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Chapter 1 The origins of language
this unit is about the origins of language and how the early humans use language to speak scientists have many opinions about it. one of them is bow-wow theory that says primitive worlds could have been imitations of the natural sounds which early men and women heard around them just like a flying sound of a bird or moving sounds of objects. it has also been suggested that the original sounds of language may have come from natural cries of emotion such as pain, anger and joy. but ouch and other interjections such as Ah! Ooh! wow! or Yuck! ,are usually produced with sudden intakes of breath, which is the opposite of ordinary talk. we normally produce spoken language on exhaled breath. and there is other proposal for natural sound source, it's called 'ye-he-ho' theory . the idea is that when our ancestors were involved in physical effort the source of our language would be created.
they might develop a set of grunts, groans and curses that used when they were carrying large bite of trees or lifeless hairy mammoths. another theory about source of the language is that there is a divine source that provides humans with language or speak. in the biblical tradition, god created Adam and "whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. If human language did emanate from a divine source , we have no way of reconstructing that original language ,especially given the events in a city called Babel 'Because the lord did there confound the language of all the earth as described in the book of Genesis. the physical adaptation source says that the physical features of human become changed when our ancestors used language to transfer. their massages in their daily life. some effects of this type of change can be seen in physical differences between the skull of a gorilla and that of a neanderthal man from around 60,000 years ago.
Human teeth are upright not slanting like apes teeth
Human teeth are upright not slanting like apes teeth. such characteristics are not designed for ripping & tearing foods ;but they are better adapted for grinding & chewing Human lips have more muscle complexity than other primates in order to make sounds such as P & B. Human mouth is smaller than the other primates. it can be opened and closed rapidly and with a smaller and thicker and more muscular tongue which can make a wide variety of sounds. this differences can have a wide affection on ranges of shapes in producing sounds. Human larynx “voice box” is different in its position compared with other primates. in the course of human physical development, it have been dropped to a lower position ;this makes a longer cavity called PHARNYX above vocal cords. monkeys can not use their larynx for producing sounds but they are not at the risk of stucking foods in their windpipe.
Human brain is large compared with his body size
Human brain is large compared with his body size .it is lateralized means that different functions happen in each of two hemispheres .these functions are such as: speaking, movement ,making tools that take place just in the right hemisphere .If we think in terms of the most basic process involved in tool ,we should be able to bring another sounds into proper contact with first sound. At birth the brain is a quarter of its weight and larynx is higher in throat that allow baby to start walking & talking .these reasons can not happen gradually they are quickly. some physical changes have been taken place in human’s body since he/she borns ; exp: larynx is much higher and the brain has ¼ weight. these automatic set of developments made scientists to search for another reason more than small physical adaptations.
Another example :even children who are born deaf can use sign language if the condition gets ready. These changes wouldn’t have been gradual, but some thing fast. The investigation of the origins of language returns into a search for the special “language gene ”the only humans possess
Questions 1-Human teeth are… A: slanted outward B: upright
C: designed for ripping D: flat 2-Which feature in human’s body helps him to produce sounds such as ”P” &”B”? A: lips B: teeth C: mouth D: tongue 3-Larynx differs in…from the larynx of other primates. A: structure B: physical development C: position D: sound producing
4-All languages including sign language, require…
A :organizing only B: complexity C: combining only D: organizing & combining of sounds 5-Which one is not true about ”the natural sound source”? A :they are immitations B :they come from human cries C :they eco natural sounds D :they are innate 6-In English words such as ”cuckoo”, “splash”, “bang” & “rattle” are examples of…. A :primitive sounds B :natural sounds C :human sounds D :animal sounds 7-According to the……,the sounds of a person involved in physical effort could be source of human language. A :bow-wow theory B : ‘ye-he-ho’ theory C :innateness hypothesis D :physical adaptation source
8-There are some words in language with sounds that seem to echo the sounds of objects or activities. these words are known as…… A :onomatopoeic B :fixed C :natural D :arbitary 9-Each of the brain hemispheres is specialized to have certain functions. So it is said that our brain is…. A :lateralized B :structured C :arranged D :activated 10-what is pharynx? A :a long cavity above vocal cords B :it is a “voice box: C :it contains vocal cords D :it is the revised part of the front limbs
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