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Genesis 17:1-8. The Promise to Abraham  A repeated promise Genesis 12:1-3 Genesis 15:1-6  Land- Hebrews 11:9  Descendents  A great nation  A blessing.

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Presentation on theme: "Genesis 17:1-8. The Promise to Abraham  A repeated promise Genesis 12:1-3 Genesis 15:1-6  Land- Hebrews 11:9  Descendents  A great nation  A blessing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Genesis 17:1-8

2 The Promise to Abraham  A repeated promise Genesis 12:1-3 Genesis 15:1-6  Land- Hebrews 11:9  Descendents  A great nation  A blessing to many nations

3 The Problem?  Abraham nearly 100-v.1  Sarah 90- Genesis 17:17  Humanly/ rationally impossible! Romans 4:19-20  Abraham believed God- v.6 Romans 4:3  Not the greatness of Abraham’s faith-His faith in a great and mighty God Matthew 17:20 Mark 9:23-24 I believe!

4 El-Shaddai  Latin vulgate- 4 th century- “deus omnipotens” God Almighty  Hebrew root- dai- sheds forth-pours out- benefits I john 3:1  Shad/ shadayim- breast or breasts- one who nurtures or supplies-mighty to supply  Shaddad- overpower or destroy- One who has absolute power  El Shaddai- One mighty enough to shape creation/nature according to His will and purposes Even when it “appears” contrary to the laws of nature

5 God Almighty- El Shaddai  In creation- Genesis 1:1-3 Romans 1:29  His power displayed “supernaturally”  The supernatural is natural with God Job 38:3-5

6 God’s “Supernatural” Power Demonstrated  The flood- Genesis 7:11-12  The 12 plagues in Egypt Exodus 8-11  Opening and closing the Red Sea Exodus 14: 21-28  Providing manna from heaven and water from the rock- Exodus 16:4 Exodus 17: 6  Causing the sun and the moon to stand still in the Valley of Aijalon – defeat of the Amorites- Joshua 10:17

7 God’s Mighty Power Demonstrated in and Though His Son Jesus  Power over nature- Mark 4:41  Power to heal the sick- Luke 7:22 The good news of the Kingdom!  Power to forgive sins- Luke 5:17-23 Luke 7: 47-48  The power of the resurrection John 11:25 Matthew 28:6

8 The Power of Almighty God in You!  Go! Matthew 28:18-21 Ephesians 1:19-21  Power to overcome weakness, trials, human circumstances John 16:33 I John 4:4

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