers, Slaves, Farmers, Indentured Servants

5 Middle Colonies Class Structure Upper Class - Rich Farmers, Drs. Lawyers, Merchants Mill Owners, Owners of Large lands rented to tenant farmers.

6 Middle Colonies Class Structure Upper Class - Rich Farmers, Drs. Lawyers, Merchants Mill Owners, Owners of Large lands rented to tenant farmers. Middle Class - Most Farmers, Teachers, Small Businessmen.

7 Middle Colonies Class Structure Upper Class - Rich Farmers, Drs. Lawyers, Merchants Mill Owners, Owners of Large lands rented to tenant farmers. Middle Class - Most Farmers, Teachers, Small Businessmen. Lower Class- Slaves & Poor tenant farmers

8 Southern Colonies’ Class Structure Upper Class - Plantation Owners, Doctors, Lawyers, Business owners

9 Southern Colonies’ Class Structure Upper Class - Plantation Owners, Doctors, Lawyers, Business owners Middle Class - Overseers, small shop owners, peddlers, teachers.

10 Southern Colonies’ Class Structure Upper Class - Plantation Owners, Doctors, Lawyers, Business owners Middle Class - Overseers, small shop owners, peddlers. Lower Class - Slaves, Backcountry farmers, indentured servants

11 Discussion Questions In which section would you expect people to treat others as equals? Which Section had the “American Aristocracy”? Which Section has the structure most similar to ours today?

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