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Confederation and Constitution. Documents Influencing Our Constitution Magna Carta (1215) Limited the King’s power Beginning of Parliament Provides due.

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Presentation on theme: "Confederation and Constitution. Documents Influencing Our Constitution Magna Carta (1215) Limited the King’s power Beginning of Parliament Provides due."— Presentation transcript:

1 Confederation and Constitution

2 Documents Influencing Our Constitution Magna Carta (1215) Limited the King’s power Beginning of Parliament Provides due process of law and trial by jury No taxation without representation

3 Documents (cont) English Bill of Rights (1689) Defined the list of rights guaranteed to Englishmen anywhere Cannot suspend legislature Freedom of Speech

4 Declaration of Independence (1776) Statement of reasons why American colonies had a right to separate from England Listed grievances (complaints) against the king Documents (cont)

5 Articles of Confederation 1777 – Articles of Confederation was adopted as the new country’s form of government Each state had one vote Weak central government Most power was held by the states

6 Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation Weak Federal Government No army, could not tax Lack of national unity States acted independently, no regard for nation No executive or national court Federal Govt could not deal with national problems Each state was equal Did not take into account state populations Could not be altered without agreement of all states

7 Federalist Papers (1787- 1788) A series of essays written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay Promoted federalism – the balance of power between federal and state govt Increased support for the separation of powers and system of checks and balances Documents (cont)

8 What values identify Americans? Alexis de Tocqueville Frenchman who came to U.S. to study prison system Identified five characteristics that he believed set Americans apart from Europeans

9 de Tocqueville (cont) Liberty – protection against tyrannical govt Egalitarianism – society of equals Individualism – govt does not direct individual activity Populism – participation of common person in govt Laissez-faire – govt takes “hands off” approach to economy

10 Separation of Powers Judicial Branch Powers: Settles disputes between states Judicial Review Rule as they choose – life term Create lower courts Executive Branch Powers: Commander-in-Chief Grants pardons Makes treaties Makes Appointments Enforces laws Legislative Branch Powers: Passes new laws Prints and coins money Taxes Declare war Ratifies treaties Impeaches Regulates interstate commerce Proposes amendments Declares Executive Orders unconstitutional Approves Supreme Court Justices Declare a law unconstitutional Appoints Supreme Court Justices Override Veto with 2/3 vote in both houses Veto Laws

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