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Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007 PTO for more info 01254 54851 Fantastic Friday –

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1 Roe Lee Park School Newsletter July 2007 PTO for more info 01254 54851 Fantastic Friday – Friday 7 th March 2014 Children who are on packed lunch or home dinners during the week have the option of having a school dinner on a Friday. This is at a cost of £1.90. The menu is: Spicy cheese pizza with chips, jacket potato, baked beans, and ice fruit smoothie. Week 2 menu will be served next week. Friday 28 th February 2014 Newsletter Breakfast Club Children are welcome to attend Breakfast Club from 8:00am until 8:30am every morning. Breakfast club is £1 per child per day and everyone is welcome. Breakfast Club is free if your child is entitled to free school meals. Tuesday Treat after half term will be ‘homemade crepe’. I hope you have all had a lovely half term break and are ready for the amazing things ahead this term. To be ready for : 7 th March 2014 Please talk to your child about the topic for their class. They will be writing about it on Friday and your discussions will really help. You could talk about the great ideas and words that they could use. Thank you. Reception Talk about what you see on your journey to school. Year 1 Choose your favourite story about an animal. Talk to a grown up about what they look like and about how you could turn yourself into that animal. Year 2 Choose a Martin Waddell character e.g.; owl or mouse. Talk to a grown up about what they look like; how they behave and why you like them. Year 3 Research Greece and discuss the country and what it is like e.g., traditions, food, scenery. Year 4 Talk to an adult about Indian traditions within the home e.g., taking your shoes off when you enter. Year 5 Think about Michael and how he felt when his home was attacked. Talk to an adult about a situation where you have been afraid and who has helped you relax. Year 6 Discuss your favourite book character and what you find appealing. Can you empathise with the character and why? Talk Homework: We feel that this is a really valuable activity and has a very positive impact on the quality of the ‘Friday Write’. There is no need to do any writing or bring in any paperwork. Parent’s Evening Parent’s Evening will be held on Thursday 6 th March. Your child will be coming home with an appointment for you to meet with their teacher. Please stick to your allocated time so that all parents can be seen on time. If you have any problems with the time you have been given, please speak to your child's class teacher. Thank you. World Book Day Next Thursday 6 th March is World Book Day. Children may come to school dressed as a book character or in non uniform, for a donation of 50p. Prizes for best costumes will be presented in Gold Book Assembly on Friday 7 th March. Come and join us on World Book Day! We’d like to invite mums and dads to come into school next Thursday to read their favourite story or poem to groups of children. This could also be in your home language. Letters will be sent home with your child next week. The photographer will be coming into school to take the children’s pictures on Wednesday 5 th March. Family pictures can be taken on the day from 8:30am to 8:55am. Thank you.

2 Gold Book Winners Congratulations to all the children who are the Gold Book Winners for this week. They are; Reception – Zainab Qadir and Safah Hassan Year 1 – Setarah Khatir and Mustafa Valli Year 2 – Dion Donnachie and Waqas Ali Year 3 – Haris Afzal and Mourgaan Alsagher Year 4 – Umar Rizwan and Mobasher Farooq Year 5 – Hibba Mughal and Safah Akber Year 6 – Noorulanne Younis and Hamzah Ahmed Welfare Star’s – Mariya Pennells in Year 5 and Sameer Barlas in Year 6 A big well done to all of you. Diary Dates Wednesday 5 th MarchFamily and individual photographs Thursday 6 th MarchWorld Book Day Thursday 6 th MarchParents Evening Monday 10 th MarchSacred Heart’s Got Talent Auditions W/c Monday 17 th March Science Week Friday 21 st MarchYear 4 Drumming Performance Friday 28 th MarchSacred Heart’s Got Talent W/c Monday 31 st MarchYear 5/Year 6 Bikeability (letters to follow) Friday 4 th AprilSchool closes at 1:30pm for Easter Break Tuesday 22 nd AprilSchool re-open for Summer Term This week’s attendance award goes to Year 3, Year 4 and Year 5. Well done! Top Table Callum Ward and Mohammed Kaderi in Reception, Zainab Shah and Suhana Akram in Year 1, Rami Kaderi and Dion Donnachie in Year 2, Grace Ainenehi and Amber Raja in Year 3, Amaan Iqbal and Abbas Hussain in Year 4, Shabnam Raja and Yolanta Simane in Year 5 and Farhan Mahroof and Mohammed Hashim in Year 6. Well done to all of you. Teller of the Week All of our Tellers this week have done a wonderful job of letting the school know who the Gold Book winners were in their class. The ‘Teller of the Week’ this week goes to Malachi Punch in Year 1. Well done Malachi! Reading Egg Award this week goes to Year 2. Well done! Mathletics Award this week goes to Year 4. Well done! Punctuality It is important for children to attend school on time to allow them to settle into class and have the best start to their school day without disruption. Each week we will be looking at the class that has had the best punctuality and they will be awarded with a certificate and trophy. The Punctuality Award this week goes to Year 3 and Year 6. Well done! House Point winners this week are Emeralds. Well done! Please note – Due to Parent’s Evening on Thursday, all after school clubs will be cancelled. Please pick your child up at 3:05pm. Thank you.

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