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CCCApply 2010 Annual Updates March 2010 CCCApply User Workshops 2010 Rev. 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "CCCApply 2010 Annual Updates March 2010 CCCApply User Workshops 2010 Rev. 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCCApply 2010 Annual Updates March 2010 CCCApply User Workshops 2010 Rev. 1a

2 Overview of 2010 Updates  Over 50 change requests submitted  Number and complexity similar to last year  Over half of submitted requests approved by Steering Committee  A few deferred/declined by Xap  75-page specification submitted to Xap in November  On CCCApply Project Center website,  Updates live on March 30  Some changes implemented earlier

3 Focus of 2010 Updates  Meet new requirements  Adjust Residency algorithm and flags  Enhance CCCApply-en-Español  Update BOGFW Application  Generally improve consistency, accuracy, and ease of use  Mostly text and layout  Some minor operational changes

4 New Requirements  Corrected Ethnicity & Race questions  2009 layout did not meet IPEDS guidelines  AB 669: Residency for Foster Youth  Will be discussed in Residency section  Perjury warning for Residency pages  Chancellor’s Office initiative to deal with Residency fraud  New visa types

5 Changes to Ethnicity & Race  2009 version incorrectly mixed ethnicity and race checkboxes  Four Hispanic ethnicity checkboxes  Sixteen checkboxes in five race categories  No changes to data or downloads  Same options, just rearranged  Definitions added to clarify options  Standard and International Apps

6 New Ethnicity & Race Section 2009 2010

7 Perjury Warnings  Worded to emphasize seriousness of false information about residency  Top of Residency 1 and Residency 2  Meets CCCCO recommendation

8 Residency Adjustments  Removed ‘intent’ question  Confusing to applicants  SAAM does not indicate that applicant’s statement is acceptable evidence of intent  Evidence of intent is needed only for those in CA for over 1 but less than 2 years (2 years = intent)  Had been asked of all applicants; if ‘No’, ‘stay and intent’ criteria could not be met

9 Residency Adjustments cont’d  New question for Foster Youth  Meets AB 669 requirement to grant residency to previous or current foster youth under 20 and now living in California  On Residency 2, before contra-indicator section  Asked only if applicant is under 20  If ‘Yes’: Residency Status 2, new integrity flag (70)

10 Residency Adjustments cont’d  Residency Status 2 if:  Out-of-state current or mailing address  Under 19 and last high school was out-of-state  Enrolled in out-of-state college within the last year  Residency 1 status now means there are no inconsistent or contra-indicating answers for ‘stay-and-intent’

11 Residency Adjustments cont’d  Year field for contra-indicator questions  Helps colleges weigh the Yes response  Error-checked for within 2 years

12 Enhancing Spanish Application  Toggled English/Spanish for Notice to Applicants on Introduction page  New menu option with same functionality as English Notice

13 Enhancing Spanish App  New pop-up warning about loss of unsaved entries if language is toggled  Xap architecture does not allow us to change this behavior, so warning was best option  Pop-up occurs whenever language is toggled cont’d

14  Made Spanish link more prominent on Home Page  From ‘CCAApply en español’ to ‘En Español’  Larger font Enhancing Spanish App cont’d

15 Spanish Terms and Majors  Steering Committee requested separate English and Spanish lists of terms and majors that would toggle  Xap declined; architecture does not support this option  Colleges can:  Use English only for terms and majors, or …  Include Spanish in parentheses as part of term and major names

16 Changes to BOGFW App  Dependency algorithm corrected  All applicants who respond that “Parent(s) will not file” a tax return are considered to be dependent  Was ANDed with ‘live with parents’; now ORed  Method B (income) always required  Previously, those who qualified by Method A did not have to enter income data  2010-2011 version from CCCCO  New income table; minor wording changes

17 Military Status for Reserves  Some reservists had difficulty choosing correct Military Status  New option added to drop-down menu  ‘Currently in Reserves or National Guard (non-active)’  New wording for two other options  ‘Veteran (active or reserve) discharged within the last year’  ‘Veteran (active or reserve) discharged over a year ago’

18 Revised Error Check  Previously, concurrent HS & college students could not enter previous college attendance  This is now allowed, but CCCApply prompts for confirmation

19 Account Creation  ‘Suffix’ field added for name in Account Creation  Consistent with name fields in application  Some users included suffixes in last name  Error message that password must be re-entered if there are other errors  Xap cannot retain password responses

20 Made Help More Accessible  Switched ‘help’ & ‘staff’ on website  ‘Help’ now a main tab for greater prominence  Restored Xap email address for student support

21 General Improvements  Removed year from Introduction and My Applications pages  Unnecessary; easy to forget to update  Removed ‘(optional)’ from section heads on Needs & Interests page  Unnecessary; encouraged non-responses  Made text on all logon pages consistent  Links from colleges differed from general logon

22 General Improvements  Removed Application Instructions from Introduction page  Some colleges do not want to receive transcripts  Other instructions unnecessary cont’d

23 General Improvements  Removed unnecessary prompt in Parent/Guardian section  Section does not appear unless applicant is under 19 and not married or otherwise emancipated cont’d

24 General Improvements  Clarified FAQ regarding admission  Previously: ‘Admission to a California community college is open to any California resident possessing a high school diploma or equivalent.’  Now: ‘California community colleges are required to admit any California resident possessing a high school diploma or equivalent.’  Some content editable by CCC team  Directory of Colleges  FAQ (soon) cont’d

25 Parent/Guardian Ed Level  Two new questions tentatively approved  Implementation date TBD

26 Deferred or Declined  Athletic survey for Title IX  No consensus about how to implement  Recommend using Supplemental Questions  ‘Other’ option for Gender  Committee will wait for MIS to implement  PINs on Supplemental page  More information about requirements needed  VTEA migrant worker status  Advised by CCCCO that it would not be appropriate to add to application

27 Deferred or Declined cont’d  Various requests to modify Ethnicity and Race questions  IPEDS and CCCCO set requirements for these questions  Cannot modify most wording  Cannot add or remove checkboxes  Cannot require or error-check any responses  See CCCApply 2010 Annual Updates Specifications for others

28 Summary of 2010 Updates  Updates for new legislation and other requirements  Significant changes to Residency algorithm  Continued enhancement of Spanish application  Various ‘tweaks’ to improve clarity, accuracy, and ease of use

29 For More Information  Complete specification of 2010 Updates on CCCApply Project Center website  Explanation for each change request  Complete specification for each approved and implemented request  Reason for each deferred or declined request  Project Center:

30 Thank you for attending!

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