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Dust emission from powerful high-z starbursts and QSOs The combined power of submillimeter and mid-IR studies for tracing the most powerful starbursts.

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Presentation on theme: "Dust emission from powerful high-z starbursts and QSOs The combined power of submillimeter and mid-IR studies for tracing the most powerful starbursts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dust emission from powerful high-z starbursts and QSOs The combined power of submillimeter and mid-IR studies for tracing the most powerful starbursts of massive galaxies at high redshift, and their AGN. Alain Omont (IAP) Substantial and most spectacular star formation at z > 1 The hidden part of the evolution of most massive galaxies and black-holes Multi- interplay between submm at APEX with Spitzer, Herschel and IR-optical

2 OUTLINE Background: High z submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) Millimeter dust detection in high z SMGs and QSOs Prospects with APEX: high speed wide fields; multi- Laboca-1 (+SZ-camera): Spitzer (+ IRAM) era Next generation cameras: SCUBA2, Herschel era ALMA era Dust emission from powerful high-z QSOs and starbursts

3 OUTLINE Background: High z submillimeter galaxies (SMGs) Millimeter dust detection in high z SMGs and QSOs MAMBO & SCUBA maps Prospects with APEX: high speed wide fields; multi- Laboca-1 (+SZ-camera): Spitzer (+ IRAM) era Next generation cameras: SCUBA2, Herschel era ALMA era Dust emission from powerful high-z QSOs and starbursts

4 z D phot (Gpc) 1000 -------------------- 20 230 12 130 -------------------- z= 6 60 -------------------- z=2 16 ------------------- 0.5 3 -------------------- 0 ~ 300 million ~ 3.5 billion z ~ 7 – 20 ? - Reionization PopIII stars +1st galaxies -Formation of 1st galaxies Pop. II stars - First AGN z ~ 4 – 7 : Current frontier - Galaxy and Black-Hole early assembly - End of reionization z ~ 1.5 -4: - Peak of star formation submm sources + LBGs -Peak of QSO activity -Luminous mid-IR sour. -Proto-cluster formation z ~ 0.5-1.5 : Final phase of active SF - Mid-IR sources - Weak X-ray AGN - Cluster formation Main z ranges in the Cosmic History of galaxies

5 SMGs: strongest starbursts in the Universe  Giant starbursts at the peak of elliptical formation z ~ 2-3  1-4  At least Ultra-Luminous Infra-Red Galaxies (ULIRGs): L FIR >~ 10 12 Lo, SFR > 100 Mo/yr Relatively rare, but up to ~1 per arcmin 2 Generally not isolated; strongly biased along high-z Large Scale Structures Probably progenitors of massive elliptical galaxies A few of these objects are powerful QSOs or radiogalaxies  M BH >~ 10 8 Mo

6 from Bertoldi, Voss, Walter L fir = 4x10 12 S 250 (mJy) L sun FIR emission of cold dust (T d ~ 35-50 K) : - steep submm spectrum - compensates for distance - S practically independent of z from z ~ 0.5 to 10 Effect also known as « negative K correction » Redshift degeneracy Dust detection: The Magic of the high-z submm window

7 SCUBA (+MAMBO) submm counts SCUBA(-radio) redshift distribution Chapman, Blain, Ivison, Smail 2003 SCUBA(-MAMBO) census of high-z ULIRGs Take advantage of steep submm spectrum Account for most of submm background z at Keck for radio ones (~50%) (weak AGN ?)  History of star formation up to z~3-4 Small but uncertain number at z > 4 Dust detection: the magic of the submm window

8 1. MAMBO detection of high-z QSOs + A. Beelen, F. Bertoldi, C. Carilli, P. Cox et al. 2. MAMBO detection of high-z Spitzer SMGs + C. Lonsdale, SWIRE team + European-IRAM team 3. Examples of MAMBO maps F. Bertoldi, Voss, C. De Breuck MAMBO 1.2mm detection of far-IR/submm dust emission in high z SMGs and QSOs

9 MAMBO/IRAM detection of redshifted far-IR/submm dust (+ CO) emission from high-z QSOs Aims To establish correlations between major starbursts and black-holes at high z (in the context of the black-hole/spheroid relation (M BH - , M BH /M sph ) It is the easiest way to find (biased) cases of ULIRGs at very high z, since the redshifts of SCUBA/MAMBOsources are practically unknown at z > 4 It is thus better to search similar sources around known objects: (bright) QSOs with z~2-6 Observations IRAM 30m Telescope (Granada, Spain) + MAMBO bolometer cameras built at MPIfR Bonn (E. Kreysa)

10 MAMBO/IRAM detection of redshifted far-IR/submm dust (and CO) emission from high-z QSOs Summary of results (probably very similar to bright Scuba SMGs) High rate of detection : ~55 sources detected  ~ 25% No significant dependence of the far-IR luminosity on z The mm/submm emission is dominated by cold dust at 40-50 K L FIR ~ 10 13 Lo  HLIRGs  SFR ~ 1000 Mo/yr ? Heating of cold dust by starburst or AGN, or both ? Both are viable; probably a combination of both in various proportions, but some starburst is probably always present in the sources detected at 1.2 mm (CO detections in some sources) The far-IR luminosity is weakly correlated with rest UV  L bol


12 Identification and follow-up of SMGs in SWIRE/Spitzer Spitzer/SWIRE should have detected~several 10 3 s SMGs (in 50 deg 2 ) MAMBO project (30h observed, 30h programmed Winter 2006) Broad European + SWIRE collaboration, Lonsdale, Omont et al. Selection from Spitzer SEDs of ULIRGs (e.g. Arp220)  z First results (27 sources observed): 3 sources ~ 5 mJy 13 sources ~ 2-3 mJy (2- 3  ) : L FIR ~ 10 13 Lo SFR ~ 1000 Mo/yr 9 sources « 1-1.5  » (~1-1.5 mJy)  Proposal spectroscopy IRS Spitzer


14 Identification and follow-up of SMGs in SWIRE/Spitzer Spitzer/SWIRE should have detected~several 10 3 s SMGs (in 50 deg 2 ) MAMBO project (30h observed, 30h programmed Winter 2006) Broad European + SWIRE collaboration, Lonsdale, Omont et al. Selection from Spitzer SEDs of ULIRGs (e.g. Arp220)  z First results (27 sources observed): 3 sources ~ 5 mJy 13 sources ~ 2-3 mJy (2- 3  ) : L FIR ~ 10 13 Lo SFR ~ 1000 Mo/yr 9 sources « 1-1.5  » (~1-1.5 mJy)  Proposal spectroscopy IRS Spitzer

15 Example of MAMBO map Voss et al. 2005


17 LABOCA-1 300 detectors, 870  m, 12m Faster for mapping than MAMBO (117, 1.2mm, 30m) Much faster than SCUBA-1  Wide fields:  Matching surveys at other wavelengths : Spitzer (GOODS, GTO, SWIRE, etc.), HST, CFHTLS, UKIDSS, VST, VIRCAM/CFHT, X, radio  Peaks of density : - SZ clusters, - Proto-clusters, filaments, around tracers such as radio galaxies, QSOs, etc.  Exceptional objects: z > 5, HLIRGs, lenses, (pre-)clustering

18 Next generation cameras 350 mm : importance of multi- data TES detectors : mandatory to sustain SCUBA-2 competition for wide deep surveys matching Herschel (+ Spitzer, Astro-F, Spica? …) + SZ Camera : data at 2 mm


20 Summary/Conclusion The mm/submm range is essential to study the major starbursts of the assembly of the most massive galaxies and their relation with the growth of their super-massive black-hole Such most extreme objects have no equivalent locally, but they are major actors in the evolution of the Universe at z ~2-3 A very large sample of high-z SMGs/AGN already exists in Spitzer data Surveys with APEX (and later with SCUBA2, Herschel etc.) are needed to identify large number of them, their spatial clustering and highest z and most exceptional ones Multi-  capability is essential  Extensive studies with ALMA

21 Conclusion  The mm/submm range is essential to study the major starbursts of the assembly of the most massive galaxies and their relation with the growth of their super-massive black-hole  Such most extreme objects have no equivalent locally, but they are major actors in the evolution of the Universe at z ~2-3  One needs larger samples of HLIRGs to explore the bright end of the SMG luminosity function, their properties and evolution  New multi- surveys, such as CFHTLS and SWIRE, provide powerful and unique tools to identify high-z starbursts and AGN, possibly dusty, such as Type 2 QSOs and HLIRGs  This field will strongly develop in the near future in particular with Herschel, the new generation of submm cameras and especially ALMA  IRAM should remain the best millimeter facility for almost a decade before ALMA and the next generation of single dishes such as LMT (but GBT & EVLA)

22 Power of Spitzer for mid-IR detection of various classes of AGN, especially high z Type 2 QSOs SED ( L ) often relatively flat in the whole infrared J1148 QSO at =6.4

23 Landmarks and questions of the evolution of most massive galaxies and associated super-massive black-holes Final mass 10 11 – 10 12 Mo z ~ 4 - 10 Major starbursts in the 1st billion yr at DM density peaks (first LSSs) LBGs & Ly  Galaxies SMGs: ULIRGs & HLIRGs ? 1.5 ~< z <~ 3 Peak of starburst SMGs SCUBA/MAMBO counts Mergers & pre-clustering ? CO detection Detection in Spitzer wide surveys + Distant Red Galaxies ?  z < 1-1.5 Decline of SMGs mostly passive evolution (+stellar mergers)  massive elliptical galaxies + supermassive cD cluster galaxies Final black-hole mass 10 8 – 10 9 Mo First SMBHs  M BH ~ 10 9 Mo A few most powerful QSOs  z=6.4 Fewer Radio Galaxies  z >~4 Major phase of SMBH growth   Peak of QSO activity Weak AGN activity in most SMGs X-absorbed QSOs and Type 2 QSOs Spitzer IR QSOs ?  SMBH mergers ? Very few powerful QSOs Dormant most massive SMBHs but strong feedback in clusters?  QSO Feedback 

24 Spheroid/Black-Hole Relation All spheroids contain a super-massive black-hole (M BH ~ 10 6 -10 9 Mo) with M BH ~  4-5  = velocity dispersion in the spheroid (elliptical, bulge …) M BH ~ 2 10 -3 M sph Consistent with black-hole growth from AGN luminosity Might be explained by feedback from AGN expelling gas in the spheroid and stopping black-hole growth, more easily in smaller dark-matter halos

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