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Centre for Public Service Innovation Briefing for Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration 20 August 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Public Service Innovation Briefing for Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration 20 August 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Public Service Innovation Briefing for Portfolio Committee on Public Service and Administration 20 August 2008

2 Presentation 1.Objectives of presentation 2.Mandate 3.Purpose of CPSI 4.CPSI as Government Component 5.CPSI approach / model 6.Initiatives 7.Organisation of work & structure 8.Work plan 9.Post establishment 10.Budget and spending 11.Additional requirements 12.Conclusion

3 1. Objectives of this presentation to the Portfolio Committee  Introduction of the organisation as the first Government Component  Provide an overview of the CPSI’s:  Mandates and proposed medium term objectives,  Organisational structure &  Resource requirements  Engage with the Portfolio Committee on priorities and focus areas, especially regarding sectoral innovation

4 2. Mandate  The CPSI was established (as a Section 21 entity) by the Minister for the Public Service & Administration in 2002 with a mandate to:  Provide the Minister with independent, diverse, and forward-looking research findings and advice on service delivery innovation.  Enhance public service delivery through innovation partnerships and projects.  Create an enabling environment that nurtures, supports and encourages innovation within the Public Sector.

5 3. Purpose of the CPSI  Vision: Solution-focused developmental public service  Purpose: to entrench a culture and practice of innovation in the public sector through  Researching service delivery challenges and the development of appropriate innovations  Incubating & demonstrating innovation  Encouraging & rewarding innovation  Leveraging partnerships (Premiers’ offices, sectors, SOEs, academic, NGO, donor and private sectors)  Guide and facilitate collaboration around specific challenges  Leverage resources and knowledge  Provincial reach (Premiers’ Awards)

6 4. CPSI as Government Component  In 2006 the CPSI was de-established as a Section 21 entity and brought into the DPSA as a sub-programme under SDI (but retaining a separate identity & location).  With the promulgation of the Public Service Amendment Act of 2007, it has now been established as the first Government Component. Therefore:  It now has its own Accounting Officer (Executive Director)  Requires an operational arrangement (MoU) with the line department to ensure good governance and simplify corporate services  Funding is ring-fenced within DPSA Vote 8 as separate programme  Mandate is separate from that of the DPSA  Has 3 comprehensive sub-programmes

7 5. The CPSI model/approach  Fundamental principles  Partnering with Sectors – Sectors play leading role noting that we are not delivering services – hand over  Demand-driven – innovation with a purpose: respond to identified service delivery challenges  ICT an enabler - Exploit the power of technology in our operations, noting that innovation is both ICT and non-ICT  Originality/newness rather than duplication  Knowledge sharing and learning

8 5. Model/approach continued  Equity & inclusiveness - Leverage resources from multiple sources & partners (against preferentiality)  Embracing diversity - Forum of experts around a particular problem/challenge (fully representative: private, ICT, academic, NGO sectors)  led by CPSI & relevant sector  to interrogate the challenge  to explore solution & potential service provider/s  to explore funding model for solution  to address IP issues

9 6. Past and current initiatives  Since its establishment the CPSI has introduced numerous innovations to the Public Service:  eGovernment  Batho Pele Gateway Portal now the responsibility of GCIS which presents a single face of government for the citizen.  PITs - Public Internet Terminals – Partnered with SAPO to link Batho Pele Gateway Portal to PITs  General Service Counters (in Thusong Centres) - integrated front-desks at which specially trained officials are able to offer information and services on a range of government services, including those of departments not necessarily present in the Centre. These have become permanent features in Thusong Centres

10  Mobile technology  Track and Trace - an 24/7 SMS Notification and Querying Facility for the Department of Home Affairs, originally to check your marital status, now extended to track the status of you ID Book or Passport application  Dokoza - a cost effective system for data and transaction exchange for medical services - doctors access test results & used as reminder  Mohwiti Technologies’ Access Health, a locally developed solution to improve patient referrals between local clinics and district hospitals 6. Past and current initiatives (cont.)

11  Awards: Public Sector Innovation Awards since 2003  Knowledge Platforms and Products  Innovation Conference since 2007  Future Watch e.g. Red Tape to Smart Tape  Case Studies  Innovation Insights  Innova  CDW Handbook  International Partnerships  UNPAN Membership – SADC ORC  Committee of Experts in Public Administration (UN) observer status  CAPAM Members  All -Africa Public Sector Innovation Awards Technical Advisors and Secretariat 6. Past and current initiatives (cont.)

12 7. Organisation of work  Work is organised around four work- streams with strong matrix arrangements 1. CD: Research & Development 2. CD: Solution support & incubation 3. D: Enabling environment 4. D: Programme Management (internal Corporate function)

13 Structure Programme Management Office Yvonne van Dyk Research & Development Pierre Schoonraad Solution Support & Incubation Lindani Mthethwa Enabling Environment Lydia Sebokedi Executive Director: CPSI Thuli Radebe Personal Assistant

14 7.1. Research & Development Purpose: To research & develop sustainable models for innovative service delivery (continuous validity & reliability) Functions :  Research/investigate service delivery challenges, needs and possible innovative solutions and models within the public sector  Analyse and explore suitability of solutions and models that could inform innovative service delivery (development) and propose M&E approach for implementation  Track and record innovative projects in all spheres of government and internationally for knowledge sharing and possible replication  Develop & maintain research partnerships and stakeholder management Posts: 1 Chief Director (Vacant)1 Administrator (Vacant) 1 Director 1 DD

15 7.2 Solution Support & Incubation Purpose: To facilitate the creation, adaptation, piloting and mainstreaming of innovative solutions within the public sector Functions :  Explore innovative solutions with relevant stakeholders to improve service delivery in the public sector  Customise/adapt global and local solutions to address service delivery challenges  Build and maintain ICT and non-ICT partnerships with appropriate stakeholders, institutions and experts  Provide a platform for the public sector for sharing, demonstrating and incubating innovative solutions to service delivery challenges Posts: 1 Chief Director (Vacant) 2 Directors 1 Administrator

16 7.3 Enabling Environment Purpose: To create and sustain an enabling environment which entrenches a culture of innovation in the public sector through innovation platforms & products Functions :  Establish, maintain and collaborate on local and international innovation learning & knowledge management platforms and products  Promote innovation management in partnership with relevant stakeholders  Promote awareness on and advocate for the importance of innovation in the public sector Posts: 1 Director 1 DD 1 ASD Communications 1 Contract (UNPAN)

17 7.4 Programme Management Purpose: To ensure systematic and effective programme co- ordination and administration Functions :  Overall Project management  Co-ordinate all project duties related to the Executive Director and the IAP  Provide an effective and efficient back office support service (office management) to the CPSI  Co-ordinate activities around reporting and information management Posts: 1 Director 1 DD (Office Manager) 1 Receptionist (Vacant)

18 8. Work plan ProjectOutputTarget Establishment of Public Sector Innovation Solution Centre Functional Centre - Including content coordination, funding and partnerships -Databases (Innovators, definitions, projects, etc.) - e-Learning innovation module January 2009 All Africa Public Sector Innovation Awards AAPSI Awards CeremonyOctober 2008

19 8.Work plan ProjectOutputTarget Investigate appropriate solutions to support blind teachers (Education) Repository of potential Innovative solutions available Test and pilot most appropriate solution for use by blind teachers November 2008 Investigate mobile solutions for sector policing (BAC & SAPS) Repository of potential Innovative solutions available for use by sector policing role-players Test and pilot (in Honeydew-Midrand Corridor) most appropriate solution for use in sector policing March 2009 Support NACI participation Brain drain Indicators for innovation Inputs provided to NACI board for Ministerial advice Ongoing

20 8. Work plan ProjectOutputTarget Develop and maintain ICT & non-ICT partnerships GITOC participation & support Database of partners developed Ongoing UNPAN Portal SADC On-line Regional Centre Continuously updating of UNPAN portal with SADC content Ongoing CPSI Innovation Awards Programme Annual eventNov 2008 (ongoing) Innovation Framework for the Public Sector Launch frameworkNov 2008

21 8. Work plan ProjectOutputTarget CPSI ConferenceAnnual conferenceNov 2008 (ongoing) Marketing & Communication Programme Profile CPSI Exhibitions Promotional material Ongoing CPSI PublicationsWrite up case studies Innovation Insights Fourth Future Watch in partnership with NT on Saving Government Money Innovation Conference Review Ongoing

22 8. Work plan ProjectOutputTarget All CPSI projects monitored, evaluated & co- ordinated Overall co-ordination of projects Monitoring, tracking and adherence to time lines Early warning systems in place All project plans developed and kept updated Ongoing Co-ordinate ED duties ED assisted with overall planning & monitoring Operational & strategic plans developed Ongoing

23 8. Work plan ProjectOutputTarget Back office support service Programme Office managed Support staff managed Work flow and resources managed Project information database developed Logistical support provided Ongoing Reporting & Information Progress reports to Minister, Cabinet, National Treasury & ED Ongoing

24 9. Establishment No of Posts Designation Salary Level 1Executive Director 15 2Chief Director14 5Director13 3Deputy Director 11 1Assistant Director 10 1Personal Assistant 7 1Receptionist6 2Administrator6 No of Posts Designation Salary Level 1Chief Director14 2Director13 5Deputy Director 11 5Assistant Director 10 1Administrator6 Approved: Additional requirements:

25 10. Budget and spending (July 08) DescriptionTotal BudgetExpenses / Commitments Available Budget CompensationR3,210,000.00R1,645,850.00R1,564,149.00 Goods & services R5,461,000.00R1,505,964.00R3,955,036.00 Machinery & Equipment -R128,103.00-R128103.00 TotalR8,671,000.00R3,279,915.00R5,391,082.00

26 11. Additional requirements DescriptionBudget Additional postsR4.6m (annually) Move to new building (once off expenditure) : Actual move Infrastructure Setting up of offices R6m Annual rentR700,000.00 + 10% escalation

27 12. Conclusion  Innovation is the catalyst in speeding up service delivery or bridging gaps in the context of strong and complex demands from citizens  Innovation facilitates maximum access to quality services for the vulnerable  Independence ensures a cross-cutting mandate for maximum sectoral impact  CPSI is ideally positioned to provide space for officials to be innovative outside confines of normal work environment  CPSI provides a risk-friendly environment for piloting and testing

28 Innovation is: “applied creativity that is contextually relevant” For us, this means in a public sector and NSI context: “the process of transforming an idea, generally through R&D, into a new or improved product, service, process or approach which serves the mandate of government and the real needs of society”

29 Thank you

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