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What is Anatomy ? Anatomy is the science which studies of the body structure and the inter-relations of its parts.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Anatomy ? Anatomy is the science which studies of the body structure and the inter-relations of its parts."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is Anatomy ? Anatomy is the science which studies of the body structure and the inter-relations of its parts.

3 Anatomy Ana = apart tomy = a cutting ---------------------------
1- Gross anatomy (Macroanatomy) 2- Histology (Microanatomy) 3- Embryology

4 The Methods Studding of Anatomy
1- Regional : - Trunk (Thorax-Abdomen-Pelvis) - Limbs (Lower limb – Upper limb) - Head and Neck 2- Systemic : Skeletal – Muscular – Cardiovascular - Digestive Respiratory – Urinary -Endocrine - Reproductive – Nervous

5 Anatomical Position Erect Facing observer Eyes forward Arms at sides
Palms Forward Feet flat on the floor Great toes together

6 Terminology Planes Sagittal plane Median plane Coronal plane
Transverse plane ( Horizontal )

7 Terminology Anterior = ant. (Ventral = vent.) Posterior = post.
(Dorsal = dors.) Superior = sup. (Cranial = cran.) (closer to the head) Inferior = inf. (Caudal = caud.) (away from head)

8 Terminology Medial = med. Lateral = lat. Intermediate = intermed.

9 Anatomical Planes Proximal Distal Toward center of the body
Midline Lateral Proximal Distal Medial Proximal Toward center of the body Distal Away from center of body Right Left Mid-clavicular

10 Terminology Internal = int. External = ext. Superficial = superf. Deep

11 Movements Flexion = flex. Extension = exten.

12 Adduction = add. Abduction = abd.

13 Med. Rotation Lat. Rotation

14 Pronation Supination


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