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21 st Centuries Literacy and Reading Instruction Session 2.

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2 21 st Centuries Literacy and Reading Instruction Session 2

3 Questions from Session I

4 WCPSS Reading Model 1.Basic Phonics 2.Structural Analysis 3.Contextual Analysis

5 READING PRACTICE __nc__ __p__n __ t__m__ th__r__ w__s __ h__nds__m__ y__ __ng w__lf n__m__d L__b__. L__b__ l__v__d w__th h__s m__th__r __nd f__th__r __t th__ __dg__ __f __ d__ __p, d__rk w__ __ds. __v__r__ d__ __ L__b__ w__nt t__ h__nt __t th__ n__rth __dg__ __f th__ w__ __ds, n__ __r th__ l__ttl__ v__ll__g__ __f C__l__ __s.

6 READING PRACTICE Once upon a time there was a handsome young wolf named Lobo. Lobo lived with his mother and father at the edge of a deep, dark woods. Every day Lobo went to hunt at the north of the woods, near the little village of Calais.

7 The best differentiator between good and poor readers is repeatedly found to be their knowledge of spelling patterns and their proficiency with spelling-sound translations. The best differentiator between good and poor readers is repeatedly found to be their knowledge of spelling patterns and their proficiency with spelling-sound translations. Adams, 1998 Adams, 1998

8 Phonics instruction teaches students the relationships between the letters (graphemes) of written language and the individual sounds (phonemes) of spoken language. letters

9 If a teacher teachers 10 words by sight, the students learn 10 words. But if students are taught 10 sounds and blending, they read: and over 21,000 5-sound words. 4,320 4-sound words, 720 3-sound words, rush brush brushing Why Teach Phonics?

10 Good phonics instruction should… Teach the relationship between letters and sounds Teach children how to blend and segment sounds Teach children how to connect letters and sounds Help children to apply what they learn about sounds and letters to read words, sentences, and text Help children to apply what they learn about sounds and letters to their writing

11 Strong activation pattern Weak activation pattern

12 Decreased activity in right hemisphere Increased activity in left hemisphere

13 The research says... Phonics instruction should be : SYSTEMATIC&EXPLICIT

14 Types of Phonics Instruction Systematic and Explicit Direct teaching Letter-sound relationships taught in a specifically selected sequence Includes significant practice Use decodable text Non-systematic No specific sequence used Informal Embedded in text Not directly taught

15 What is systematic, explicit phonics instruction? Sound/spellings are introduced systematically and sequentially. Sound/spellings are introduced systematically and sequentially. Sound/spellings are directly taught in isolation. Sound/spellings are blended into whole words. Sound/spellings are initially practiced in decodable text.

16 Poems for Word-Family Practice By: Laureen Reynolds

17 What comes first? Blends Consonants Short Vowels CVC Words L V o n w g e l s Consonant Digraphs Vowel Digraphs Final Consonant Blends Prefixes Suffixes

18 Steps of Suggested Phonics Instruction Consonants Short Vowels CVC Words Consonant Digraphs Blends Long Vowels Vowel Digraphs Final Consonant Blends Prefixes Suffixes

19 Phonics Instruction for 3 rd Grade and Above Structural analysis is an advanced decoding skill that allows students to analyze words based on their parts.

20 Structural Analysis Skills Compound words Compound words Contractions Contractions Affixes and word stems Affixes and word stems - Prefixes - Prefixes - Inflectional endings - Inflectional endings - Derivational suffixes - Derivational suffixes Syllabication Syllabication

21 What’s the compound word for…? 1. A small, boxlike passenger vehicle that came on the market in the 1980s and is associated with soccer moms 2. An Internet location sponsored by organi- zations, companies, educational institutions, governments, or individuals minivanwebsite

22 For example, if a student knows the word clear and affixes, he or she also knows: unclear unclear clears clearer clears clearer cleared clearest cleared clearest clearing clearly clearing clearly clearable clearness clearable clearness

23 Analyzing Word-Part Clues (Adapted from Baumann, Font, Edwards and Boland, 2005) Analyzing Word-Part Clues (Adapted from Baumann, Font, Edwards and Boland, 2005) 1. Look for the WORD STEM and see if you know what it means. 2. Look for a PREFIX and see if you know what it means. 3. Look for a SUFFIX and see if you know what it means. 4. Put the meanings of the parts together and see if you can build the meaning of the word.

24 Using Word-Part Clues: Modeling My mom said she thought the winner of the reality TV show was predetermined. predetermined decide + past tense before +

25 Using Word-Part Clues: Guided Practice polysemous Polysemous words can be confusing.

26 Suffixes: Inflectional

27 21 st Century Literacy Connections

28 For Next Time … Create a powerpoint activity or game that will facilitate word recognition skills for students Create a powerpoint activity or game that will facilitate word recognition skills for students Post it to the Wikki Post it to the Wikki

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