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Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Jenny Slater FAILTE Project Officer, LTSN Engineering. 28/02/01.

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Presentation on theme: "Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Jenny Slater FAILTE Project Officer, LTSN Engineering. 28/02/01."— Presentation transcript:

1 Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Jenny Slater FAILTE Project Officer, LTSN Engineering. 28/02/01

2 Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Overview About FAILTE Learning and teaching resource Is it a FAILTE learning and teaching resource? … and not an information resource! Describing learning and teaching resources Where next...

3 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project About FAILTE “fawl-sha”, Gaelic for welcome Facilitating Access to Information on Learning Technology for Engineers JISC funded project Aim to make learning and teaching resources more accessible, by providing descriptive information that will allow engineering academics to gauge the resources’ suitability to their needs.

4 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Why a learning and teaching resource? A learning object is defined... as any entity, digital or non-digital, that can be used, re-used or referenced during technology-supported learning. - IEEE Draft Standard for Learning Object Metadata RDN Terminology Item: a physical or digital entity. Resource: an item, collection or service of interest to the end-user.

5 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Selecting a FAILTE learning and teaching resource Is the resource Web-based? Is the resource a collection of pointers to third party resources? Stop. Don’t include Stop. Don’t include Does it have a Web presence? No Stop. Don’t include Stop. Don’t include No Yes No Yes

6 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Can the resource be classified as an Engineering resource? Stop. Don’t include Stop. Don’t include No Does the resource contain only advice on aspects of learning and teaching? Is the resource material of a suitable level to be taught to higher education students? Stop. Don’t include Stop. Don’t include Yes Stop. Don’t include Stop. Don’t include No Yes No Yes

7 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Is the resource only specific to the needs of the creators? Stop. Don’t include Stop. Don’t include Yes Is the resource intended to accompany/act as a taught course? INCLUDE Can the resource easily be used or adapted for pedagogic purposes? No Yes Stop. Don’t include Stop. Don’t include No Yes No

8 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Learning and teaching resources Characteristics of a learning and teaching resource Information resources …are representations of data, knowledge, concepts, experience …contain data which communicate inherent attributes …communicate data, information and/or knowledge...are expositive …are interactive …are designed to enhance the learning of a particular audience: Often have learning objectives          

9 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Examples of resource types Information ResourcesLearning and Teaching Resources Journal articles, Research Monographs, Indexes, Databases. Experiment Simulation Formative assessment Questions Text book, Hand- out

10 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project Describing learning and teaching resources FAILTE description scheme uses metadata elements. Standards & Interoperability issues. Characteristics of learning and teaching resources to describe. Dublin Core Metadata Initiative

11 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project A learning and teaching resources database

12 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project References FAILTE web site: LTSN Engineering web site: ICBL: EEVL: EASEIT-Eng : MEG web page: Powell, A., RDN Terminology - Version 1.0. : Wiley, D. (Ed.), The Instructional Use of Learning Objects:

13 28/02/01Defining a learning and teaching resource in the context of the FAILTE project References (cont.d) IEEE draft standard for Learning Object Metadata: IMS Metadata Specification, Version 1.1 Dublin Core Metadata Initiative web site: UKOLN Metadata page:

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