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Motivation as a Component of Resiliency Lehigh Parkway 06/16/11.

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Presentation on theme: "Motivation as a Component of Resiliency Lehigh Parkway 06/16/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation as a Component of Resiliency Lehigh Parkway 06/16/11

2 Vision “Every child by name, reaching core academic proficiency in core academic disciplines regardless of zip code, economic status, race, ethnicity or disability.” – Dr. Gerald L. Zahorchak, Pennsylvania Secretary of Education

3 Resiliency and Wellness The Resiliency/Wellness Approach is based upon six key environmental protective factors or positive human development domains as illustrated in the wheel diagram above. If these domains are strongly and well implemented in schools, they will promote positive social-emotional development, and will support student academic achievement in the Standards-Aligned System. The Resiliency/Wellness Approach also emphasizes the strengthening of individual personal protective factors such as self-motivation, humor, flexibility, creativity, perseverance and love of learning.

4 The Resiliency Wheel

5 Today’s Focus Meaningful student engagement Skills for life

6 Today’s Work Stolen Borrowed From…


8 Three Operating Systems Motivation 1.0- Motivation 2.0-

9 Three Operating Systems Motivation 3.0 – Autonomy – Mastery – Purpose

10 The Man Himself Daniel Pink at TEDTED

11 Reactions? TPS Share out

12 Take 5!

13 The Blue Screen of Death

14 What Went Wrong? Carrots and sticks only work well for simple, low level tasks – The lowest levels on Bloom's Taxonomy When faced with unique, fluid, challenging task carrots and stick don't work – The top levels of Bloom's Taxonomy

15 Motivation 3.0 People are inherently motivated by... – Autonomy – Mastery – Purpose “A sense of autonomy has a powerful effect... autonomous motivation promotes greater conceptual understanding, better grades [and] enhances persistence at school” (Pink, 2008)

16 What Does it All Mean? Performance Goals – Strive for minimum – Leads to frustration – Encourages cheating and shortcuts Mastery Goals Autonomous Leads to learning No shortcuts

17 What Does This Have to Do With Resiliency? Meaningful student engagement – REAL engagement with an eye to Autonomy Mastery Purpose Skills for life – THIS is the real world

18 What Can We Do?

19 Action Steps

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