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Sentence Structures.  Complete Sentence: contains at least 1 Subject + 1 Verb  Example: The team ran across the track field. Find the Subject… The team.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence Structures.  Complete Sentence: contains at least 1 Subject + 1 Verb  Example: The team ran across the track field. Find the Subject… The team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence Structures

2  Complete Sentence: contains at least 1 Subject + 1 Verb  Example: The team ran across the track field. Find the Subject… The team ran across the track field. Find the Verb… The team ran across the track field.

3 Sentence Fragment:  missing either Subject or Verb = incomplete sentence!  Example: Find the Subject + Verb: Walking through the dark forest. Who is walking through the dark forest?

4 Run-on Sentence:  More than 1 Subject and/or Verb  Example: Find the S and V below…. My mom washed all the dishes and clothes she is a busy lady!

5 Practice! Do you get it? Let’s see… Label each of the following items C, F, or R below: (Hint: Always look for the subject and verb FIRST!) ____ 1) Walking through the dark forest. ____ 2) Bob was running in the yard. ____ 3) This is my first ball game I think we will win. ____ 4) All of the other girls at the mall. ____ 5) I have walked to school every day. F C R F C

6 ____ 6) My arm hurts a little. ____ 7) A big crowd of people at the park. ____ 8) Mother washed the clothes and she waxed the floor but she got tired. ____ 9) Even though it was late and very dark outside. ____ 10) What a day for a party! C F R F C

7  A clause is: a group of words  There are _2_ types of clauses:  Independent and Dependent

8 I ndependent clause: a group of words that can stand alone. (It has a S + V) D ependent clause: a group of words that can’t stand alone. (Missing a S + V) In Other Words! An I ndependent clause is also known as a Complete Sentence. AND A D ependent clause is also known as a Fragment (Incomplete Sentence)

9  A S imple sentence:  1 Subject + 1 Verb only = 1Sentence  Example: Joe plays with toys.  A C ompound sentence:  1 Subject/ Verb AND 1 Subject/Verb = 1 Sentence  Example: Joe plays with toys,and Sue runs races.

10 How do you make a Compound sentence? (2 ways) ; = I ; I example : Sam is tall he eats tons! SV SV Sam is tall ; he eats tons! or,c = I,c I example: Sam is tall, c he eats tons! Conjunctions: remember the FANBOYS! For And Nor But Or Yet So

11 Practice! Do you get it? Let’s see… 1-Label the subjects and verbs in each sentence 2-then label each sentence either S or C below. ____ 1) We followed him into the cemetery, but he seemed to disappear. ____ 2)The girl in this ad makes a lot of money modeling. ____ 3) She petted the dog and teased the cat. ____ 4) White water rafting is fun; it is also very exciting. C S S C

12 Practice! Do you get it? Let’s see… 1-Label the subjects and verbs in each sentence 2-then label each sentence either S or C below. ___ 5) You can help, or you can leave. C

13  A CompleX (CX) sentence:  contains 1 Independent clause and 1 Dependent clause attached to it  The Dependent Clause can be in 3 possible places:  at the FRONT, MIDDLE, or BACK of the sentence

14  A Compound/ CompleX (C/CX) sentence:  contains 2 Independent clauses and at least 1 Dependent clause attached to it. = I ; I + D or I,c I + D Dependent Clause can be located at the FRONT, MIDDLE, or BACK of the sentence!!

15 HOMEWORK!!!! Choose a picture (draw it or clip it). Then write a paragraph(s) about the picture. --Use all 4 types of sentences and label them in the paragraph. - Use all 3 types of verbals and label them in the paragraph. Due: NEXT DAY

16 Example: Eva’s twitching eyes were calmed by the peaceful and tranquil sunset. Eva had a crazy and dreadful day. First, she went to shower, but there was no hot water!! She had to take a cold shower! When she was leaving her house, she forgot her big project, and she did not remember to feed her two dogs! She thought her day could not get any worse, but she was mistaken when she saw a huge pile of work on her desk! Eva was very tired when she left work. She needed to take a long drive to the beach. Relaxing was all she wanted to do! She hoped she would not have a frenzied day tomorrow like she did today.

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