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5 Ops Objectives. Decisions/Things to Keep in Mind (as a forecaster) Mission has to decide where to fly and what category of objective they’re fulfilling.

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Presentation on theme: "5 Ops Objectives. Decisions/Things to Keep in Mind (as a forecaster) Mission has to decide where to fly and what category of objective they’re fulfilling."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 Ops Objectives

2 Decisions/Things to Keep in Mind (as a forecaster) Mission has to decide where to fly and what category of objective they’re fulfilling The ER-2 needs 24 hours’ notice to fly The ER-2 crew has strict rest policies – 12 hours after missions – 14 if mission is 8 hours – No more than 3 days without a down day Calls need to be made about current missions with past and future missions in mind (for the above reasons) The Citation should stay out of >35 dBZ ER-2 takeoff no go if: – 25 knots maximum steady or 35 gusts regardless of dir. – 15 knot maximum crosswind – 1/4 mile minimum visibility – Lightning within 5 NM

3 ForecastMission Briefing Forecast through 4 days into the future Forecast for all possible mission areas and objectives Pertinent topics: Initiation TIMING (If precip) Mode Location Know GPM tracks (handled elsewhere?) Call in to NWS and WRB to corroborate Type of mission Aircraft involved Flight plans and strategy Instrument strategy ER-2 Call: 24 hrs notice Make call for later days to incorporate rest/down requirements Update What has changed since briefing? Is there model agreement? Less formal, direct interaction with mission Change flight plan/location Delay 24-hr notice for next day? T-4 hoursShort-term forecast for the next 4-12 hours (with respect to proposed mission) Go/No Go Delay Change of flight plan/location **Ops**If forecast support is viable (ie, has slept)** Monitor current situation for mission and safety concerns Modify flight plan and convey to Jan & pilots (for science reasons or something like ~35dBZ limit for Citation) **Post-Ops**If forecast support 12-24 hour range forecast for next mission (if any) Review mission and make updated call for next mission if needed

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