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Department of Health Stakeholder Conference Inmarsat, Wednesday 30 th July 2008 Derek Butler Chair MRSA Action UK

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1 Department of Health Stakeholder Conference Inmarsat, Wednesday 30 th July 2008 Derek Butler Chair MRSA Action UK

2 MRSA Action UK raising awareness, campaigning for safer standards supporting sufferers, carers and dependants Raising awareness – need to keep high profile Headlines stating “Winning the war on superbugs and we are now only second worst in the country do not go together” Must be a zero tolerance culture to win the war on superbugs

3 Culture change needed Strong leadership needed to drive a zero tolerance approach Hand hygiene still a problem Aseptic non-touch technique key Search and Destroy, rapid testing, isolate and eradicate

4 Investing in the right things More isolation facilities People to do the screening Training and observation on aseptic non- touch technique, effective hand-hygiene Prudent and appropriate use of anti-biotics

5 MRSA Action UK involvement MRSA Action UK are members of the Healthcare Commission Expert Reference Group on developing guidance for assessing healthcare providers' arrangements for meeting the requirements of The Health Act 2006, Code of Practice for the Prevention and Control of Health Care Associated Infections (the Hygiene Code) Quality Working Group on Lord Darzi’s Review of the NHS Met with the Prime Minister’s Health Adviser Given evidence to The House of Lords

6 Hand hygiene, safety, strict asepsis MRSA Action UK have taken part in research in involving patients in contributing to the safe delivery of healthcare and this has linked with the work of the National Patient Safety Agency, Cleanyourhands Campaign We have responded to the draft NICE guidelines on surgical site infections 2008, with an emphasis on the attention to aseptic non- touch technique and achieving excellence in this important area of clinical care, we have advocated linkages with the Hygiene Code and Saving Lives Healthcare Commission Developing the Annual Health Check over the last two years Contributing to Action on Health Care Infections in England

7 Patient information and help We always welcome the opportunity to give a patient perspective on information about healthcare infections and have contributed to information for patients about MRSA and other healthcare infections in consultation with the Department of Health, NHS Hospital Trusts and BUPA and other patient charities, including in the USA We have gone into workplaces as well as NHS Trusts and wish to see the campaign for understanding the importance of hand-hygiene reinforced in the Healthy Schools Programme Promoting good practice at conference and discussing how involving the patient in their care is a vital part of helping to reduce risk and promote safety

8 Thank you Questions

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