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Why war? – Causes of war and conflict ‘Individual’ causes ‘Natural’ causes ‘Systemic’ causes.

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2 Why war? – Causes of war and conflict ‘Individual’ causes ‘Natural’ causes ‘Systemic’ causes

3 Why war? – Causes of war and conflict (1) ‘Individual’ causes Biology / Behavioural science - ‘animal’ behaviour (territorial instinct, competition) Psychology - innate aggression ‘Natural’ causes Demography - Size of population: Malthus Malthus - Composition of population: Youth bulge

4 Why war? – Causes of war and conflict (2) ‘Systemic’ causes Territorial -‘Randomly’ drawn borders -Bad neighborhood Political -Division of power -Identity: ethnicity / minorities / religion / culture Economical - Economical inequality -Access to scarce resources / ecological pressure

5 Solutions Players: local, national, regional, international Negotiations: - mediation - arbitration Intervention:- military - economic (carrots & sticks) carrots & stickscarrots & sticks - political (Kosovo) Dealing with causes:- land partition problems - reconciliation / justice - reconciliation / justice

6 Solutions Wars and conflicts are a multi-causal phenomenon Risk: post-conflict = pre-conflict Necessity of transforming conflict (taking away the reasons)

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