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 What is the Supreme Law of the Land?  Constitution.

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2  What is the Supreme Law of the Land?

3  Constitution

4  What is a Constitution?

5  A document that establishes the rules for a government and how a government will be formed.

6  Who can tell me what the Preamble is/what it does?

7  It is the introduction to the Constitution. It states that the people have established and agreed to the principles described.

8  Ensure Domestic Tranquility  Provide for the Common Defense  Promote the General Welfare  Establish Justice  What do those principles mean?

9  Raise your hand if you have heard of the Bill of Rights.  What are the Bill of Rights?

10 Religion  First 10 Amendments to the Constitution. They list the individual rights guaranteed to all citizens. Speech Unreasonable searches and seizures Fair and speedy trial

11  Students will compose a Preamble and 5 amendments based on the Rule of Law (no one is above the law/everyone has to follow the rules) which will be posted in the room and followed throughout the trimester.  Students will discuss/reflect about the process.

12  1. Why do we need laws/rules? Why are having rules better for the group than not having rules?  2. How is the idea of compromise important in the writing of constitutions?  3. What are the purposes and roles of government?

13  I allow students who are respectful and productive to share this room with me and other students.

14  R-E-S-P-E-C-T  I’ll tell you what it means to me.   On time means you’re in your seat  The bell and detention are what you are trying to beat.   Standing at the door makes me grumble and groan  So does getting out of your seat to randomly roam.   Writing on the desks makes me cringe  But bad language totally makes me come unhinged.   Honor people’s personal space  For this is a very crowded place.   Be present! Come to class!  You’d be amazed at how this will help you pass.   Heads down, sleeping are a no  Attention is needed for you to grow.   When you’ve missed, look at Stewart’s wiki  You’ll learn. It won’t be tricky.   Take responsibility for your grade  Passing will be easy; you’ll have it made   ASK for help; I’m here until four  Even then I won’t push you out the door.   Come to class prepared and ready to go.  Be proud of your knowledge and what you know.   Manners are required here.  Yes, that means being a respectful peer.   Avoid classroom disruptions  Or to Mr. King you’ll go and they’ll be some serious eruptions.   No food or drink.  Don’t give me grief, don’t put up a stink.   Let’s not trash the room.  Let’s leave it clean  All these rules? C’mon Stewart, why you be so mean?   What I do appreciate:  On task behavior  A clean room  A smiling face  Kind words  Work handed in on time   My awesome ability to bust a good rhyme.   Welcome to a tri that will be filled with laughter, learning and fun.   Disrespectful behavior? There will be none.   R-E-S-P-E-C-T that is what it means to me.   What does it mean to you?  Stewart’s Respect/Expectations Poem

15  1. What is respect? How can we create an atmosphere of respect?  2. What are our responsibilities as students?  3. What is our teacher’s responsibility to us?  4. What are our rights to the classroom?  5. What are our teacher’s rights?

16  You will have up to 5 minutes to complete the Preamble. I have given you an outline. If that doesn’t work for you, create your own. ◦ “We the students in Ms. Stewart’s class, in order to ___________, and _______________, do hearby ordain and establish this Constitution based on the principles of ________________,_______________, and____________.”

17  You will now work on writing 5 classroom amendments (rights guaranteed to all people in Rm. 278).  When you write your amendments, make sure they fit the following criteria: ◦ 1. Are our amendments said simply? ◦ 2. Are our amendments easy to follow? ◦ 3. Are our amendments enforceable? ◦ 4. Are our amendments in conflict with other rules (school/district)?

18  Each student has the right to learn without distractions. ◦ Said simply ◦ Easy to follow ◦ Enforceable ◦ Not in conflict with other rules

19  1. Why do we need laws? Why are having rules better for the group than not having rules?  2. How is the idea of compromise important in writing of constitutions (think of your group work)?  3. What are the purposes and roles of government?

20  Do you think the process was a fair one? Why or why not?  Were you satisfied with the final provisions of the classroom Bill of Rights? Why/why not?

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