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Published byCharleen Woods Modified over 9 years ago
1 Chaiyaphum province, The 3 rd Happiness city in Thailand.
Beautiful scenery, Rich of the forest, A numerous elephants, A plenty of flower, Famous hero, Number 1 Thai silk, Big Buddha Drarawadee. 2
3 By Sirinan Thanudca and Surin Cortong Title: The Result of a Collaborative Learning Model on Web-Based Instruction Using Learning Together (LT) for Enhancing Metacognition
4 Introduction : In the Present time - In the Present time society is demanding educational policies and strategies aimed to the future. So the education - So the education is the key factor for the creation and development of knowledge and ideas, behaviors and morale of the person and Town In modern society the Third Wave WBI - In modern society are entering the era of the Third Wave. The wave of information and using high-technology of communication. Make information and data is changing rapidly. Providing the WBI to used in teaching. And the idea of teaching on a network computer.
Introduction : WBI WBI is an integration of current technologies with processes of instructional design to enhance learning efficiency and to solve problems on limitation of time and place. WBI WBI will help learners realize that student-centered learning and collaborative learning are very important for learning management with WBI. collaborative learning metacognition. Knowledge is a social product and collaborative learning (CL) must depend on Johnson and Johnson’s Learning Together (LT) 1994. This kind of learning has its strength on team building and team or group assessment by using collaborative groups to solve problems. CL is a form of collaboration that assists learners to achieve their shared duties and lead them to have metacognition. 5
Introduction : Metacognition plays Metacognition plays its important role on cognitive development and also be a main factor of efficient. From quality assurance reports in current higher educational system, in the aspect of learning management process in Thailand. Learning process at higher educational level and universities in Thailand does not actually provide intellectual abilities for learners found that an important weak point is the connection between knowledge and skills in classrooms and application in daily life. Sinlarat, et al (2005) found that “…Learning process at higher educational level and universities in Thailand does not actually provide intellectual abilities for learners. The instruction has been still fed by lecturers that makes students have to write and memorize in the form of rote learning. Intellectual abilities have never been developed and graduates only have more knowledge than metacognition. Moreover, the instructional processes are not only making up some problems, but their contents also do not lead to real knowledge…” metacognition high order thinking Thus, metacognition is a high order thinking that should be seriously promoted among students at a higher educational level.
7 Research Objectives Studythe effects of implementation 1.To Study the effects of implementation of a collaborative learning model on web-based instruction using Learning Together (LT) for Enhancing Metacognition. Comparethe learning achievement 2.To Compare the learning achievement and metacognition of students. Study the satisfaction 3) To Study the satisfaction of the learner through the model for Enhancing Metacognition on WBI.of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University.
8 3.1 Population: 130 students Includes undergraduate students who were enrolled in the Subject of Science for Quality of Life in the first of academic year 2014 at Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University. including 130 students.
9 3.2) The samples: was 30 students Purposive Sampling Include undergraduate students, enrolled in the Subject of Science for Quality of Life in the first of academic year 2014, the experimental group was 30 students from the Population selected by Purposive Sampling were used to treatment experimental.
10 3.3) Variables: 1) The independent variables WBI lessons 1) The WBI lessons. 2) The dependent variables Learning achievement 1) Learning achievement 2) Metacognition 3) The satisfaction in learning 3) The satisfaction in learning. 3) Data collection 4 weeks.
4 lessons 4) The contents for the Subject of Science for Quality of Life lesson consisted of 4 lessons: 1. Food for Quality of Life. 2. Drug for Quality of Life. 3. Chemistry for Quality of Life 4. Energy for Quality of Life. 11
Research framework 12 The WBI lessons Independent variables Dependent variables 1. Learning achievement 2. Metacognition 3. Satisfaction in learning.
Research Tools: : WBI. Lessons learning achievement 1) The WBI. Lessons of Science for Quality of Life subject. 2)The learning achievement test before and after classes multiple choices of 50 items. metacognitive test learners satisfaction 3) The metacognitive test is a multiple choice type with 45 items. 4) Questionnaires of learners satisfaction towards using of WBI. rating scale 5 levels. 13
Research Procedures The research is a Pretest -Posttest with Control Group Design. The collaborative learning model on Web -Based Instruction had eight steps. 1) Needs Assessment Needs assessment is a systematic process for studying needs on the collaborative learning model on web-based instruction. Questionnaire developed by the researcher is a tool for asking opinions of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University students and lecturers about the learning conditions in the course of Science for Quality of Life. 14
2) Model Objective Identification Objectives of the instructional model were identified by following steps:-. System Purpose 2.1. System Purpose. The main purposes of the instructional model are: can enhance metacognition (1) The collaborative learning model on web-based instruction can enhance metacognition of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University students. (2)The collaborative learning model on web-based instruction using learning together strategy and 5 components of collaborative learning are applied for the principle of student-centered learning based on the principle of student-centered learning and self-knowledge building to create metacognition of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University students. 15
2) Model Objective Identification Specification of Objectives 2.2. Specification of Objectives. Specification of objectives is a study of effects of the implementation of the collaborative learning model on web-based instruction on learning achievement and metacognition of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University students. 16
3) Learner Analysis knowledge about Teachers analyze their learners in terms of 1) knowledge about in basic computer usage using the basic knowledge test. 2) readiness of knowledge and skills in computer and network using the readiness test skills in communication tools and 3) skills in communication tools as e-mail, Chat, Web board and etc. on computer network, using the basic skills test. The obtained basic information is used for analyzing learners’ existing behaviors affecting the collaborative learning model on web-based instruction for enhancing metacognition. 17
4) Contents Identification Science for Quality of Life, course code 4000105 with 3 credits, is identified as the contents of the collaborative learning model on Web-Based Instruction for enhancing metacognition of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University students. The content is divided into 4 learning units for instructional periods of 4 weeks with 3 periods for each week and 50 minutes each. 18
5) Learning Activities on Web-Based Instruction collaborative learning (CL Awareness Planning MonitoringSelf-Evaluation Learning activities onWBI. using LT model applied 5 components of Johnson & Johnson’s collaborative learning (CL) (Jianhua & Akahori, 2001) : positive interdependence, face-to-face promotive interaction, individual accountability, interpersonal & small-group skills and group processing, with 4 steps of metacognitive components of Wenden. (1987),Beyer.(1987) and, Chaloemsuk, (2007) :; 1) Awareness 2) Planning 3) Monitoring 4) Self-Evaluation.These are based on the principle of student-centered learning : learners are active participants and self-knowledge builders. CL is a form of collaboration that assists learners to achieve their shared duties and lead them to have metacognition. The research tools were the WBI. lessons, achievement test and metacognitive test. 19
5) Learning Activities on Web-Based Instruction The WBI (1) The WBI. lessons is divided into 4 learning units with instructional duration of 4 weeks with 3 periods for each week and 50 minutes each. The researcher created and designed learning activities including lesson plans on Science for Quality of Life, assignments, related learning documents subtests, activity sheets, and tests for pre-test and post-test. The developing WBI. lessons were sent to 3 experts for assessing the appropriateness, The appropriateness obtained The appropriateness obtained was at a more level. The developing WBI. lessons were tried out as follows ; step 1 : one to one testing with 3 students for a basic efficiency by using observations and interviews, and step 2 : small group testing with 3 groups of students,3 students each ; to check the appropriateness of the developed WBI. lessons. 20
5) Learning Activities on Web-Based Instruction The achievement test (2) The achievement test is a multiple choice type with 50 items for 50 minutes. The metacognitive test (3) The metacognitive test is a multiple choice type with 45 items for 45 minutes,based on the 3 steps of metacognitive components of Chaloemsuk, (2007) : awareness, planning and self-evaluation. Satisfaction questionnaires (4) Satisfaction questionnaires of Cortong S. (2010) consisted of 3 parts 1) Learning management 2) Media for Learning activities 3) The benefit of WBI learning. Questionnaires consist of highest, high, medium, low and lowest total of 28 items. 21
6) Model Try-out efficiency(E1/E2) at 81.87/82.33 metacognitive abilities was 0.63. The developed WBI. lessons was finally tried out with 30 nonsample group of undergraduate students at Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University for 4 weeks, taught by the researcher. These students were purposively selected from one of 4 classes. After learning, the students were tested using the learning achievement test and the metacognitive test. The scores from these two tests were calculated to determine a discriminating power and a reliability. Also, the researcher calculated the efficiency(E1/E2) and the effectiveness index (EI) of the WBI. lessons in terms of learning achievement and metacognitive abilities. It found that the E1/E2 of learning achievement was at 81.87/82.33 and the EI was 0.72. The EI of the metacognitive abilities was 0.63. 22
7) Implementation purposivelyone class 4 classes The researcher purposively selected one class of 30 undergraduate students from 4 classes of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University. pre-tested metacognitive test This sample class was pre-tested using the achievement test and the metacognitive test. These students learned using the developed WBI. lessons, consisted of 4 learning units for a total period of 4 weeks. 23
8) Measurement and Evaluation were post-tested learning achievement test and the metacognitive test, and The satisfaction in learning. After learning, the students were post-tested using the same tests : learning achievement test and the metacognitive test, and The satisfaction in learning. 24
Results E1 E2 (1) The WBI lessons had an efficiency of process (E1) and an efficiency of product (E2) at 81.87 and 82.33, respectively.Therefore, the efficiency of the web-based lessons was at 81.87/82.33, which met the required criteria of 80/80. effectiveness indexes 0.75 and 0.67 at 75 and 67 (2) The effectiveness indexes of WBI lessons in terms of learning achievement and metacognitive abilities were at 0.75 and 0.67, respectively ; showing that the students progressed their learning at 75 and 67 percent, respectively. 26
Results metacognitive abilities as a whole (3) The students showed gains in learning achievement and metacognitive abilities as a whole and in each subscale : awareness, planning and self- evaluation, from before learning with the developed WBI lessons at the.05 level of significance. students’s satisfaction the high level. (4) The students’s satisfaction on the LT. principle via the WBI. lessons consisted of 3 parts 1) Learning management 2) Media for Learning activities 3) The benefit of WBI learning were at the high level. 27
Table 1 : Comparisons of the learning achievement and metacognition, both in overall and each subscale, at the pre-test and post-test of the students who learned using the collaborative learning model (Dependent t-test). 28 Table 1. Found that the learners who took the science for quality of life subject on WBI.lessons in LT.styles and metacognition had the learning achievement mean scores and on the 3 parts 1) awareness 2) planning and 3) self - assessment post-test scores higher than the pre-test scores at.05 level of statistical significant.
Table 2. Shown the mean, standard deviation and satisfaction of learner via WBI.lessons. (n = 30) 29 Table 2. Found that the learner who took the WBI.lessons had satisfaction overall score was at the high level. (x = 4.11, S.D =.84)
Discussion 0.75 and 0.67, respectively The web-based lessons had an efficiency at 81.87/82.33 which is higher than the required criteria of 80/80 and had their effective indices of learning achievement and metacognitive abilities at 0.75 and 0.67, respectively. This results came from the web-based lessons using promote and enhance a collaborative learning model on the WBI were systematically constructed and approved by the experts.The WBI. lessons could promote and enhance the students to learn by themselves without the limits of time and place. This learning also could build the students’ achievement motivation. The WBI. lessons could develop the written communication skills, problem solving skills, and critical Windschitl. 1998 thinking of the students (Windschitl. 1998. 30
Discussion Moreover, this model had various learning activities to support learners such as the awareness, planning,Monitoring and, self-evaluation technique of learning by doing, collaborative learning using LT with 4 steps of metacognition enhancement : awareness, planning,Monitoring and, self-evaluation. opposed to learn alone The students had a collaborative learning about their own learning together as a group in an atmosphere of friendship that opposed to learn alone. 31
Conclusions and Implications Model Objective Learner Analysis Contents IdentificationInstructional Strategy 5) Learning Management Measurement and EvaluationNeeds Assessment Model Objective IdentificationLearner Analysis Contents IdentificationLearning Activities Implementation Measurement and Evaluation. The developed collaborative learning model on web-based instruction for enhancing metacognition of Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University students is consisted of 6 components including 1) Model Objective Identification, 2) Learner Analysis, 3) Contents Identification, 4) Instructional Strategy Identification with LT, 5) Learning Management and, 6) Measurement and Evaluation. It also has 8 steps including: 1) Needs Assessment, 2) Model Objective Identification, 3) Learner Analysis, 4) Contents Identification, 5) Learning Activities on WBI.using LT Strategy Collaborated with Metacognition Enhancement, 6) Model Try-out, 7) Implementation and, 8) Measurement and Evaluation. 32
Conclusions and Implications WBI.lessonsefficiency and effectiveness higher than before learning satisfaction After the experiment, it was found that the WBI.lessons had appropriate efficiency and effectiveness ; and the students had their learning achievement and metacognitive abilities higher than before learning (p<.05). And the learners satisfaction were at the “high” level. encouraged supported The university instructors should be encouraged and supported to implement this model in teaching their responsible courses. 33
Conclusions and Implications a prototype for the development General education unit knowledge and metacognition In addition, this model should be as a prototype for the development of WBI in other academic subjects of General education unit for enhancing the students’ knowledge and metacognition. However, the researcher suggests that there should be an experiment to confirm the benefits of this model compared with the conventional instruction method. 34
35 By Sirinan Thanudca and Surin Cortong from Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University. The Result of a Collaborative Learning Model on Web-Based Instruction Using Learning Together (LT) for Enhancing Metacognition
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