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Presentation on theme: "CRESCENDO CRESCENDO Philippe HOMSI Paul WEBSTER"— Presentation transcript:

30th November 2007 Presented by Philippe HOMSI Airbus Paul WEBSTER Rolls-Royce CRESCENDO Collaborative & Robust Engineering using Simulation Capability Enabling Next Design Optimisation Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process

2 Plan Expected Business Benefits Roadmap Scope and Perimeter
Innovation & Deliverables Work Breakdown Structure and Use cases Required partnership Status & Schedule Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

3 Expected Business Benefits
Design and Simulation Tools Technology NO REWORK SHOULD BE EXPECTED IN THESE PHASES Production Technology Progressive product enhancement AIRCRAFT CONCEPT OPTIONS Make Faster PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY OPERATE MAKE & TEST Validated Model Customers Reduce test time The whole business process must be simulated and vetted in this phase to achieve NO REWORK Environment Manufacturing and Test Innovation Skills Design, Manufacturing and Operations Innovation Skills Operator Innovation Skills Business Model Total Closed Loop Quality Business Management Innovation Skills To contribute to 10% reduction of design & development lifecycle time/cost To contribute to a 50% reduction in rework To contribute to a 20% cost reduction of physical tests Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

4 VIVACE / MAAXIMUS CRESCENDO Roadmap Subsystem and aircraft level
Technology Challenges Validate Develop Understand Discover 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Robust architecture Information sharing & Exchange and Visualisation Right first time Simulation life cycle management and KBE for architect Virtual certification Virtual Enterprise Virtual testing CRESCENDO VIVACE / MAAXIMUS Subsystem and aircraft level Model based P. Bachelier I do not like very much the split between M & S capability at component /function level for NSR and at A/C level for NLR as for example Palmas and Flight control target for pre-sizing loads are at A/C level and should be implemented on NSR and likely on A350. I prefer the slide which was elaborated within the EISS exercise: robust architecture and right first time design capabilities for NSR and virtual certification at M7 for NLR. This proposal includes the comments of Pierre G. Wolf - I agree with Pierre M&S strategy Link with supply chain Discipline and component level Process based Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

5 Behavioural Digital Aircraft
Implications of Engineering Strategy for Analysis Scope & Perimeter Value Generation - Value Generation - Value Generation - Value Generation Behavioural Digital Aircraft Linked to PLM Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

6 Innovation & Deliverables
A validated Common Model Architecture and associated aircraft dictionary and language allowing the delivery of the behavioural Digital Aircraft: The functional aircraft (the active part of the aircraft. It integrates the control and command of systems, the communication of information between them and towards operators, the organs that are activated, the energy that activates them, and all the different states in which they may be, including failures.) The physical aircraft (application of the laws of physics to the aircraft: examples are mechanisms, structural mechanics (stress, fatigue, impact), aerodynamics, aero-elastics, manoeuvres, internal flows (fuel, hydraulics), thermal physics, acoustics, electro-magnetism, and many others). The business model through the programme life cycle and linked to the PLM Common Multi Disciplinary Business and design services implemented in a federative and evolutive common framework Trade-off capabilities Uncertainty Management Change impact analysis Information system services and capabilities Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

7 Work Breakdown Structure
Energy Aircraft Value Generation Power Plant Integration Thermal Aircraft Avionic Preliminary Design Definition Development Behavioural Digital Aircraft Methods & Tools Information Technologies Integration is to be understood respectively as federation for the information system, as seamless configuration for the life cycle and real integration for Product Integrated Product Seamless configuration Federative capability Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

8 Required Partnership Manufacturers (~15): Airframe, Helicopter, Engine, and Equipment manufacturers with the following roles Provide the business use cases that will justify the business benefits Express requirements in terms of models, simulations and the associated maturity and fidelity levels Express requirement in terms of Business services Participate in the development of the models according to the Common Model Architecture Participate in the develop of business services Participate in the validation of the models, simulation and business services developed Research Institutes (~15): Aeronautical research centres and Universities with the following roles Transform the requirements from use cases into specifications for innovation related to the solutions to be developed Participate in the development of the solutions Participate in the validation of the use cases These partners will be selected after having performed a make or Buy from the use cases provided by the manufacturers partners Software and IT Suppliers (~10) with the following roles Transform the requirements from use cases into specifications of the solutions to be developed Participate in the development of solutions Certification Authority (at least 1) Project Management Office (1) Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

9 Status & Schedule Mid April 2008: Final proposal
Today: Good maturity of the project scoping  Objectives and Perimeter frozen  WBS, Milestones, project phasing and Deliverables frozen  Budget frozen  Core team established  Process of selecting new partners about to start December 2007: First of the proposal  Finalisation of the Consortium  Good draft of the task description Mid April 2008: Final proposal 7th May 2008: Dead line for Submission January 2009: Project Start December 2011: End of Project Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

10 The behavioural Digital Aircraft Common Architecture
The Common Architecture (CA) A virtual library of models which contains the ‘book covers’ and ‘table of contents’ of each model, but not the models themselves. The book cover and table of contents provide the meta-data and meta models along with the associative information providing the interactions between models their levels of maturity and fidelity,etc. The ability to provide multiple views and layers of the CA is critical, since the different types of design issues are limitless and varying with each development cycle. Added to this are the inherent design issues which are specific to each phase of the development cycle. The ambition of CRESCENDO is to make a significant jump towards creating the behavioural Digital Aircraft, for: Integrated Product Teams working in virtual “plateaus”, involving multi-disciplinary teams collaborating thanks to an overall aircraft model architecture covering: preliminary design, design, testing and certification Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

11 Industry needs: Airbus keynote speech
Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

12 Industry needs: Rolls Royce keynote speech
Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007

13 Industry needs: Thales keynote speech
Increased functional complexity of systems Interdependence of subsystems A “requirement management approach” is no longer viable System design must be architecture-driven Functional view of architecture is of primary importance A common language must be set-up across industrial partners for addressing functional view : the “shared functional model” Need to share assets in a multi-company collaborative approach (seamless work organisation) Technology Based Workshop - Full Virtuality in Aircraft development Process November 2007


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