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Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 1 Welcome!!!  Introduce yourselves and explain your role in your school, district or state.  Page 10  What actions.

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Presentation on theme: "Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 1 Welcome!!!  Introduce yourselves and explain your role in your school, district or state.  Page 10  What actions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 1 Welcome!!!  Introduce yourselves and explain your role in your school, district or state.  Page 10  What actions has your school/district/state taken during the last two years to advance student achievement?  Select 2 or 3 actions to write on the appropriate poster around the room.

3 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 2 Using Data to Set Priorities for Teaching and Learning HSTW Assessment Train-the-Trainer Strand Alabama Data Workshop Montgomery, Alabama October 27, 2008

4 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 3 Workshop Objectives and Deliverables  Understand the 2008 HSTW Assessment and Assessment Report  Use data to analyze your school/district/state’s challenges and develop an action plan for addressing those challenges  Learn how to deliver a data workshop  Develop a plan for engaging others in analyzing assessment results and using data to make change

5 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 4 The Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) Founded in 1948 to improve the plight of the south through a focus on education Nonprofit, nonpartisan organization Works with leaders and policy-makers in 16 member states Provide data to legislatures and state boards of education for decision making Focus on improving education pre-K through best practice Network states HSTW

6 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 5 High Schools That Work and Making Middle Grade Work HSTW is the largest and oldest of SREB’s school improvement initiatives for secondary schools 1987 – 27 HSTW sites 2008 – 1400 HSTW sites in 32 states MMGW was founded to focus on middle grades issues 1998 – 25 MMGW sites for research 2001 – MMGW opened to all 2008 – 300 MMGW sites in 16 states HSTW 5

7 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 6 High Schools That Work (HSTW) 6

8 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 7 HSTW Key Practices  High Expectations  Program of Study  Academic Studies  Career/Technical Studies  Work-Based Learning  Teachers Working Together  Students Actively Engaged  Guidance  Extra Help  Culture of Continuous Improvement HSTW

9 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 8 GA PAGE8 What Will it Take?  Improvement at the Same Time in Both  Student achievement  Student completion rate  Truly Use Data for Improvement  Process  Performance

10 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 9 Data Inquiry Process-Data Walk  Your facilitator will direct your group to a data poster.  We will rotate clockwise to posters. There are twelve different posters.  I will add information about the posters after each rotation.  As a group, try to determine: How is the poster organized?

11 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 10 Data Inquiry Process  Rotate to the next poster.  There are multiple measures of data on these posters.  What types of data do you think were collected and analyzed to provide the information you see on the posters?

12 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 11 GA PAGE11 2008 HSTW Assessment  NAEP-referenced subject tests  Reading, Mathematics, Science  Scale 0-500  Student Survey  Course History  School and Classroom Experiences  Teacher Survey  Reports produced by Educational Testing Service  Data/Survey linked to HSTW Key Practices

13 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 12 Data Inquiry Process  Rotate to the next poster.  What are the subjects of this data set?  What is the purpose of this data set?

14 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 13 2008 Assessment Participation  2008 HSTW Assessment  1,048 schools  61,234 students  51,064 teachers  Given to Seniors in Even Years  Sample of 60 Per School  School Improvement Data

15 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 14 Data Inquiry Process  Rotate to the next poster.  Where are college- and career- readiness indicators located on the posters?  Discuss your definitions of college- and career-readiness.

16 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 15 Readiness Requirements  SAT scores  500 or higher= ready for college level work  Below 450 = remediation  Select universities (1100 score for acceptance)  ACT College-readiness Benchmarks:  English18  Reading21  Mathematics22  Science24  HSTW Readiness Goals:  Reading250  Mathematics257  Science258

17 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 16 Data Inquiry Process  Rotate to the next poster.  How does this data relate to other data your school typically reviews?  What’s the difference in the types of data on all these posters?  What is the value of using both types of results data?

18 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 17 GA PAGE17 Multiple Measures School Processes Perceptions Student Achievement Demographics Effort

19 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 18 Data Inquiry Process  Rotate to the next poster  Predict your school’s students’ responses  Top two  Bottom two

20 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 19 Data Inquiry Process  Rotate to the next poster. On the last rotation:  Which of the indicators on your group’s final poster do adults in the school community have control over?  Which indicators would it cost you money to change?

21 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 20 Debriefing the Data Walk  Process-performance data relationship  What can we control?  How much will it cost us to change?  Issues facing schools: improving achievement and completion rate at the same time

22 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 21 Debriefing the Data Walk  What makes HSTW schools different?  Process v. Performance  Effort v. Ability  Successful schools are improving by focusing on things they control and influence  We must take ownership of what we can control.

23 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 22 Interpreting the 2008 HSTW Assessment

24 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 23 2008 HSTW Assessment  NAEP-like subject tests  Reading, Mathematics, Science  Student Survey  Course History  School and Classroom Experiences  Teacher Survey  Administered to all or a random sample of 60+ seniors in January 2008  Comprehensive report disaggregating achievement by school/classroom practices

25 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 24 2008 Assessment Participation  2008 HSTW Assessment  1,048 schools  61,234 students  51,064 teachers  2008 Middle Grades Assessment  309 schools  18,300 students  10,758 teachers

26 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 25 2008 HSTW Assessment Results All Sites 55% 53% 51% Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

27 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 26 2008 HSTW Assessment Results Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment HSTW Goal = 85%

28 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 27 Report Format  Executive Summary (pg. 1-2)  Overview (pg. 3-24)  Full Report  Indices (pg. 25-36)  Benchmarks (pg. 37-57)  Student survey results (pg. 58-209)  Teacher survey results (pg. 210-241)  Appendix (pg. 242-258)

29 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 28 Test Development  Why revise the assessment?  Refresh subject tests  Add utility  Purpose  Continue measuring continuous school improvement  Add measure of student college- and career-readiness

30 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 29 Test Development  Determine broad guidelines  Specify content to be included  Develop and review test questions  Write performance level descriptors  Review performance level descriptors  Administer assessment  Standard setting workshop  Research and validity studies

31 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 30 Test Content Reading  80% informational texts; 20% literary nonfiction  Includes meaning vocabulary  Includes paired texts (to assess critical analysis)  Does not include literary fiction or poetry

32 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 31 Test Content Mathematics  10% - Number Properties and Operations  30% - Measurement/Geometry  25% - Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability  35% - Algebra

33 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 32 Test Content Science  40% - Life science  40% - Physical science  20% - Earth and space science

34 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 33 Test Details  Reading 90 minutes in length 5 passages, 46 MC questions, 2 CR questions  Mathematics 70 minutes in length 50 MC questions and 2 CR questions Graphing calculator for some questions  Science 70 minutes in length 50 MC questions and 2 CR questions

35 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 34 Standard Setting  What is a cut score?  The minimum test score a student must earn to be considered at a certain performance level  Three cut scores result in four levels of performance. below Basic Cut Score A Cut Score B ProficientAdvancedBasic Cut Score C

36 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 35 Standard Setting  Finding the target student Basic Proficient Target Basic Student

37 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 36 Standard Setting ReadingMathematicsScience Basic250-271257-291258-285 Proficient272-301292-318286-310 Advanced302-500319-500311-500 Students scoring below 250 in reading, 257 in mathematics or 258 in science are considered to be performing below the Basic level.

38 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 37 Test Scores  All three tests are scored on a scale of 0 to 500.  Scores are not comparable across subject areas (i.e., a score of 270 in reading is not the same as a 270 in mathematics).  Students performing below a 250 in reading, 257 in mathematics or 258 in science are considered performing below the Basic level in that subject area.  The readiness goals are set at the basic level in each subject area (reading = 250; mathematics = 257; science = 258).

39 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 38 Performance Level Descriptors  Pages 11-13  Read the basic, proficient and advanced descriptors for each subject test  In 2 or 3 sentences, describe what it means for a student to achieve in each level 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:21 1:000:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51 1:101:091:081:071:06 1:051:041:031:021:01 1:201:191:18 1:171:161:151:141:131:12 1:111:30 1:291:281:271:261:251:24 1:231:221:21 1:401:391:381:371:36 1:351:341:331:321:31 1:501:491:48 1:471:461:451:441:431:42 1:41 1:591:581:571:561:551:54 1:531:521:512:00 2:102:092:082:072:06 2:052:042:032:022:01 2:202:192:18 2:172:162:152:142:132:12 2:112:30 2:292:282:272:262:252:24 2:232:222:21 2:402:392:382:372:36 2:352:342:332:322:31 2:502:492:48 2:472:462:452:442:432:42 2:41 2:592:582:572:562:552:54 2:532:522:51 3:203:193:18 3:173:163:153:143:13 3:30 3:293:283:273:263:253:24 3:233:223:21 3:403:393:383:373:36 3:353:343:333:323:313:473:463:453:443:433:42 3:413:00 3:103:093:083:073:06 3:053:043:033:023:01 3:11 3:123:503:493:48 3:573:563:553:54 3:533:523:51 3:593:589:209:199:18 9:179:169:159:149:13 9:30 9:299:289:279:269:259:24 9:239:229:21 9:409:399:389:379:36 9:359:349:339:329:319:479:469:459:449:439:42 9:41 9:109:099:089:079:06 9:059:049:039:029:01 9:11 9:129:509:499:48 9:579:569:559:54 9:539:529:51 9:599:58 9:00 10:00

40 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 39 Interpreting Scores  Raw scores mapped to scale scores RawScale 00 150 266...... 52368 53407 54500

41 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 40 Interpreting Scores  No direct comparisons of test scores!!!  Or the percentage of students meeting readiness goals  Or the percentage of students at each performance level  But you can compare survey data!!!

42 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 41 Interpreting Scores  Page 14  Take 5 minutes to discuss these scenarios at your table. Then we’ll discuss as a group. 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:21 1:000:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51 1:101:091:081:071:06 1:051:041:031:021:01 1:201:191:18 1:171:161:151:141:131:12 1:111:30 1:291:281:271:261:251:24 1:231:221:21 1:401:391:381:371:36 1:351:341:331:321:31 1:501:491:48 1:471:461:451:441:431:42 1:41 1:591:581:571:561:551:54 1:531:521:512:00 2:102:092:082:072:06 2:052:042:032:022:01 2:202:192:18 2:172:162:152:142:132:12 2:112:30 2:292:282:272:262:252:24 2:232:222:21 2:402:392:382:372:36 2:352:342:332:322:31 2:502:492:48 2:472:462:452:442:432:42 2:41 2:592:582:572:562:552:54 2:532:522:51 3:203:193:18 3:173:163:153:143:13 3:30 3:293:283:273:263:253:24 3:233:223:21 3:403:393:383:373:36 3:353:343:333:323:313:473:463:453:443:433:42 3:413:00 3:103:093:083:073:06 3:053:043:033:023:01 3:11 3:123:503:493:48 3:573:563:553:54 3:533:523:51 3:593:589:209:199:18 9:179:169:159:149:13 9:30 9:299:289:279:269:259:24 9:239:229:21 9:409:399:389:379:36 9:359:349:339:329:319:479:469:459:449:439:42 9:41 9:109:099:089:079:06 9:059:049:039:029:01 9:11 9:129:509:499:48 9:579:569:559:54 9:539:529:51 9:599:58 9:00 10:00

43 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 42 Interpreting Scores  I had 28 students earn the HSTW Award of Educational Achievement in 2006. That number decreased to 15 in 2008. Does that mean these students didn’t perform as well? Not necessarily!

44 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 43 Interpreting Scores  The reading goal went from 279 in 2006 to 250 in 2008. Does that mean it is easier to meet the goal? No! New tests and new standards – They’re just different!

45 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 44 Interpreting Scores  Our school’s 2008 mean math score is 267. It was 298 in 2006. Does that mean we did worse? No! We need to look at the concordance tables to find out.

46 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 45 Interpreting Scores  We do have a way to estimate change in performance from 2006 to 2008 by using the concordance tables produced by ETS.

47 BREAK 15 15:0014:0013:0012:0011:00 10:009:008:007:006:005:00 4:304:00 3:303:00 4:204:504:40 3:503:40 4:10 3:103:20 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:212:302:202:502:40 1:501:40 2:102:00 1:101:001:301:200:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51

48 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 47 Using Concordance Tables to Estimate Change in Achievement

49 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 48 Concordance Tables  Relate the performance of two different assessments of the same general content (e.g., the SAT and the ACT tests)  Provide an estimate of how achievement changed from 2006 to 2008

50 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 49 Concordance Tables Keep in mind…  The scores from the 2006 and 2008 assessments are not interchangeable because:  The test content changed from 2006 to 2008  The 2008 scales could not be equated to the 2006 scales  The 2008 assessment is on a new reporting scale

51 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 50 Concordance Tables Keep in mind…  The concordance tables are not comparable across content areas  Student performance could have changed, but the change is not measurable because the same students did not take both assessments (2006 and 2008)

52 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 51

53 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 52 Concordance Tables  To evaluate the site’s overall mean scores:  Obtain the overall subject mean score from 2006 (from 2006 report)  Using that subject’s concordance table, locate the 2006 mean score in the 2006 score column.  Read across the row of the table to find the corresponding score from the 2008 assessment.  Use this number to make an approximate comparison.

54 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 53 Concordance Tables  To evaluate the site’s performance relative to the HSTW network:  Obtain the overall subject mean score from 2006 (from 2006 report)  Using that subject’s concordance table, locate the 2006 mean score in the 2006 score column and locate the percentile that corresponds to the mean.  Obtain the overall subject mean score for 2008.  Using that subject’s concordance table, locate the 2008 mean score in the 2008 score column and locate the percentile that corresponds to the mean.  The difference in the two percentiles will indicate whether the site’s mean has increased or decreased relative to the HSTW network.

55 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 54 Concordance Tables  Example  2006 Mean Reading Score = 262  2008 Mean Reading Score = 244  If you compared them directly, you would think reading achievement decreased by 18 points. But is that accurate? Let’s check the concordance table…

56 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 55 262 ≈ 228 228 < 244 (2006 estimate) (2008 mean) (2006 estimate) (2008 mean) Reading achievement has improved!!! Increased from the 25 th percentile in 2006 to the 41 st percentile in 2008! Achievement increased more than the network as a whole.

57 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 56 Concordance Tables  Page 20  Use the concordance tables to estimate the change in achievement for your school/district/state from 2006 to 2008. 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:21 1:000:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51 1:101:091:081:071:06 1:051:041:031:021:01 1:201:191:18 1:171:161:151:141:131:12 1:111:30 1:291:281:271:261:251:24 1:231:221:21 1:401:391:381:371:36 1:351:341:331:321:31 1:501:491:48 1:471:461:451:441:431:42 1:41 1:591:581:571:561:551:54 1:531:521:512:00 2:102:092:082:072:06 2:052:042:032:022:01 2:202:192:18 2:172:162:152:142:132:12 2:112:30 2:292:282:272:262:252:24 2:232:222:21 2:402:392:382:372:36 2:352:342:332:322:31 2:502:492:48 2:472:462:452:442:432:42 2:41 2:592:582:572:562:552:54 2:532:522:51 3:203:193:18 3:173:163:153:143:13 3:30 3:293:283:273:263:253:24 3:233:223:21 3:403:393:383:373:36 3:353:343:333:323:313:473:463:453:443:433:42 3:413:00 3:103:093:083:073:06 3:053:043:033:023:01 3:11 3:123:503:493:48 3:573:563:553:54 3:533:523:51 3:593:589:209:199:18 9:179:169:159:149:13 9:30 9:299:289:279:269:259:24 9:239:229:21 9:409:399:389:379:36 9:359:349:339:329:319:479:469:459:449:439:42 9:41 9:109:099:089:079:06 9:059:049:039:029:01 9:11 9:129:509:499:48 9:579:569:559:54 9:539:529:51 9:599:58 9:00 10:00

58 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 57 Utilizing the Executive Summary

59 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 58 Approaching the Report  Before analyzing data, ask yourself “who participated in this assessment?”  Random sample or all students?  Career/technical or all students?  Who completed the assessment? Page 59 of assessment report  What is your category?

60 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 59 Executive Summary  Now that we know who participated, how did we do overall?



63 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 62 1  2  3  4  5  Sponge:  Utilizing the Executive Summary Pairs Check Name: ____________Date: ____________

64 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 63 Executive Summary  Page 21  Use the executive summary to obtain an overall picture of your school/district/state’s performance. 15:0014:0013:0012:0011:00 10:009:008:007:006:005:00 4:304:00 3:303:00 4:204:504:40 3:503:40 4:10 3:103:20 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:212:302:202:502:40 1:501:40 2:102:00 1:101:001:301:200:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51

65 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 64 Share  What value does this data provide?  How can you use this executive summary in your school/district/state?

66 15:0014:0013:0012:0011:0010:009:008:007:006:005:004:304:003:303:0023:0022:0021:0020:0019:0018:0017:0016:0029:0028:0027:0026:0025:0024:0030:0035:0034:0033:0032:0031:0036:0041:0040:0039:0038:0037:0042:0047:0046:0045:0044:0043:0048:0053:0052:0051:0050:0049:0054:0059:0058:0057:0056:0055:0060:004:204:504:403:503:404:103:103:200:100:090:080:070:060:050:040:030:020:01STOP0:200:190:180:170:160:150:140:130:120:110:300:290:280:270:260:250:240:230:220:212:302:202:502:401:501:402:102:001:101:001:301:200:400:390:380:370:360:350:340:330:320:310:500:490:480:470:460:450:440:430:420:410:590:580:570:560:550:540:530:520:51

67 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 66 Utilizing the Overview

68 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 67 Overview  Now that we’ve gotten a picture of overall performance, where can I get some more details?



71 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 70 Overview  Pages 23-29  Use the overview to obtain a more detailed picture of your school/district/state’s performance. 15:0014:0013:0012:0011:00 10:009:008:007:006:005:00 4:304:00 3:303:0020:0019:0018:0017:00 16:004:204:504:40 3:503:40 4:10 3:103:20 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:212:302:202:502:40 1:501:40 2:102:00 1:101:001:301:200:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51

72 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 71 Share  Did you notice anything interesting in this data that you want to explore further?  If you could increase one or two indices by 20 or 30 percent over the next two years, which ones would have the greatest impact on student achievement and the other indices?

73 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 72 Getting Students to Take a Rigorous Curriculum

74 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 73 Key Practice: Program of Study HSTW Have students complete a challenging program of study with an upgraded academic core and a concentration.

75 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 74 HSTW Recommended Curriculum  Four credits in college-prep/honors English  Students read 8-10 books a year  Students write weekly  Students complete at least one major research paper  Four mathematics credits – Algebra I, geometry, Algebra II and above  Three lab-based science credits at the college- prep level; four credits with a block schedule  Three credits of social studies; four credits with a block schedule  Mathematics and science in the senior year HSTW

76 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 75 Recommended Concentrations HSTW Mathematics/science – four credits in each field, with at least one at the Advanced Placement level Humanities – four credits each in college-prep level language arts and social studies, with at least one at the college level and four additional credits from foreign language, fine arts, journalism, debate, music, etc. Career/technical – four credits in a planned sequence of courses within a broad career field – pre-engineering, health/medical science, construction, etc.

77 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 76 HSTW-Recommended Curriculum and Academic Achievement HSTW Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

78 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 77 Which Actions Can You Take to Get Students to Take the Right Courses?  Enroll ALL students in the core  Eliminate 15-20 percent of low-level courses/sections annually to enroll more students in higher level courses  Investigate alternative schedules to allow more time for students to take critical courses  Use the core as the default curriculum  Get guidance staff on board HSTW

79 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 78 Which Actions Can You Take to Get Students to Take the Right Courses?  Raise graduation requirements  Strengthen guidance and advisement - involve parents  Develop student handbook with career pathways and related course of study  Eliminate smorgasbord scheduling  Use guest speakers, hold career expos and college fairs  Establish small learning communities HSTW

80 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 79 Standards-Based Reform  The quality and intensity of the high school curriculum are powerful predictors of success in college  Preparedness for postsecondary education depends on  specific courses taken  rigor of the curriculum  quality of the instruction  effort of the student HSTW

81 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 80 Activity  Using your school’s data, complete tables on pages 31-32 in your participant guide.  Using your results, answer the questions on pages 32-33. HSTW

82 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 81 Review  What does this type of curriculum data tell us about our schools?  How can this data be used to impact student achievement?  What actions can be taken to increase the numbers of students taking a rigorous college-prep curriculum? HSTW

83 BREAK 15 15:0014:0013:0012:0011:00 10:009:008:007:006:005:00 4:304:00 3:303:00 4:204:504:40 3:503:40 4:10 3:103:20 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:212:302:202:502:40 1:501:40 2:102:00 1:101:001:301:200:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51

84 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 83 High Expectations and Extra Help

85 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 84 HSTW Key Practices: Motivate more students to meet high expectations by integrating high expectations into classroom practices and giving students frequent feedback. Provide a structured system of extra help to enable students to meet higher standards. HSTW

86 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 85 Agreeing on A-, B- and C-level Work – Suggested Strategies  Use basic, proficient and advanced NAEP National Readiness Standards  Use select universities, regional universities, community college and high school graduation  Use procedural/comprehension, application/analysis, and synthesis/evaluation Intellectual (Webb/Bloom)

87 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 86 Emphasize College Readiness Requirements  SAT scores  500 or higher= ready for college level work  Below 450 = remediation  Select universities (1100 score for acceptance)  ACT College-Readiness Benchmarks:  English18  Reading21  Mathematics22  Science24

88 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 87 Actions for Defining the Amount and Quality of Work Expected  Benchmark assignments and assessment to proficient level/grade level  Develop common course syllabi, rubrics and end-of-course exams  A, B, C, Not-yet grading scale HSTW

89 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 88 High Expectations  Teachers often clearly indicated the amount and quality of work that are necessary to earn a grade of A or B at the beginning of a project or unit.  Teachers were frequently available before, during or after school to help them with their studies.  Usually spent one or more hours on homework each day.  Often revised essays or other written work several times to improve their quality.  Often worked hard to meet high standards on assignments. HSTW

90 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 89 Emphasis on High Expectations Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

91 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 90 Emphasis on High Expectations Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

92 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 91 Sticking to Expectations— Actions for Revising Work  Three-week assessment  Requiring extra help for those not meeting standards  Teachers do not let students get by without doing work

93 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 92 Extra Help  Often able to get extra help from teachers when needed without difficulty.  Teachers are frequently available before, during or after school to help them with their studies.  Extra help received often helps them to understand their schoolwork better.  Extra help received often helps them get better grades. HSTW

94 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 93 Emphasis on Extra Help Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

95 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 94 Emphasis on Extra Help Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

96 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 95 A Comprehensive Extra Help Program Must Include:  Continuous extra help to meet standards  Middle grades actions  Ninth-grade transition  High school, postsecondary and careers transitions  Develop independent learners HSTW

97 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 96 Activity  Using your school’s data, complete tables on pages 35-36.  Using your results, answer the questions on pages 37-38. HSTW

98 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 97 Review  What does this type of data tell us about our schools?  How can this data be used to impact student achievement?  What actions can be taken to increase the expectations of students and the numbers of students receiving quality extra help? HSTW

99 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 98 Quality Career/Technical Studies and Work-Based Learning

100 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 99 HSTW HSTW CT Key Practices: Provide more students access to intellectually challenging career/technical studies in high- demand fields that emphasize the higher-level mathematics, science, literacy and problem- solving skills needed in the workplace and in further education. Enable students and their parents to choose from programs that integrate challenging high schools studies and work-based learning and are planned by educators, employers and students.

101 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 100 Top 5 Mean Reading Scores by CT Field Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

102 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 101 Top 5 Mean Math Scores by CT Field Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

103 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 102 Top 5 Mean Science Scores by CT Field Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

104 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 103 Top 5 Completing the Recommended Curriculum by CT Field Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

105 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 104 Quality C/T Studies  Read non-school-related materials outside of class for one or more hours in a typical week.  Used math to complete challenging assignments in career/technical classes at least weekly.  Read and interpreted technical books/manuals in career/technical classes at least weekly.  Read a career-related article and demonstrated understanding at least monthly.  Used computer skills to complete assignments in CT at least monthly. HSTW

106 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 105 Quality C/T Studies (continued)  Had challenging assignments in CT at least monthly.  Completed a project requiring research and plan.  Had to meet standards on a written exam to pass CT course.  Completed a senior project.  Spoke or visited with someone in a career they aspire to.  Spent time on CT homework each day. HSTW

107 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 106 Emphasis on Quality Career/Technical Studies Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

108 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 107 Emphasis on Quality Career/Technical Studies Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

109 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 108 Integrating Academics into CT Studies  Career/technical teachers often stressed reading.  Career/technical teachers often stressed writing.  Career/technical teachers often stressed mathematics.  Used math to complete challenging assignments at least weekly.  Read and interpreted technical books and manuals at least weekly.  Used computer skills to complete an assignment or project at least weekly. HSTW

110 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 109 Emphasis on Integrating Academics into CT Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

111 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 110 Emphasis on Integrating Academics into CT Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

112 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 111 Conditions for Supporting Integration  Common planning time  Standards-based, not activity-based  Create organizational structure that will support teacher collaboration  Provide large blocks of instructional time for completion of complex tasks  Provide professional development to support teachers  Establish clear expectations for teachers– Collaboration by invitation does not work HSTW

113 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 112 Quality Work-Based Learning  Observed veteran workers performing certain jobs.  Had someone teach them how to do the work.  Employers encouraged them to develop good work habits at least monthly.  Employers encouraged them to develop good customer relations skills at least monthly. HSTW

114 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 113 Emphasis on Work-Based Learning Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

115 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 114 Emphasis on Work-Based Learning Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

116 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 115 Activity  Using your school’s data, complete tables on pages 40-42.  Using your results, answer the questions on pages 43-44. HSTW

117 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 116 Review  What does this type of data tell us about career/technical studies and work-based learning in our schools?  How can this data be used to impact student achievement?  What actions can be taken to increase the quality of C/T studies and work- based learning? HSTW

118 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 117 Day One Exit Ticket  Use the +  card found on page 47.  Please write down the positives (+ ) and the questions (  ) you have from day one and give them to the presenters as you leave. HSTW

119 Welcome to Day Two!

120 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 119 Review of Day One  Using Data to Take Action  Interpreting the 2008 HSTW Assessment  Using Concordance Tables to Estimate Change in Achievement  Utilizing the Executive Summary  Utilizing the Overview  Rigorous Curriculum  High Expectations and Extra Help  Quality CT Studies and Work-Based Learning HSTW

121 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 120 Questions from Day One  ???

122 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 121 Plan for Day Two  Quality Instruction  Guidance and Transitions  Leadership and School Improvement  Developing an Action Plan  Using data to identify challenges  Developing a plan to address challenges  Engaging others in using data and taking action

123 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 122 Quality Instruction

124 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 123 HSTW Key Practices:  Engage students in academic and career/technical classrooms in rigorous and challenging assignments using research- based instructional strategies and technology. HSTW

125 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 124 Engaging Students in Relevant Instruction  Provide teams of teachers from several disciplines the time and support to work together to help students succeed in challenging academic and career/technical studies.  Integrate reading, writing and speaking as strategies for learning in all parts of the curriculum and integrate mathematics and science in career/technical classrooms. HSTW

126 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 125 SREB’s Literacy Goals  Students will read the equivalent of 25 books per year across the curriculum.  Students will write weekly in all classes.  Students will use reading and writing strategies to help them understand and use the content of all classes.  Students will write investigative research papers in all classes.  Students will be taught as if they were in honors language arts classes. HSTW

127 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 126 Literacy Across the Curriculum  Often use word-processing software to complete assignments.  Often revise written work to improve quality.  Sometimes or often write in-depth explanations about projects.  Discuss or debate with others about what they read at least monthly.  Read and interpret technical books in CT at least monthly.  Read an assigned book demonstrate understanding at least monthly.  In a typical week, read non-school materials outside of class for two or more hours.  Complete graded short writing assignments in English at least monthly.  Complete graded short writing assignments in science at least monthly.  Complete graded short writing assignments in social studies at least monthly. HSTW

128 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 127 Emphasis on Literacy Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

129 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 128 Emphasis on Literacy Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

130 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 129 Numeracy Across the Curriculum  Took a math class during the senior year.  Took at least four math courses in grades 9-12.  Math teachers sometimes or often show how math concepts are used to solve problems in real-life situations.  Use a graphing calculator to complete assignments at least monthly.  Complete a math project using math in a way that would be used in a work setting at least monthly.  Orally defend a process used to solve a problem at least monthly.  Worked with other students on a challenging math assignment – group and individual grade at least monthly.  Worked in groups to brainstorm how to solve a problem at least monthly.  Solved math problems with more than one possible answer at least monthly.  Solved non-textbook math problems at least monthly.  Used math to complete CT assignments at least monthly. HSTW

131 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 130 Emphasis on Numeracy Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

132 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 131 Emphasis on Numeracy Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

133 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 132 Engaging Science Experiences  Completed three or more: CP physical science, CP biology/biology 2, anatomy, CP chemistry, physics or AP science  Science teachers often show them how concepts are used to solve problems in real-life situations.  Took a science class during the senior year.  Use science equipment to do science activities in a laboratory with tables and sinks at least weekly.  Read an assigned article or book (other than textbook) dealing with science at least monthly.  Use science equipment to do science activities in a classroom at least monthly.  Work with other students on a challenging science assignment at least monthly.  Prepare a written report of lab results at least monthly. HSTW

134 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 133 Emphasis on Engaging Science Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

135 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 134 Emphasis on Engaging Science Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

136 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 135 Actions for Engaging Students in Research-Based Instructional Strategies  Project-based learning  Cooperative learning  Student-designed research  Integrated, interdisciplinary studies  Integrating Technology  Effective direct instruction HSTW

137 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 136 How will you improve the quality of instruction? Focus on Improving Professional Practice…  Common Planning Time  Integration  Common Unit Planning, Syllabi, Exams, etc….  Peer Observations  Demonstration Classrooms  Professional Development & Follow-up  Marzano’s Classroom Instruction that Works  Kagan Strategies  Team Teaching/Buddy Teaching  Teacher Evaluation; Annual Plan for Improving

138 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 137 Activity  Using your school’s data, complete the tables and answer the questions on pages 48-54. HSTW

139 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 138 Review  What does this type of data tell us about quality instruction in our schools?  How can this data be used to impact student achievement?  What actions can be taken to increase the quality of instruction? HSTW

140 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 139 Guidance and Transitions

141 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 140 Key Practice: Guidance and Advisement Involve students and parents in a guidance and advisement system designed to ensure that students complete an accelerated academic program of study and a major. HSTW

142 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 141 Providing Timely Guidance  Reviewed the sequence of courses they planned to take at least once a year.  Received the most helping in planning their h.s. education plan by the end of 9 th grade.  When planning and reviewing their four-year plan, talked with parents at least once a year.  A teacher/counselor talked to them individual about plans for after high school.  Spoke with or visited someone in a career they aspire to.  Someone from a college talked to them about going to college.  Received information about applying to college.  Had an adult mentor all four years. HSTW

143 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 142 Emphasis on Guidance Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

144 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 143 Emphasis on Guidance Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

145 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 144 Emphasis on Perceived Importance Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

146 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 145 Emphasis on Perceived Importance Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment, All Sites

147 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 146 Why target middle school transition?  The transition point from middle school to high school has the highest percentages of dropouts nation wide.  The highest failure rate occurs in grade nine.  Preparing students for high school work, directly impacts retention. HSTW

148 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 147 How can school leaders make sure that students are ready for rigorous high school studies? District, high school and middle school leaders can:  Establish readiness indicators for challenging high school English, mathematics and science courses;  Align curriculums, teacher assignments and assessments to the readiness indicators; and  Set goals to annually increase the percentages of students having successfully completed Algebra I by the end of grade eight. HSTW

149 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 148 Actions for Transition from Middle Grades to High School  Structured extra help programs in grades 7 and 8  4 to 6 week summer bridge program for students who need accelerated instruction in math, English and reading  Develop courses in grades seven and eight to give extended time to read, write and do math HSTW

150 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 149 Actions for Transition from Middle Grades to High School Continued…  Orient students and parents to high school expectations  Reduce the ratio of students to teachers in grade nine  Get a master teacher to lead a team of teachers in core academic courses in grade nine HSTW

151 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 150 What makes a high quality Ninth-grade Redesign program?  Early identification of students  A lower student-teacher ratio in grade nine  Qualified teachers with depth of content knowledge teach challenging content  School schedules that allow students to be double-dosed – English/reading and mathematics  A career exploratory course for ninth-graders HSTW

152 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 151 What makes a high quality Ninth-grade Redesign program?  Catch-up courses with standard-based Curriculum and unit planning by teachers  Ninth-grade Academies where teachers are organized into common planning teams  Recruitment of the best teachers to lead the ninth-grade teams  Movement beyond remedial instruction  Comprehensive evaluation plan

153 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 152 Why target postsecondary transition?  Senior year not taken seriously  Low ACT and SAT scores  High remedial rate in English and mathematics  Students unprepared for workforce  National completion rate for college only 39.9% HSTW

154 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 153 Research Based Strategies for Postsecondary Transition  Students earn college credit while in high school.  Enroll unprepared students in transition mathematics and English courses.  Courses aligned to college and career readiness standards  Ensure that students who do not plan to go on to further study are in a CT program.  Develop extra help for students having trouble graduating. HSTW

155 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 154 Additional Actions for Making the Senior Year Count  Have community college administer placement exam during 11th grade  ACT Test for everyone in 11 th grade  Reality check prior to the senior year with parents, adviser and counselor  Enroll seniors in upper-level courses  Enroll all seniors in at least three academic courses  Consider requiring a senior project that includes a research paper, a product or service, an oral presentation and a power point HSTW

156 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 155 Emphasis on Transitions  Teachers report that they meet with teachers from feeder middle grades or junior high schools to discuss expectations, content knowledge and performance standards for students entering their high school at least annually.  Teachers report that their school effectively uses a required parent- student-school conference to plan or review the high school program of study for every entering ninth-grader.  Teachers report that their school effectively uses a summer bridge program in reading and mathematics to help selected eighth-graders get ready for high school.  Teachers report that their school effectively uses a schedule that allows double periods in reading and mathematics for students who need extra help.  Teachers report that a caring adult is assigned to mentor each entering ninth-grader.  Students report that they earned or attempted to earn college credit in high school by taking classes at a local four-year college, Advanced Placement courses at their high school, classes at a community or technical college, a joint-enrollment class at their high school or a Web- based course. HSTW

157 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 156 Activity  Using your school’s data, complete the tables and answer the questions on pages 56-60. HSTW

158 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 157 Review  What does this type of data tell us about guidance opportunities in our schools?  How can this data be used to impact student achievement?  What actions can be taken to increase the guidance provided to students? HSTW

159 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 158 Leadership and School Improvement

160 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 159 Key Practice: Continuous Improvement Use student achievement and program evaluation data to continuously improve school culture, organization, management, curriculum and instruction to advance student learning. HSTW

161 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 160 Focusing on the Continuous Improvement Cycle  Establish a consensus about the need to change (assess)  Set interim targets to close the gap between current and desired practices (plan)  Engage and support faculty to reach the targets (do)  Assess progress in terms of targeted goals (evaluate)  Celebrate successes frequently  Repeat the cycle HSTW

162 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 161 Setting a Clear Mission and Vision for Success Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

163 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 162 Continuous School Improvement Source: 2008 HSTW Assessment

164 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 163 To Begin the Focus and Sustain Efforts Teams Are a MUST Five Focus Teams (included in overall school improvement team): 1.Curriculum leadership team 2.Professional development leadership team 3.Guidance and public information leadership team 4.Transitions leadership team 5.Evaluation leadership team

165 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 164 Activity  Using your school’s data, complete tables and answer questions on pages 63-65. HSTW

166 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 165 Review  What does this type of faculty perception data tell us about our schools?  How can this data be used to impact student achievement?  What actions can be taken to increase faculty support for continuous improvement? HSTW

167 BREAK 15 15:0014:0013:0012:0011:00 10:009:008:007:006:005:00 4:304:00 3:303:00 4:204:504:40 3:503:40 4:10 3:103:20 0:100:090:080:070:06 0:050:040:030:020:01STOP 0:200:190:18 0:170:160:150:140:130:12 0:110:30 0:290:280:270:260:250:24 0:230:220:212:302:202:502:40 1:501:40 2:102:00 1:101:001:301:200:400:390:380:370:36 0:350:340:330:320:31 0:500:490:48 0:470:460:450:440:430:42 0:41 0:590:580:570:560:550:54 0:530:520:51

168 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 167 Developing an Action Plan

169 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 168 Next Steps: How to Use the HSTW Assessment Report  Show the “positives”  Identify the challenges  Use state assessment & HSTW/MGA report findings that explain why  What actions can you take to change that?  Walk through the report  Identify strengths and weaknesses  Identify improvement actions  Develop plan to share findings with the faculty and other stakeholders

170 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 169 Next Steps: Identify and Prioritize Actions  List areas in need of improvement  Rank items based on impact on student achievement and completion rates.  Identify short-term goals  Implementation in the first year  Have one item in each of the four areas of structural, instructional, support and leadership change  Identify long-term goals  Implementation in years two and three  Have one item in each of the four areas of structural, instructional, support and leadership change  Use pages 67-69.

171 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 170 Defining the Next Steps: Creating a Data Communication Plan  Focus Teams  Leadership Team  District  Parents  Students  Table of Contents  Practical Suggestions  Use page 70

172 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 171 Wrapping it all up-- Remember… All schools want to improve but few want to change. The fact remains that to improve, one MUST change. HSTW

173 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 172 Customizing the Data Workshop for Your State  What should be the priority focus areas for sites in your state?  What state data should be incorporated into your workshop?  How can the site data tools assist you?  What type of action plan should schools develop?

174 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 173 Customizing the Data Workshop for Your State  How will you ensure sites share results with the entire faculty?  What will sites be expected to do once they leave the workshop?  Will there be any type of follow-up after the workshop?  What assistance do you need from SREB?

175 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 174 Trainer Materials Available  High school participant ppt and workbook  Middle grades participant ppt and workbook  High school and middle grades site data tools  High school and middle grades report Q&As  High school and middle grades data walk posters  HSTW Assessment concordance tables

176 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 175 Major Lessons Learned from Twenty Years of HSTW: What Adults Do Counts  Actions are more important than plans  Participation in the state and national networks maters  Use of data for improvement  Quality career and technical studies adds value  The HSTW design works

177 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 176 Are You Ready to Implement the HSTW Design?  Will the district and board align its policies, vision, mission, and goals?  Will the district and school use data to set targets?  Will the budget support reaching these targets?  Will you teach all students what has traditionally been reserved for only the best?  Will you align your curriculum to college and career readiness standards?  Are you ready to move these standards into the classroom engaging teacher instruction, quality student assignments, and rigorous tests?

178 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 177 Exit Slip  Page 72  Briefly summarize what you have learned at this workshop, what you will do in your state, districts, school and/or classroom when your return, and what kind of support you will need in order to be successful.

179 Southern Regional Education Board HSTW 178 Conclusion of Workshop Questions? Presenter contact information is available on page 6

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