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The first book cover I picked is a picture of Family Frolic magazine because Greg’s mom, Susan, gets ideas about a family road trip from it.

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2 The first book cover I picked is a picture of Family Frolic magazine because Greg’s mom, Susan, gets ideas about a family road trip from it.

3 The second book cover I picked is a picture of a car towing a boat because Mr. Heffley suggested they take the boat on the road trip.

4 The third book cover I picked is a dirty motel room because the Heffley’s had to stay in one because they did not cancel their reservation within 24 hours.

5 The fourth book cover I picked is a pig because Manny, Greg’s little brother, wins a “guess the hog’s weight” game at a county fair. Manny guessed the actual weight and won a live baby pig, which they couldn't return.

6 The fifth book cover I picked is a water park because Greg begs his mom to go to “Soak City” rather than the library. Greg’s brother, Rodrick, held up a sign that said Greg wasn’t wearing a bathing suit. The swimmer’s were grossed out and scattered out of the pool.

7 The sixth book cover I picked is a locker key because Greg finds the family’s locker key from Soak City in his shorts after they got home.


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