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4 Sept 2014 BELL ACTIVITY: Fill out the presentation sheet for your “Quote of Arms” Assignment. Quietly prepare to present to your group. Today’s Agenda:

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Presentation on theme: "4 Sept 2014 BELL ACTIVITY: Fill out the presentation sheet for your “Quote of Arms” Assignment. Quietly prepare to present to your group. Today’s Agenda:"— Presentation transcript:

1 4 Sept 2014 BELL ACTIVITY: Fill out the presentation sheet for your “Quote of Arms” Assignment. Quietly prepare to present to your group. Today’s Agenda: Presenting Quote of Arms in groups Policies and Procedures Review using 2 Column Notes

2 Example: “Only the educated are free” CUE WORDS: Interpretation: Can’t claim what isn’t known illiterate, slavery, Significance: Ties to Nelson Mandela Supreme Court class with Whitmarsh

3 THE LOGISTICS OF SMALL GROUP PRESENTATIONS: 1.In your groups, turn the front 2 desks to face the two back desks. 2.Be cognizant (aware) that there are other people in the class and keep your voices low. 3.Your group should be able to hear you, the other groups should not be able to hear you. 4.Take turns starting with a volunteer and moving clockwise (the direction of the numbers in a clock face) 5.If no one volunteers to go first, start with the person in the front northern (closest to the outside wall) desk. 6.When it is your turn to present, stand up. PRESENTING IN SMALL GROUPS:

4 Submit your Quote of Arms Staple your papers together in the following order (top to bottom) –TopPresentation sheet Shield Final Draft of your paragraphs –Bottom:Rough Draft of your paragraphs Staple and submit it to the correct basket.

5 Procedures: Organization Policies: Rules of the classroom

6 BASIC Policy Time spent in ELA class will be used to study English Language Arts. Students must be involved in one of the following ELA activities at all times: –Writing –Reading –Listening –Participating

7 Daily Supplies: ELA Binder, Pens, Paper, Independent Rdg book, Highlighters, your assignments.

8 Did I miss anything while I was gone? Did you check the daily notes online? Uh…no. What do I do when I am absent?

9 WHAT TO DO WHEN YOUR HAVE BEEN ABSENT: 1. Check the DAILY NOTES online posted under Saunders in LSMS’s Staff directory. 2. Check the handout folder at the door 3. THEN ask Mrs. Saunders for help or extra info.

10 What if I finish my assignment before the rest of the class? READ Can I do homework from another Class? NO, you may READ. If I find you doing homework from another class I will take the homework. Can I draw pictures No, you may READ.

11 HOW DO I KNOW WHEN MY HOMEWORK IS DUE? Check the weekly agenda online Check the agenda whiteboard (front corner). Ask your Team Discovery teammates. Just in case, get it done early. In this situation, ignorance is not bliss and it is also not a valid excuse.


13 NO PERSONAL NOTES If I see any personal notes, I am required to take & READ them. I don’t like to read them.


15 The Grumpy Cat has nothing on me. If I am talking, you should not be.

16 Ask before reading an E- book using a device. Keep your phone silenced. The first time your phone rings during class I will take it and you can come see me at the end of the day. If your phone rings again, don’t come see me, simply check down at the front office at the end of the day.

17 If I am still teaching and that bell rings….you need to stay and keep learning. The bell is for the teachers, to remind us to dismiss the students. As a student you are invited to ignore the bells that come at the end of a class period.

18 Always Read The Directions First

19 There is not a separate set of rules for you.

20 ASSIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS Assignments need a MLA heading Assignments must be written in black or navy blue ink Assignments must be legible (if I can’t read it, I can’t score it). Be turned in on time.

21 Just in case you did, “YES, you do need to write in complete sentences.”

22 Make sure you know what the word means BEFORE you use it. Use the English Language Responsibly

23 Spelling always matter. Sometimes it matters a great deal more than at other times., but it always matters

24 Assignments without an MLA heading will Lose points awarded for having a complete and correct MLA heading. There is no “NO NAME” basket or board. If you turned it in, and the gradebook says you didn’t, you will want to speak with Mrs. Saunders


26 We (teachers) have been told we are NOT to give extra credit. Occasionally, I will award “ABOVE AND BEYOND” credit on a single assignment. But I do not give extra credit assignments.

27 Do not bother to ask…… However, in case you cannot resist, there is ONE way you can raise your grade, turn your work in on time, do your best and study BEFORE you take a test.

28 If it is due at the beginning of class, than it is late anytime after the beginning of class.


30 If it is IMPORTANT to you, you will find a SOLUTION. If it is NOT IMPORTANT to you, you will find an EXCUSE. Decide Learning is Important and find a solution. Printer Solutions: Print it at a friend’s house Come early and use the printers in the library. Email it to the teacher

31 Take notes, study your notes, but seldom will you read your notes during the test.

32 Write Legibly … I can’t score what I can’t read.


34 Those who participate, learn better.

35 Despite what you may have heard, we don’t really do this.


37 To summarize……


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