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The role of state institutions in facilitation of data exchange Jana Voiceščuka Deputy director of Health statistics department HEALTH STATISTICS.

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Presentation on theme: "The role of state institutions in facilitation of data exchange Jana Voiceščuka Deputy director of Health statistics department HEALTH STATISTICS."— Presentation transcript:

1 The role of state institutions in facilitation of data exchange Jana Voiceščuka Deputy director of Health statistics department HEALTH STATISTICS and MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY STATE AGENCY

2 HCISA and HSMTSA data exchange in MIS basic processes Inhabitants register Health care personnel register (speciality, certificates, working place, etc.) Health care institution’s register (institution certification, etc.) Patient’s register Health care service information Contract’s register Data 2 x a week person’s data MIS Internet – HSMTSA home page person’s data HCISA HSMTSA Health Care institution Data import Data entry Health Care institution

3 Statistical data flow Physicians, Health Care Institutions (State, Municipal, Private ) Public Health Agency Branches Complete Register Cards Health Statistics and Medical Technology State Agency Branch Statistical Reports Branch Statistical Reports Reports on Notifiable Diseases (including emergency report), Data about Vaccination Registers of:  Cancers  Tuberculosis  Sexually Transmitted diseases  Mental disorders  Drug abuse  Occupational diseases  Cernobil’s crash sequels diseases Public Health Agency MIS Hospital discharged (dead) patients card; Outpatient’s coupon, etc. Branch Statistical Reports Aggregated data paper format Branch statistical Reports

4 HCISA and HSMTSA data exchange in health statistics Health care personnel Register Systems or user defined health statistics reports Patients register Information of the health care services (ambulatory, hospital, etc.) Contracts Register person’s data MIS person’s data Health care institutions Register HCISA HSMTSA Health Care institution Data import Data entr y Health Care institution

5 Benefits of data exchange Everybody use the same classifications Possibility to use Register information for all users Everybody use the same data entry forms and data formats Statistical Reports are obtained centralized and in electronic format from individual data The quality and credibility of statistical data is increasing More wide possibilities for data analyses. It is possible to analyse statistical data using different angles

6 HSMTSA and international organization’s data exchange HSMTSA – health statistics data of Latvia World Health Organization 1)data set of death 2)health statistics data EUROSTAT 1)data set of death 2)health statistics data 3) Health care personnel data 1 x year Excel files 2 x year HFA data base Internet and on CD E-mail E-mail via Central Statistic bureau

7 Experience of implementation of MIS Ensure legal bases of data exchange Develop un define data exchange standards Develop unified classifications Ensure data security and protection Ensure data quality and integrity Ensure access to available information systems to all users only by defined access rights Facilitate data exchange in electronic format


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