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Jamiel L. Alexander. Volunteerism/Service/Civic-Life/Civic-Engagement: The concept generally includes activities that build on the collective resources,

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Presentation on theme: "Jamiel L. Alexander. Volunteerism/Service/Civic-Life/Civic-Engagement: The concept generally includes activities that build on the collective resources,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamiel L. Alexander

2 Volunteerism/Service/Civic-Life/Civic-Engagement: The concept generally includes activities that build on the collective resources, skills, expertise, and knowledge of citizens to improve the quality of life in communities. Source:

3 My Service Story


5 Leadership In Action Service is an essential part of the YouthBuild experience 1.Service opportunities provide a testing ground for young people’s leadership skills prior to entering PSE and/or entering a career. 2.While direct service (building homes, park cleanups, etc) helps build valuable skills and builds physical assets, other forms of service (community organizing, leadership councils, youth at policy tables) are necessary to help build young people as community assets. 3.It is essential that we prepare our young people to be able to build community in ways that go beyond the physical direct service aspect and include experiences that will prepare them to build community through community action.

6 Thinking about yOUR service 1.What did you learn about yourself or through to other service? 2.What skills where developed through these service opportunities? 3. When it comes to service, What does your program do well? 4. What do you wish your program can do better? 5. In what ways can we deepen the service experience so that we are truly building lives, community and society?


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