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10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania1 CMS Tracker Week CERN, 10 Apr 2003 Entering Bonding Data in TrackerDB.

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Presentation on theme: "10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania1 CMS Tracker Week CERN, 10 Apr 2003 Entering Bonding Data in TrackerDB."— Presentation transcript:

1 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania1 CMS Tracker Week CERN, 10 Apr 2003 Entering Bonding Data in TrackerDB

2 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania2 Bonding-DB Interface Version 1.0 First fully working version, after several DEMO versions Released 7 April 2003 h 20:42

3 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania3 Release 1.0 Distribution Follow Installation Instructions at distrib/bondingdb/ii.html Individual tar file for each Center OR Centers can have theirs installed at Catania:

4 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania4 Bonding-DB Interface What does it do after all? Basically it is a XML file generator Allows operators to enter data by filling out user-friendly Web forms instead of manually editing in XML language. Allows to enter data a little at the time and/or to modify them multiple times before committing them to the XML files. In fact, XML files are generated only when data are explicitly “validated” by a “supervisor”.

5 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania5 Bonding-DB Interface What it does not do It does not upload data (XML files) to TrackerDB automatically –It does not because it is not allowed. XML files generated must be uploaded firing up the BigBrowser, and clicking a button in the “Calibration” page.

6 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania6 I/F design principles

7 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania7 I/F action breakup


9 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania9 The Pull Test Table “COMPPULLTEST” Composite “PULLTEST” Table

10 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania10 And now? From a developer’s point of view, this is already history! What comes next?

11 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania11 Plans for Release 2 (1) Add Hybrid Bonding Section E.T.D.: ~ 20 Apr 2003

12 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania12 The 7 HYB Bonding Tables “HYBBOND” Composite PULLTESTBONDWIRE POSTBOND(BONDPARAM) BONDSTATUSBONDMACHINE BONDLOGPREBOND [All Tables related to Object=HYB (including PULLTEST)]

13 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania13 Plans for Release 2 (2) React to any feedback from users: –Marco Meschini: Add to Pre-Bonding checkboxes for sensor mounting errors by Gantry -> write a specific value to PREBOND_val –Russell Taylor: No Pre- or Post-Bonding Sections [for Santa Barbara only: ???] E.T.D.: ~ 30 Apr 2003

14 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania14 Proposal for (common?) solution to Russel’s request (1)  from action- oriented breakup… 1.Pre-Bond 2.Bond 3.Post-Bond 4.Bond Rep 5.Pull Tests 6.Hyb Bond  from object- oriented breakup… 1.Pull Tests on Sensor Test Structures 2.Hyb Bond 3.Mod Bond 4.Mod Bond Rep

15 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania15 Proposal for (common?) solution to Russel’s request (2) The refurbished Mod Bond Form –Will have 2 small sections, 1 on top and 1 at bottom similar to current Pre- and Post- Bond [This is what I’ve been asked to do for Hyb Bond] –Nothing changes in TrackerDB: when the data (all in Bond form) are VALIDATED we generate a XML file with the same contents, but in 1 shot instead of 3. The refurbished Mod Bond Rep Form –will have small section at bottom similar to current Post-Bond

16 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania16 Plans for Release 3 NO intermediate data files, write only XML files More error handling See ARC plots with a click View bonding data already in TrackerDB from any Center

17 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania17 Related Project Contribute to joint project (A.Starodoumov, V.Radicci, Tomas…, myself) for a Web I/F to query TrackerDB for a Module and get “complete” info about it

18 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania18 CMS Tracker Week CERN, 10 Apr 2003 Appendix: Some details on v.1.0

19 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania19 Release 1.0 Features (1) Downloads input info from TrackerDB via Relay Application Checks that object is registered to TrackerDB Checks that object is a `MOD’ Finds and displays `type’ for crosscheck Downloads lists of pinholes & shorts in Sensor to build list of channels to leave unbonded >>> Handles tool_id’s and diagnostic flags ( _val) Includes a (very) detailed User’s Manual

20 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania20 Release 1.0 Features (2) Improved GUI, balmier colors Includes error handling –non-numeric values in number-type fields –quotes in text fields (dangerous in XML!) Hold Center-dependent input data in lookup files (simplifies maintenance) 2 alternate Pull Test data input modes –Statistical values –Raw values (statistics is calculated)

21 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania21 Ch.s to leave unbonded Recipe React only to bond immediately upstream of sensor with bad strip Skip (= leave unbonded) –All pinholes (IDIEL_1_SEN_.POSITION_OF_BAD_STRIPS) –All Isolated CAC (CAC100HZ_1_ SEN_.POSITION_OF_BAD_STRIPS) –All but lowest in shorts (CAC chain) (CAC100HZ_1_ SEN_.POSITION_OF_BAD_STRIPS) CAC Example: 3 34 35 36 37 skip isolated 3, skip all but lowest in 34-37 chain, or: bond only 34

22 10 April 2003Salvatore Costa, INFN Catania22 Functional Description op su ENTER UPDATEVIEW SEARCH VALIDATE front page User’s Manual (in new window) data indb results ID_oper.dat ID_oper.xml BigBrowser ID_oper.xml.indb TrackerDB installdir> DocumentRoot or ~user/public_html

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