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Leah Wenger - Math Patti Thomas - Social Studies James O ’ Daniel – Science Russell Pearcy – English.

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Presentation on theme: "Leah Wenger - Math Patti Thomas - Social Studies James O ’ Daniel – Science Russell Pearcy – English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leah Wenger - Math Patti Thomas - Social Studies James O ’ Daniel – Science Russell Pearcy – English

2 Contact Information Call-314-729-2400 – Mr. O’Daniel-x7216 – Mr. Pearcy-x7219 – Mrs. Thomas-x7214 – Mrs. Wenger-x7217 E-mail: Best way to reach us!

3 Information Homework and announcements are posted on Google calendar and REMIND. Bookmark our team page. From here you can access online text books, moodle, individual teachers’ sites, SIS, and other useful resources.

4 Grades Grades will be posted online soon after they are graded! Have your child bookmark and check SIS often.

5 Math-Mrs. Wenger Grade breakdown Homework Text Websites MAP packets My website – Useful links – Document manager

6 English-Mr. Pearcy Handout-Syllabus & Course Expectations Binders – stay in classroom Lit. Books Challenge Classes All classes should bring in $10 for the cost of novels. – Students will mark in the books so they each need their own copy. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me individually.

7 Science – Mr. O’Daniel Expectations Science Notebooks CINCH Science Online Class Website MAP Prep Challenge Science Project

8 Social Studies-Mrs. Thomas Expectations Homework Notes Essays Textbook Challenge Class

9 Teacher web page Text websites Important links

10 Russell Pearcy - English Leah Wenger - Math Patti Thomas - Social Studies James O ’ Daniel - Science

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