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Oddelenie kozmickej fyziky 2008 Publikácie (recenzované), prezentácie, experimentálne aktivity (uzavreté 30.11.2008) KK081202.

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Presentation on theme: "Oddelenie kozmickej fyziky 2008 Publikácie (recenzované), prezentácie, experimentálne aktivity (uzavreté 30.11.2008) KK081202."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oddelenie kozmickej fyziky 2008 Publikácie (recenzované), prezentácie, experimentálne aktivity (uzavreté 30.11.2008) KK081202

2 Vedeckí: Ján Baláž, Pavol Bobík, Karel Kudela, Marián Slivka. Milan Rybanský čiastk. úvazok) Ostatní VŠ, VTP: Igor Strhárský, Ronald Langer, Jana Štetiarová, Vladimír Kollár, 2 čiastkové úvazky (na miesto R. Bučíka, PhD – ten je v MPI Lindau) SŠ: Anna Tomičová (čiastk.), Samo Štefánik Projekty: VEGA 7063 (od 1.1.2007 do 31.12.2009) APVV 0538 (od 05/2006-predp. do 04/2009) INTAS sept. 2006- aug. 2009 NMDB (7RP EÚ) 1/2008 – 12/2009, koord. Kiel, SWEETS (6RP EÚ) bol ukončený COST 724 bol ukončený knihou na Podané: výzva EŠF 2.1 (Astronomický ústav SAV, PF UPJŠ, ÚEF SAV) 2.1 NESTEC NEw Space TEChnology (pre 7.RP EÚ Space, December 2008, koord. Bremen, účastníci zo 4 krajín Štúdium fyzikálnych procesov v magnetosfére a heliosfére prostredníctvom energetických kozmických častíc.

3 Publikácie (recenzované, CC ISI): 1.CC 1.1. MYAGKOVA, I.N. - KUZNETSOV, S.N. - KURT, V.G. - YUSHKOV, B.Yu. - GALKIN, V.I. - MURAVJEVA, E.A. - KUDELA, Karel. X-ray, gamma emission and energetic particles in near-Earth space as measured by CORONAS-F satellite: From maximum to minimum of the last solar cycle. In Advances in Space Research. ISSN 0273-1177, 2007, vol. 40, no. 12, p. 1929-1934. (0.774 - IF2007). ADCA079865 APVV 0538 1.2. GRIGORYAN, O.R. - KUDELA, Karel - ROTHKAEHL, H. - SHEVELEVA, V.N. The electron formations under the radiation belts at L-shell 1.2-1.9. In Advances in Space Research. ISSN 0273-1177, 2008, vol. 41, no. 1, p. 81-85. (0.774 - IF2007). ADCA 079867 APVV 0538

4 1.3. BOBIK, Pavol - KUDELA, Karel - BOSCHINI, M.J. - GRANDI, D. - GERVASI, M. - RANCOITA, P.G. Solar modulation model with reentrant particles. In Advances in Space Research. ISSN 0273-1177, 2008, vol. 41, no. 2, p. 339-342. (0.774 - IF2007). ADCA 079869, APVV 0538 1.4. KUDELA, Karel - BUČÍK, Radoslav - BOBIK, Pavol. On transmissivity of low energy cosmic rays in disturbed magnetosphere. In Advances in Space Research. ISSN 0273-1177, 2008, vol. 42, no. 7, p. 1300-1306. (0.774 - IF2007). ADCA 086494, VEGA 7063 1.5. LU, L. - MCKENNA-LAWLOR, S. - BARABASH, S. - KUDELA, Karel - BALÁŽ, Ján - STRHÁRSKÝ, Igor - LIU, Z.X. - SHEN, C. - CAO, J.B. - BRANDT, P.C. - TANG, C.L. - DANDOURAS, I. Iterative inversion of global magnetospheric ion distributions using energetic netral atom (ENA) images recorded by the NUADU/TC2 instrument. In Annales Geophysicae. ISSN 0992-7689, 2008, vol. 26, no. 6, p. 1641-1652. (1.427 - IF2007). ADCA 082409, APVV 0538 1.6. LU, Li - MCKENNA-LAWLOR, S. - BARABASH, S. - BALÁŽ, Ján - LIU, Zhen Xing - SHEN, Chao - CAO, JinBin - TANG, C.L. Iterative inversion of global magnetospheric information from energy neutral atom (ENA) images recorded by the TC-2/NUADU instrument. In Science in China Series E : Technological Sciences. ISSN 1006-9321, 2008, vol. 51, no. 10, p. 1731-1744. (0.265 - IF2007). ADCA 087890

5 1.7. VÖRÖS, Z. - ZHANG, T.L. - LEUBNER, M.P. - VOLWERK, M. - DELVA, M. - BAUMJOHANN, W. - KUDELA, Karel. Magnetic fluctuations and turbulence int the Venus. In Geophysical Research Letters. ISSN 0094-8276, 2008, vol. 35, no. 11, p. L11102-1-5. (2.744 - IF2007). ADCA 082312, APVV 0538 1.8. ZHANG, T.L. - DELVA, M. - BAUMJOHANN, W. - VOLWERK, M. - RUSSELL, C.T. – BARABASH, S. - BALIKHIN, M. - POPE, S. - GLASSMEIER, K.H. - KUDELA, Karel - WANG, C. - VÖRÖS, Z. - ZAMBELLI, W. Initial Venus Express magnetic field observations of the Venus bow shock location at solar minimum. In Planetary and Space Science. ISSN 0032- 0633, 2008, vol. 56, no. 6, p. 785-789. (1.842 - IF2007). ADCA 080732, APVV 0538 1.9. ZHANG, T.L. - DELVA, M. - BAUMJOHANN, W. - VOLWERK, M. - RUSSELL, C.T. - BARABASH, S. - BALIKHIN, M. - POPE, S. - GLASSMEIER, K.H. - WANG, C. - KUDELA, Karel. Initial Venus Express magnetic field observations of the magnetic barrier at solar minimum. In Planetary and Space Science. ISSN 0032-0633, 2008, vol. 56, no. 6, p. 790- 795. (1.842 - IF2007). ADCA 080731, APVV 0538

6 1.10. BARANETS, N.V. - SOBOLEV, Ya.P. - CIOBANU, Mihai - VOJTA, Jaroslav - SMILAUER, J. - KLOS, Z. - ROTHKAEHL, H. - KIRAGA, A. - KUDELA, Karel - MATIŠIN, J. - AFONIN, V.V. - RYABOV, B.S. - ISAEV, N.V. Development of Beam-Plasma Instability during the Injection a Low-Energy Electron Beam into the Ionospheric Plasma. In Plasma Physics Reports. ISSN 1063-780X, 2007, vol. 33, no. 12, p. 995-1013. (0.653 - IF2007). ADCA 079976 = Fizika Plazmy. ISSN 0367-2921, 2008, tom 33, no. 12, s. 1086-1106, APVV 0538 1.11. MCKENNA-LAWLOR, S. - DRYER, M. - FRY, C.D. - SMITH, Z.K. - INTRILIGATOR, D.S. - COURTNEY, W.R. - DEEHR, C.S. - SUN, W. - KECSKEMÉTY, K. - KUDELA, Karel - BALÁŽ, Ján - BARABASH, S. - FUTAANA, Y. - YAMAUCHI, M. - LUNDIN, R. Predicting interplanetary shock arrivals at Earth, Mars, and Venus: A real-time modeling experiment following the solar flares of 5-14 December 2006. In Journal of Geophysical Research. ISSN 0148-0227, 2008, vol. 113, no. A6, p. A06101-1-13. (2.953 - IF2007). ADCA 082430, APVV 0538 1.12. DOROTOVIČ, I. - KUDELA, Karel - LORENC, M. - RYBANSKÝ, Milan. On 17 - 22 January 2005 Events in Space Weather. In Solar Physics, 2008, vol. 250, p. 339-346. (2.479 - IF2007). ADCA 083520, APVV 0538 a VEGA 7063

7 Čo nás čaká: ECRS 2008 SEPTEMBER 9 – 12, 2008 Košice Celý LOC Záverečná snímka z reportu 2007: 2. Konferencie.


9 -152 účastníkov z 30 krajín; - vyše 80 referátov; - 110 posterov; - zborník (na DVD aj v tlačenej forme); - welcome party, koncert, recepcia, výlety do V.Tatier, Levoče a na Krásnu Hôrku; - prijatie u primátora; Značná časť práce celého OKF, veľa bolo už spravené, práca však pokračuje ďalej...... Účasť preto na iných konferenciách nižšia. V zahraničí: Krakov, Nor Amberd (Arménsko), Kiel

10 Experimenty Lomnický štít Tepeľné neutróny, atmosferické efekty (započaté s FIAN Moskva) PEEL pre HotPay2, raketa, Nórsko (s DUT Xanthi, GR) – štart 31.1.2008 (J. Baláž) MEP-2 pre SPEKTR-R (s SRI Moscow, DUT Xanthi, GR) štart r. 2009 ? RESONANCE (magnetosferické efekty s energetickými časticami, SRI Moscow, SINP MSU RU, DUT Xanthi GR) 2012 ?? ? HELIOS (časť slnečné n, , RSA, spolupráca s SINP MSU, Waseda U. JP) ? SOLAR PROBE (časť n,  ESA, NASA) ? BepiColombo (misia k Merkuru, analýza plazmy, ESA, 2013) - prístroj SERENA, ktorého časť vyvíja J. Baláž prešiel úspešne etapou Preliminary Design Review – info 6.12.2008 Demeter (FR, možnosť porovnania s Coronas-F) Nízkoorbitálne súčasné merania, analýza (Tatiana RU) ?Cross-scale (ESA) schválený v časti Cosmic Vision

11 NMDB nový projekt 7RP NMDB and Stations Overview Athens NM, Greece Kerguelen and Terre Adelie stations Kiel, Germany Lomnicky stit, Slovakia Oulu, Finland Roma, Italy Swiss NMs

12 Popularizácia, edukačné aktivity (zo stránky Deň otvorených dverí ÚEF 2008Deň otvorených dverí ÚEF 2008 (TV Naša 26.11.2008, wmv 12.7MB) 30 let kosmofyzikálního výzkumu v Košicích (Národní tech. museum Praha, pdf 760 kB) Nové poznatky o energetických časticiach v kozme (link CVČ Košice, 10.10.2008) Košice sú centrom kozmického sveta... (link Aktuality SAV, 18.09.2008) Európske sympózium o kozmickom žiarení (Korzár 10.09.2008, pdf 70 kB) Galileo štartuje... A čo Slovensko? (link Aktuality SAV, 02.07.2008) Sonda "pod kožu" polárnej žiary (link Správy SAV 3/2008) Pripravení na výskum vesmíru (link EN SAV, 14.03.2008) Slovenský prístroj na nórskej rakete (Quark 3/2008, pdf 400 kB) Košický spektrometer sa chystá do vesmíru (Quark 2/2008, pdf 540 kB) Slovenský prístroj letel na nórskej rakete (Korzár 06.02.2008, pdf 70 kB) Slovenský prístroj súčasťou medzinárodného projektu (Plus1deň 02.02.2008, pdf 70 kB) Slovenský prístroj na nórskej rakete (link Aktuality SAV, 01.02.2008) 30 let kosmofyzikálního výzkumu v Košicích Nové poznatky o energetických časticiach v kozme Košice sú centrom kozmického sveta... Európske sympózium o kozmickom žiarení Galileo štartuje... A čo Slovensko? Sonda "pod kožu" polárnej žiary Pripravení na výskum vesmíru Slovenský prístroj na nórskej rakete Košický spektrometer sa chystá do vesmíru Slovenský prístroj letel na nórskej rakete Slovenský prístroj súčasťou medzinárodného projektu Slovenský prístroj na nórskej rakete

13 Výsledok za úlohu VEGA 7063. (2 papers below)

14 Summary. Access of low energy cosmic rays to any position on the Earth depends on the state of the magnetosphere. Anisotropy of cosmic rays, deduced from the neutron monitor network, must assume the variable transmissivity of the magnetosphere especially during the geomagnetic disturbances. We illustrate that computations based on different available models of geomagnetic field during selected strong geomagnetic disturbances in 2003 and 2004 imply different profiles of cut-off rigidities in time, different transmissivity functions and different asymptotic directions. Using of cosmic ray records by neutron monitors at middle and low latitudes during geomagnetically active periods, in addition to cosmic ray anisotropy in interplanetary space deduced from high and low energy cosmic ray ground based measurements, may be used for checking validity of geomagnetic field models. By K. Kudela, R. Bučík and P. Bobík Checked 3 types of differencies:

15 Differences of Ts89, Ts89+Dst, Ts04: 1. Transmissivity function: TF (for vertical direction) for Lomnický Štít before the onset of the storm (Nov. 20, 2003, 02 UT, black) and during the Dst minimum (19 UT, red) for three models. Ts89Ts89+DstTs04

16 Asymptotic directions for Lomnický Štít before the disturbance (upper panels, Nov. 20, 2003, 02 UT) and at minimum Dst (lower panels, 19 UT) for Ts89+Dst (left) and Ts04 (right). 2. Asymptotics.

17 Rome neutron monitor. Increase in CR is matching better the cut-off decrease for Ts04 model than that for Ts89 + Dst. 3. Timing of minimum cut-off rigidity.

18 Different models of magnetic field (external sources) during strong geomagnetic disturbances give different estimates of (a) Time profile of cut-off rigidities at a particular ground station (b) Transmissivity function for particles coming from outside magnetosphere (c) Asymptotic directions CR increases at middle and high nominal cut-off NMs are observed superposed on FD (earlier papers in appendix). Model with prehistory (Ts04) and model with Dst give different results for two storms (comparison of CR peak time vs time of maximum cut-off depression). No general conclusion about validity of models from this limited study.

19 How to check validity of geomagnetic field models by CR during geomagnetic storms? Timing of maximum CR increase vs minimum predicted cut-off at many stations (?) Very simplified: simultaneous change of CR anisotropy in interplanetary space (CME passing Earth’s orbit) Spaceship Earth (Bieber J.W., P. Evenson, ICRC, 1995), ring of NM at high latitudes – anisotropy at low energies (not strongly affected by magnetospheric disturbance – asymptotic directions in narrow interval of longitudes, close to ecliptic, changes below atmospheric cutoff) – reference for IP anisotropy at LE ? Network of muon directional telescopes (Munakata K. et al., Adv. Space Res., 2005) studies anisotropy at energies above NM (~50 GeV), not strongly affected by changes in magnetosphere – reference for IP anisotropy at HE ?

20 Using predictions of different models (disturbed field) for (a) time profile of vertical cut-offs, (b) asymptotic directions and (c) transmissivity function for low and middle latitude NMs plus coupling functions and Anisotropy estimate at “middle energies” from interpolation between anisotropy in IP space by Spaceship Earth (LE) and by Muon Telescope Network (HE) To estimate CR time profiles at various NMs (middle, low latitudes), to compare with measurements by NM network ? Problems, simplifications: energy spectra of primary particles, only vertical direction assumed. In addition: proton detector(s) with high geometric factor at low orbits can check the consistency of transmissivity functions at two altitudes (model dependent). More systematic studies needed: different storms, network of NMs, better temporal resolution of NMs.

21 Concluding remarks CR measured by NM at middle and low latitudes can probably help in testing validity of geomagnetic field models during strong disturbances. IP anisotropy deduced from lower energies (Spaceship Earth) and high energies (muon telescopes) as well as low altitude polar orbiting satellite(s) with large geometrical factor for energetic particles are useful for that.

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