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What rights do you have? Brainstorm. Bill of Rights Bill of Rights was attached to the U.S. Constitution It includes the first 10 Amendments But wait.

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Presentation on theme: "What rights do you have? Brainstorm. Bill of Rights Bill of Rights was attached to the U.S. Constitution It includes the first 10 Amendments But wait."— Presentation transcript:

1 What rights do you have? Brainstorm

2 Bill of Rights Bill of Rights was attached to the U.S. Constitution It includes the first 10 Amendments But wait a minute, what exactly is an amendment?

3 Bill of Rights Amendment A change or addition to the U.S. Constitution

4 Bill of Rights Bill of Rights was added to the U.S. Constitution by Anti-Federalists It gave Americans certain guaranteed rights and freedoms Let’s begin with the 1 st Amendment

5 1 st Amendment The right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of press (news), and the right to assemble (gather in groups and protest)











16 2 nd Amendment The right to keep and bear arms (guns)



19 3 rd Amendment No soldier, in times of peace or war, can be quartered (stay) in any house without the approval of the owner

20 4 th Amendment No person can be searched or have their possessions seized (taken) without probable cause, meaning that the authorities must have a warrant signed by a judge


22 5 th Amendment People have the right to due process (government must respect people’s legal rights, like double jeopardy) = cannot be tried for same crime twice Every witness in court has the right not to answer questions that may incriminate them or put them in danger (right to plead the 5 th )

23 5 th Amendment continued Eminent Domain The power of governments to take private property for a public purpose if they pay for it

24 5 th Amendment; Eminent Domain

25 6 th Amendment All those accused and put on trial have the right to a speedy (fast) and public trial by jury Includes the right to a lawyer, even if you cannot afford one

26 7 th Amendment People have the right to a trial by jury of randomly selected people in any civil case that is worth more than $20


28 8 th Amendment No bail or fines shall be unfairly high. Also, cruel and unusual punishment is not to be used on people.

29 The penalty has to suit the crime i.e. (example) Can’t put someone to death for stealing a candy bar i.e. (example) Can’t fine a person $5,000 for jay walking across the street

30 9 th Amendment People are entitled to other certain individual rights not mentioned in the Constitution.

31 10 th Amendment Powers that are not given to the national government by the U.S. Constitution are therefore powers that belong to the state. (concept of Federalism)

32 Bill of Rights Posters Directions: Your assignment is to create a poster promoting ONE of the rights that we have as American citizens, which are listed in the Bill of Rights. If citizens in a democracy do not know their rights, then the government can abuse them. Thus, your task is to make a poster that is both attractive and informative. Requirements: Title Text of the amendment (from the Constitution) Brief description of the amendment in your own words – be specific! An image or something to remember the amendment by

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