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INSM 180 5/19/2010 What is a Computer? A device for processing, storing and displaying information Computer. (2009). Encyclopedia.

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Presentation on theme: "INSM 180 5/19/2010 What is a Computer? A device for processing, storing and displaying information Computer. (2009). Encyclopedia."— Presentation transcript:

1 INSM 180 5/19/2010

2 What is a Computer? A device for processing, storing and displaying information Computer. (2009). Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved May 10, 2010, from Basically any device that can help you do math Ie. it helps “compute” equations

3 The Precursors Abacus or Counting Board Thought to be from 1100 BCE Babylonia (modern day Iraq) Oldest known is the Salamis Tablet (circa 300 BCE) Didn’t do the equation for you You do the math in your head The board acts as a place holder Fernandes, L. (August 30, 2007). The Abacus: A brief history. May 19, 2010 from Abax from

4 Precursors… Counting and calculation machines date back to before Leonardo DaVinci Items like the Antikythera device Found in 1900 off the Isle of Antikythera in the Mediterranean Intricate device of gears, dating to ~ 100 BCE Calculated the position of the Sun, Moon and Zodiac over the 29.5 day Synodic month YouTube Video:

5 18 th Century Last of the Calculators 1820 – Charles Xavier Thomas DeColmar Arithmometer +, -, X and / Popular for 90 years Desktop sized Used by Larkin Soap Co. Buffalo, NY Larkin HQ was a DATABASE! DeColmar’s Aritmometer. From

6 The First Computer The Jacquard Loom – 1804 Joseph-Marie Jacquard French weaver Used punch cards to automate weaving Could create incredibly complex designs, accurately, and repeatably Basis for Charles Babbage’s designs The Jacquard Loom. From terials/jacquard-loom.jpg terials/jacquard-loom.jpg

7 Rise of the Mechanical Computer The Difference Engine and the Analytic Engine Charles Babbage – worked from 1822 to 1833 Never actually completed either Designs themselves so revolutionary Influenced all further developers Doron Swade Operating Babbage’s Difference Engine No. 2. from Babbage’s Analytical Engine. From http://www-

8 End of the 19 th Century Industrial Revolution Mechanical Computers built to do calculation for accounting cleks Industrial Computers to run the factories Analog devices using punch cards, Boolean Algebra (AND, OR, NOT, XOR) Digital Computing with Vacuum Tubes, and Electric Circuits Interfaces allowed long-distance communication The Teleprinter – ticker tape – Associated Press Birth of Computer Industry International Business Machines

9 The 40s, 50s, 60s Advent of the machine we know today 1940s – true computers Outputs we recognize today Size of a warehouse, our cell phones are more powerful 1950s – transistors replace vacuum tubes Smaller, cheaper computers Universities began to buy them Programming profession arises 1960s – Integrated circuits Smaller, home use computers DIY kits

10 The 1970s Early 70s late 60s Gates & Allen, Jobs & Wozniak Smaller Computers Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems Enter the home market with the Altair – 1975 Microsoft: Gates & Allen 1975 – BASIC Language for Altair Apple Computers: Jobs & Wozniak 1971 – 1980: capture 50% of PC market Start with “blue boxes”, move on to the Apple II

11 The 1980s 1981 - IBM enters the market IBM PC: using Windows Operating System 1984 - Apple Macintosh Simple Graphical User Interface By 1989 Microsoft was reporting $1,000,000,000! Home market expansion But also business industry : Word Processing, Spreadsheets Apple VS Windows PC: Suing the crap out of each other over “Patent Infringements” Sound familiar?

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