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He’s just happy to be here; and that’s a belonging need 

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1 He’s just happy to be here; and that’s a belonging need 
Abraham Maslow He’s just happy to be here; and that’s a belonging need 

2 Image of Psychologist

3 Basic Information Born April 1, 1908 Brooklyn, New York
First of seven children Family of uneducated Jewish immigrants from Russia Married his first cousin and had two daughters Died June 8,1970

4 Education Parents pushed him for academic success
Studied law at the City College of New York Transferred to Cornell, then back to CCNY Attended University of Wisconsin Received BA in 1930, MA in 1931, PhD in 1934, all from UW

5 Work Began teaching at Brooklyn College
Adler, Fromm, Horney, and several Gestalt and Freudian psychologists Head of psychology department at Brandeis University 1951-’69

6 Psychological Perspective
Humanistic Much research with monkeys Monkeys and humans behave similarly

7 Contributions to Psychology
Hierarchy of Needs Toward a Psychology of Being, Motivation and Personality, and The Further Reaches of Human Nature

8 Big Idea!! According to Maslow, an individual is ready to act upon the growth needs if and only if the deficiency needs are met. Maslow's initial conceptualization included only one growth need--self-actualization. Self-actualized people are characterized by: 1) being problem-focused; 2) incorporating an ongoing freshness of appreciation of life; 3) a concern about personal growth; and 4) the ability to have peak experiences

9 Influence on Modern Psychology
Hierarchy of Needs Concept of Self-actualization Co-founder of Journal of Humanistic Psychology

10 References Boeree, G. C. (1998). Abraham Maslow Retrieved 9/14/10 from Huitt, W. (2007). Maslow's hierarchy of needs. Educational Psychology Interactive. Valdosta, GA: Valdosta State University. Retrieved 9/16/10 from

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