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HMIS D ATA C OLLECTION Tamara Cartwright UNL-Center on Children Families and the Law Nebraska Management Information System (NMIS)

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Presentation on theme: "HMIS D ATA C OLLECTION Tamara Cartwright UNL-Center on Children Families and the Law Nebraska Management Information System (NMIS)"— Presentation transcript:

1 HMIS D ATA C OLLECTION Tamara Cartwright UNL-Center on Children Families and the Law Nebraska Management Information System (NMIS)

2 NMIS - Collaboration Panhandle Partnership for health and human services (PPHHS) Community Services Management Information System (CS-MIS) Community Action Nebraska (CAN) Metro Area for the Continuum of Care for the Homeless (MACCH)

3 Who should use NMIS? Who uses the data? How can I use my data?

4 “You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data.” Daniel Keys Moran

5 Data Quality

6 Nebraska Universal Assessment

7 Timeliness for some may not be for others. With data collection, “The sooner the better” is always the BEST answer.Timeliness for some may not be for others. With data collection, “The sooner the better” is always the BEST answer. Timeliness NEBRASKA UNIVERSALNEBRASKA UNIVERSAL Completeness Run data quality reports regularlyRun data quality reports regularly Accuracy Data Quality – Timeliness, Completeness and Accuracy

8 Data Quality - ART Advanced Reporting Tool (ART) ART Gallery Index Executive Directors, Program Managers, Case managers, implementation and Data Quality

9 Data Quality – ART

10 Data Quality Date of Birth and Date of Birth Type are required questions UNKNOWN is only used if a consumer does not know. Primary and Secondary race are never the same – Race is consumer reported. HUD/ESG NHAP answers must have HUD in parenthesis. (HUD)

11 Data Quality When should we update a consumers data? – Most grants have guidelines for when data needs to be updated. – NMIS policy is every 6 months or each time you serve a consumer and are aware of changes you update/make the appropriate changes.

12 Only remove people that will be gone for 30 days or more Everyone is in a household Households NEVER delete a household member

13 Entry/Exits Designed to show data that was entered AT or BEFORE the Entry/Exit Entry Date. ALL consumers entering in a household must have the same Entry/Exit Group ID to keep them as a family. Designed to show a comparison between Entry and Exit.

14 Summary Data quality – is what we all strive for Users understanding the need for data – are critical to every program Reports/Monitoring – run often, know your data


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