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1Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq. DR. MUHAMMAD RAZZAQ MALIK M.B.B.S, MCPS, (Com.Med) Assistant Professor (Deptt. of Com.Med) Sheikh Zayed Medical College.

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Presentation on theme: "1Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq. DR. MUHAMMAD RAZZAQ MALIK M.B.B.S, MCPS, (Com.Med) Assistant Professor (Deptt. of Com.Med) Sheikh Zayed Medical College."— Presentation transcript:

1 1Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

2 DR. MUHAMMAD RAZZAQ MALIK M.B.B.S, MCPS, (Com.Med) Assistant Professor (Deptt. of Com.Med) Sheikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar Khan. 2Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

3 Social Hygiene Social hygiene refers to the science of prevention and treat­ment of sexually transmitted infections, previously known as "Venereal diseases", including, the rehabilitation of patients and contact tracing. Medical Education is currently undergoing a process of transformation, all over the world. This is the most important 'development to take place since the Flexner Report of 1910. The terminology used in Medical Education is given below. 3Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

4 Community Orientation Medical Education (COME) Community Oriented Medical Education is defined as "rel­evant" medical education, which takes into consideration in all aspects of its operation, the health problems of the coun­try, in which it is conveyed. Its aim is to produce community oriented doctors who are both, able to and willing to serve their communities and deal effectively, and efficiently with health problems, at the primary, secondary and tertiary level.) 4Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

5 Integrated Curriculum This attempts to fuse independent disciplines in a more unified whole,." Development of this type of model is based on the assumption that medical learning and teaching gains greater meaning when didactic courses and clinical experience are brought together. 5Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

6 Conti.----- This system advocates the organization of courses around 'major organ systems, like cardiovascular, gastro-intestinal tract etc., or, around "themes". At the same time, the relevant clinical experience is provided, depending on the year and phase of study, the organ system or theme being visited in ascending "spiral" throughout the course of study. It is advocated that through this means, the impact of medical education is increased, as the basic principles of normal and abnormal body conditions are learned with relevance. 6Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

7 CBE Community Based Education, is defined as a system of edu­cation, which i carried out, outside the teaching hospital and in the community whose first and second level health care facilities are available for this purpose e.g. Urban or Rural Health Center, Basic Health Unit, MCH center. 7Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

8 CBL Community Based Learning is defined as a learning process through tasks / assignments, of students outside the teaching hospital inpatient facilities, and university/ college, in places like schools, work-place, homes, housing areas, squatter settlements, primary and secondary level health care facilities with reference to health and health related problems. 8Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

9 PBL Problem Based Learning, is the learning that results from the process of working towards the understanding or resolu­tion of a problem, by a group of students, in a small group tutorial setting, over the course of one, two or more, two hour sessions, with sufficient time in between sessions for stu­dents to undertake self learning and research, alone or in groups and reporting their findings in subsequent session (s). 9Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

10 Conti…… These tutorials are facilitated by a tutor, and research may be carried out by the students in the resources center, commu­ nity, wards and other health related facilities. 10Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

11 Competency-Based Education It is the system of education which aims to delineate, in explicit terms the competencies an individual should have, at the completion of an educational course. 11Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

12 Conti…. Generally applicable competencies for graduates have been summarized as follows: » Adapt to and participate in change * Pursue life-long, self directed education * Reason critically * Manage unfamiliar situations » Make informal decisions « Participate productively in teams « Communicate effectively when * Obtaining and giving information * Negotiating and counseling * Consulting or being consulted 12Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

13 Medical Care Medical care implies services of physician to a sick person and includes in it the provision of medication. 13Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

14 Vertical Program A single program of health service for community. For example, expanded program of immunization. The staff of this service is concerned only with the immunization project. 14Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

15 Horizontal Program A health service delivery program which covers the two dimensions of health, personal and community health. Most often the vertical programs are merged into existing health facilities in which case it becomes a horizontal program. In principle the concept is that of integration. 15Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

16 Comprehensive Health Care This refers to the provision of personal (MCH, Child Welfare, School Health, Occupational Health, etc.) and impersonal health services (water supply, communicable disease control, vector control, etc.) to a community for the prevention of disease, cure of illness, prevent disability and economic insecurity and dependency associated with illness. 16Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

17 Cont….. It expresses the concept of unified services by a health team in contrast to a single service like malaria control or tuberculosis control. Such services include ambulatory treatment, hospital services where necessary, health education, immunization family-health, rehabilitation and social relief. Briefly, it covers services through the application of appropriate health technology. 17Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

18 A group of individuals and families living together in a defined geographic area usually comprising of a village, a town or a city. The group of people living in a particular place or region and are usually linked by common interests. A community is a social group determined by geographical boundaries and / or common values and interests. Its members know and interact with each other and create certain norms, values and social institutions. COMMUNITY 18Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

19 It is an art and science of application of technical knowledge and skills to the delivery of health care to a given community, designed in collaboration with related professions as well as human and social sciences on the one hand and the community on the other COMMUNITY MEDICINE 19Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

20 CONCEPTS OF HEALTH DISEASE A.HEALTH B.DISEASE A state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity and ability to lead a socially and economically productive life. 20Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

21 COMMUNITY HEALTH All personal health and environmental services in any community irrespective of whether such services were public or private ones are called community health. 21Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

22 PUBLIC HEALTH The Science and art of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting physical and mental health and efficiency through organized community efforts for the sanitation of the environment, control of communicable infections, education of the individuals and the organization of medical and nursing services for the maintenance of health. 22Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

23 PREVENTIVE MEDICINE It is a branch of medicine which deals with healthy people. It is the science and art of  Promotion of physical and mental health,  Prevention of diseases,  Disability limitation and  Prolonging life and efficiency. 23Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

24 The science of health that embraces all factors which contribute to healthful living. HIGIENE 24Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

25 It is the study of man in his total environment, -p-physical - biological -s-socio economic It is concerned not only with curative medicine but also with health promotion and prevention”. SOCIAL MEDICINE 25Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

26 A condition in which the body health is impaired”. A condition of the body or some part or organ of body in which its functions are disrupted or deranged. DISEASE 26Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

27 It is a phenomenon in which one or more natural functions of the body are so disturbed that the affected individual cannot meet the natural requirements of everyday life. ILLNESS 27Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

28 INFECTION It is a process of iintroduction of microorganisms into human host,  followed by their multiplication within the body at the expense of the host.  The microorganisms may be protozoon, bacteria, viruses or Richttsiae. INFECTION 28Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

29 INFESTATION It is a state of having a parasite in or on the body which includes arthropods or animal parasites. INFESTATION 29Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

30 It is a state of disorder that results from an infection by microorganisms bacteria or viruses and if the secondary determinants favor the occurrence of disease, e.g., cholera, malaria, tuberculosis, dengue fever. INFECTIOUS DISEASE 30Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

31 COMMUNICABLE DISEASE It is a state of disorder that result from the entrance of organisms in the human body, that are pathogenic, and can be communicated to other individuals in the community. 31Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

32 EPIDEMIC DISEASE (Epi – upon; demos people), The “unusual” occurrence in a community or region of disease, specific health- related behavior (e.g., smoking) or other health-related events (e.g., traffic accidents) clearly in excess of “expected occurrence”. The key words in the definition of an epidemic are: in excess of “expected occurrence”. 32Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

33 ENDEMIC (En=in; demos= people). It refers to the presence of a disease or infectious agent within a given geographic area of population group. For instance, common cold is endemic because somebody always has one. 33Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

34 PANDEMIC An epidemic usually affecting a large proportion of the population, occurring over a wide geographic area such as a section of a nation, the entire nation, a continent or the world e.g., influenza pandemics of 1918 and 1957, cholera el tor in 1962 (still continuing) and acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis in 1971 and 1981. 34Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq


36 36Dr. Malik Muhammad Abdul Razzaq

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