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The Language of Anatomy Anatomical Position, Directional Terms, and Body Planes and Sections.

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Presentation on theme: "The Language of Anatomy Anatomical Position, Directional Terms, and Body Planes and Sections."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Language of Anatomy Anatomical Position, Directional Terms, and Body Planes and Sections

2 Finding your way…. Anatomy is not very different from traveling…

3 Finding your way…. Anatomy is not very different from traveling… Need a correct and current map Need to know where you are (point of reference) Need a common language

4 Finding your way…. Anatomy is not very different from traveling… Need a correct and current map Need to know where you are (point of reference) Need a common language


6 Which way is up?

7 HUH?

8 What the $@#% is this? Which way is up? HUH?

9 What is this?

10 Same thing!: Human tongue

11 What is this?

12 Body Planes and Sections Left/Right Top Part/Bottom Part Front/Back

13 Sagittal Plane

14 Equal left and right Mid-Sagittal Unequal Para-Sagittal

15 Transverse Plane

16 Top and Bottom

17 Coronal (Frontal) Plane Front and Back

18 Oblique Plane

19 Anatomical Position EVERYONE STAND UP! Stand erect, feet parallel, eyes forward Palms facing FORWARD

20 Anatomical Position EVERYONE STAND UP! Stand erect, feet parallel, eyes forward Palms facing FORWARD In the case of a cadaver, lying on back, palms up


22 Superior (cranial)/Inferior(caudal) Superior (cranial) Toward the head Upper part (above) Inferior (caudal) Away from head Lower part (below)

23 Superior (cranial)/Inferior(caudal) Example: Lungs and Liver Small Intestines and Stomach

24 Anterior (ventral)/Posterior(dorsal) Anterior (ventral) Front of body In front of Posterior (dorsal) Toward back of body Behind

25 Anterior (ventral)/Posterior(dorsal) Example Ribs and Spine Occipital Bone and Frontal Bone

26 Dorsal

27 Lateral/Medial Lateral Away from midline Medial Toward midline

28 Lateral/Medial Example Lungs and Heart Trachea and Clavicles

29 Intermediate = Between Example Clavicle is intermediate to the scapula and the sternum

30 Proximal/Distal Proximal Close to Distal Far from IN RELATION TO THE TRUNK OF THE BODY!

31 Proximal Scapula and Humorous

32 Distal Wrist (carpals) and Elbow

33 Superficial(external)/ Deep(internal) Epidermis and Dermis Hypodermis and Dermis

34 Hypodermic Needle

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