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The Bible and Decision Making V Proverbs 22:17-19.

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Presentation on theme: "The Bible and Decision Making V Proverbs 22:17-19."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Bible and Decision Making V Proverbs 22:17-19

2 Recap We must take the necessary first step of FAITH; TRUST the Bible to be God’s Word. This is more a matter of Lordship than scholarship. There are good scholarly reasons to trust God’s Word.

3 Recap Four Building Blocks of Confidence –The Bible is Uniquely Powerful. –The Bible is Beautifully Preserved. –The Bible is Archaeologically Affirmed. –The Bible is Prophetically Accurate.

4 Recap The Move Toward Biblical Living 1. The Spiritual Qualification: NEW BIRTH 2. The Practical Disciplines A. Hearing the Word B. Reading the Word

5 2. The Practical Disciplines C. Memorizing the Word –It isn’t just for children. –We give excuses for not trying. –We view it like a root canal.

6 2. The Practical Disciplines C. Memorizing Scripture 1. Jesus memorized Scripture and found it useful. –Matthew 4:4,7,10 –Memorizing Scripture is preparation for life.

7 2. The Practical Disciplines C. Memorizing Scripture 2. You can memorize Scripture. –It is a matter of discipline. –Dawson Trotman


9 2. The Practical Disciplines D. Meditate on the Word Joshua 1:8– Promise of Spiritual Success. Christian meditation is unlike eastern meditation. Eastern meditation is an emptying of the mind; Christian meditation is a filling of the mind and heart.

10 2. The Practical Disciplines D. Meditate on the Word Christian meditation means that we learn to think deeply about and focus upon the truth of God. “The reason we come away so cold from reading the Word is, because we do not warm ourselves at the fire of meditation.” Psalm 39:3

11 Example of Meditation “Enemies” Matthew 5:43-48 –What is the timeless truth of principle ? – Is this timeless ? –Is this a command? –Pray through the text.

12 Example of Meditation Enemies –Are there other Scriptures directly addressing this subject? (Romans 12:17-21) –Why Is God Wise In Commanding This of Me ?

13 Example of Meditation “Enemies” –Why Is God Wise? His kindness toward me when I was His enemy brought repentance. (Romans 2:4) Enemies may need to be redeemed: e.g. (Paul)

14 Example of Meditation Why Is God Wise ? –He forgave me; how can I withhold forgiveness? Matthew 6:12,14 –He will do the right thing in justice (Rom.12) –Anger, lack of forgiveness, hatred only scars and hardens me more. (James 1:20)

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