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Atlassian 1 For Everyone. Possible solutions 2 AtlassianCollabNetHPIBMInflectra Micro FocusMicrosoftParasoftPolarion SoftwarePTC-MKS Rally SoftwareRocket.

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Presentation on theme: "Atlassian 1 For Everyone. Possible solutions 2 AtlassianCollabNetHPIBMInflectra Micro FocusMicrosoftParasoftPolarion SoftwarePTC-MKS Rally SoftwareRocket."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atlassian 1 For Everyone

2 Possible solutions 2 AtlassianCollabNetHPIBMInflectra Micro FocusMicrosoftParasoftPolarion SoftwarePTC-MKS Rally SoftwareRocket Software TechExcel Serena SoftwareThoughtWorks VersionOne

3 Possible solutions 3 Requirement AtlassianMicrosoftTechExcelVersionOneIBMHPCollabNetInflectraMicro FocusParasoft Polarion SoftwarePTC-MKSRally Software Rocket Software Serena SoftwareThoughtWorks Requirements management Project management Quality management Defect management Build management Release management Lab management Change management Task management Modeling or acquire a software that integrated with ITSM or possibility to acquire an ITSM that integrated with Reporting Hub Marketplace Integrated with Office or Google app Word Fully integrated with Software development TFS

4 Why Atlassian ? 4 Lowest cost (important for sponsor) Very customizable (future needs) Big Marketplace (solutions out of box) Nice UI (user acceptance) Standard processes (manager) All teams are connected (transparency) Source Access (modifications) Open (external integration with others systems) Supports many application/database servers SOAP, XML-RPC, Java API Interfaces Plugin sub-system

5 Lower cost 5 ProductUser tierMaintenancePrice JIRA50 users12 months2200$ JIRA Portfolio50 users12 months1650$ Jira Misc Workflow Extensions50 users12 months240$ Confluence50 users12 months2200$ Team Calendar50 users12 months800$ JIRA Service DeskJIRA Service Desk 2.015 agents12 months4500$ JIRA Agile50 users12 months1100$ Crowd50 users12 months10$ Scroll translations50 users12 months660$ FishEye50 users12 months2200$ Tempo Timesheets for JIRA50 users12 months1100$ Email this issue for JIRA 50 users12 months250$ Visual studio 2013 Premium Free with msdn subscription 0$ Eclipse Free (open source) 0$ Atlassian IDE connectorFree 0$ Total 16910$ Issue tracker Manage projects / Manager Automatic links Documentations/Everyone Technical team / Everyone Support team Developer/Analyst/Everyone Manage login with LDAP Source control Timesheet French/English documentations/knowledge base Send issue for everyone, not just Jira users For developer Embedded tasks in Eclipse and Visual Studio *$US without taxes

6 Begin with best practices ! 6 LicenceJIRA (online course) Confluence (online course) JIRA Agile (online course) 26-50 usersfree Free 1 course with an expert to answer to the questions. (1 seminar) 2400$1000$500$ Total 3900$ *$US without taxes

7 What we gain ? Legacy Centralized platform 7

8 What we gain ? Legacy Atlassian - Centralized platform 8 Costs 6700$CAD with taxes/year working in silos It’s not what we need Costs ~27 000$CAD with taxes - one time Renew software maintenance Costs ~10951.69$CAD (incl. taxes) /two years

9 What we gain ? BRING TRANSPARENCY Breaking down “organisational/teams” silos Bring together all departments or teams who impact the customer experience. It should enroll the key players Ensure everyone understands the inter-dependencies between departments and the effect on the customers experience We have a platform where we can optimize and automate processes Reporting and dashboards across all content Set Priority/Ranking of projects Find precise items and tangentially related ones New functionalities for the customer (historic, portal) and so much more! Atlassian - Centralized platform 9 Costs ~27 000$CAD with taxes - one time Renew software maintenance Costs ~10951.69$CAD (incl. taxes) /two years

10 What we gain ? BRING TRANSPARENCY Cohesiveness within Software Delivery (shipping system / website / AS400 / Progress) Traceability: Requirements/Needs -> Issues -> Code Search of artifacts or concepts across project Encapsulate knowledge of a given domain Concepts, and how they relate to one another People and their roles Functions Process ROI How much revenue did that feature generate ? How much did that bug cost us ? Atlassian - Centralized platform 10 Costs ~27 000$CAD with taxes - one time Renew software maintenance Costs ~10951.69$CAD (incl. taxes) /two years

11 Limits When we need to upgrade the licence, we need to upgrade all environments Example : If we need 50 licences in order to have 100 licences We will paid 11 ProductUser tierMaintenancePrice JIRA50 users12 months2200$ JIRA Portfolio50 users12 months1650$ Jira Misc Workflow Extensions50 users12 months240$ Confluence50 users12 months2200$ Team Calendar50 users12 months800$ JIRA Service DeskJIRA Service Desk 2.015 agents12 months4500$ JIRA Agile50 users12 months1100$ Crowd50 users12 months10$ Scroll translations50 users12 months660$ FishEye50 users12 months2200$ Tempo Timesheets for JIRA50 users12 months1100$ Email this issue for JIRA 50 users12 months250$ Total 10210$ *$US without taxes

12 Limits Jira Help Desk 2.0 is new and Atlassian has some features to develop The customer notification are partially in English because for now we can’ t customize the email template. The customer portal is only in English 12 We decide to go without these features and after integrate them

13 Schedule 13 IDTaskDependencies T1Order hardware T2Configuration of hardwareT1 T3Installation of Atlassian products/databasesT2 T4Configuration of basic administrationT3 T5Implementation for teamT4 T6Test drive and customisationT5 T7 3 Meetings with a demo and discussions about possible concerns and expectations T8data entry/import (BugNET, Octopus) T9Identify the key resource for each team in order to have constantly an expert of the software that is using. A maximum of 3 meetings of 2hrs can be used. Depend of team For phase 1 For each team the same phase

14 Schedule 14 T5Implementation for teamT4 T6Test drive and customisationT5 T7 3 Meetings with a demo and discussions about possible concerns and expectations T8data entry/import (BugNET, Octopus) T9Identify the key resource for each team in order to have constantly an expert of the software that is using. A maximum of 3 meetings of 2hrs can be used. Depend of team For each team the same phase For phase 2, we begin the implementation with support and technical team. Because if the test-drive is successful, the company is able to save the cost of Octopus per year. Phase 3, we continue to integrate another team: the web development. We choose this team first because they used already an Issue Management “BugNet”. Phase 4, we integrate the solution for App desktop/mobile team.BugNet We keep 2 weeks between phases in order to manage the custom needs and/or issues during the tests. Besides, when a team is testing the solution, we can prepare the implementation for other teams. Phase 5, we will do an implementation for Progress team.

15 Impact 15 Culture The goals of Information Management cannot be achieved by software alone. More important is a company's Work Culture that encourages workers to share information so that they are happy to "put information out there" for others to consume rather than hoarding it in their private stores. Many people are familiar with wikis through Wikipedia. However, reading a wiki page is not the same as writing a wiki page. Facing a blank wiki page is quite disconcerting for new wiki users and they are often unsure of how to write a useful page. Changing the way people work requires a change in the work culture itself. The work practices then become automatic.

16 Impact 16 Standardization of process By implementing bottom-up development processes that maximize flow and improve team autonomy. The result is a customer-driven development culture that delivers products that customers want and a set of corporate values that resonates with internal and external customers.

17 Project Review Strategy 17 ● Each week, we will check the number of connected people and how many time. ○ For Support team: Create reports with a custom SLA in order to monitoring the performance. ○ For Development team: Knows how many bugs/features has been closed and how many issue has been assignee, for who. ● Each week, we will ask to key resources if they had many questions about how use the software. It’s an indicator in order to know if there is the progress learning or not. Ensure interoperability:  Create a procedure for recovery plan, if the server is down because there is a hardware/software problem, we need to know how many team and which resource(s) is/are needed. Moreover, we need to train the resource to recovery the system in order to ensure that every user can work after a period specified. Each 2 months, we will do a maintenance of the systems and we will update the software if it’s needed.

18 Performance Measurement Strategy 18 1.Be Measurable : “Just fix it!” vs Create new bug handling process 2.Be attainable : looking for someone vs Put all tasks in JIRA 3.Be relevant : Make many reports vs Define KPIs

19 Future 19 Why not open Atlassian for others department ?

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