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GiSP and the Convention on Biological Diversity ________________________________________ CBD requests to GISP - and the likely implications.

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Presentation on theme: "GiSP and the Convention on Biological Diversity ________________________________________ CBD requests to GISP - and the likely implications."— Presentation transcript:

1 GiSP and the Convention on Biological Diversity ________________________________________ CBD requests to GISP - and the likely implications

2 'Street map' of the talk ____________________________________  Scope of CBD-related work under discussion  Current situation of GISP Secretariat  Resource needs  Endorsement for further action

3 GiSP has been mandated by the CBD to handle key tasks - CBD COP decision VI/23 ________________________________________________________  Strategically important for GISP to meet requests as far as possible.  Danger if unplanned -- ad hoc requests and responses can easily derail GISP’s work programme.  GISP is plainly under-resourced (staff, funds) to handle even a fraction of this work at present.

4 CBD-COP6 (Decision VI/23): ____________________________________ ,  Requests SBSTTA and other organizations such as GISP to identify and explore gaps in the international regulatory framework, including pathways, and to report back to COP7 (9)   Urges existing regional organizations and networks to support development and implementation of IAS strategies and action plans (11)   Urges GISP and other relevant organizations to evaluate known and potential pathways, identify opportunities to minimize incursions and manage risks, provide advice to Governments and organizations on actions to take at national and regional levels; and provide recommendations to COP7 on actions to be taken at the international level (14)

5 COP6…. (UNEP/CBD/COP/6/23) /2 ________________________________   Invites international organizations to develop financial and other measures for the promotion of activities aiming to reduce the harmful effects of IAS (17)   Acknowledges the contribution of the GISP to SBSTTA6 and - -recommends continuing cooperation with GISP and requests the ES to explore the development of arrangements for this further cooperation (18) ,  Invites IMO, GISP, FAO, and Ramsar Convention to address impediments to management of marine IAS, esp. technical problems related to identification and control of marine invasions (20)

6 COP6…. (UNEP/CBD/COP/6/23) /3 ________________________________   Welcomes GISP as an international thematic focal point for IAS under the Clearing House Mechanism (CHM), and calls on Parties, countries and relevant organizations to contribute to the creation and maintenance of the global information network, in particular to: Ensure effective international cooperation and expertise sharing; Provide information to assist countries to perform effective risk analysis; Provide information on potential pathways of IAS; and Provide support for management and control efforts, particularly for locating technical support for rapid response activities (25)

7 COP6…. (UNEP/CBD/COP/6/23) /4 ________________________________   Requests the ES, GISP and other relevant organizations to: Compile information on topics in para. 24 Identify key scientific, technical and public awareness impediments to implementation of priority actions at national / regional levels Develop collaborative solutions to those impediments Disseminate those solutions to Parties and regional organizations Develop a joint work programme among the CBD, Ramsar, IMO, IPPC and other relevant bodies (26)

8 COP6…. (UNEP/CBD/COP/6/23) /5 ________________________________   Requests the ES to support the development and dissemination of technical tools and information through, e.g.: Case-studies, best practices, lessons learned (refer GISP toolkit) Anthologies of terminology used in international instruments Lists of procedures for risk assessment/ analysis and pathway analysis Identification and inventory of expertise Databases and facilitated access to such information, e.g. via the CHM Reporting systems for new invasions and spread (28) ,  Requests the ES, GISP, the GEF, the FAO and OECD to identify a financial mechanism for Parties, and report to COP7 on progress (33)

9 Elements of the CBD work programme tasked to GISP (CBD COP decision VI/23 and others) _______________________________________________  Clearing-house mechanism (CHM) on IAS  Global Taxonomy Initiative (GTI) support  Global Plant Conservation Strategy  Global Plant Conservation Strategy (target 10 on IAS)  IAS in Inland Waters, Island States and marine environment  Review of CBD IAS documents  Ad hoc inputs  Ad hoc inputs …e.g. comments on global indicators

10 The Clearing-House Mechanism, CHM ____________________________________ CBD has asked GISP to act as the "international thematic focal point for IAS under the CHM." What does this mean in practice? "Clearing-house" -- any agency that brings together seekers and providers of goods, services or information, thus matching demand with supply.

11 CHM ______________________________________________   promotion and facilitation of technical and scientific cooperation   global mechanism for exchanging and integrating information   electronic dialogue to synergize new collaborative initiatives and promote exchange of ideas and knowledge ,  COP6 welcomes GISP as an international thematic focal point for IAS under the CHM, and calls on countries and organizations to contribute to the global information network: Ensure effective international cooperation and expertise sharing; Provide information to assist countries with effective risk analysis; Provide information on potential pathways of IAS; and Provide support for management and control efforts, particularly for locating technical support for rapid response activities (25)

12 Global Taxonomy Initiative ____________________________________ Decision V/9 Decision V/9 established GTI's implementation mechanism and initial priorities: (a)Identify priority taxonomic information requirements (b)Assess national capacity to identify and quantify impediments and needs, e.g. taxonomic tools, facilities and services, and mechanisms to establish, support and maintain these (c)Establish or consolidate taxonomic reference centres (d)Build taxonomic capacity, esp. in developing countries, including through information networks (e)Communicate (by end of 2001) suitable potential GTI pilot projects

13 Global Strategy for Plant Conservation ____________________________________  Target 10:  Target 10: Management plans in place for at least 100 major alien species that threaten plants, plant communities and associated habitats and ecosystems – –"Major species" selected on basis of national priorities, given regional and global significance. – –Different management plans may be needed in different countries! – –Would GISP be the lead agent in contracting this work?

14 Review of CBD and related documents ____________________________________   GISP Secretariat time needs to be budgeted for   Desirable for better products and relationships   Difficult to plan ahead timewise

15 Cartagena Protocol ____________________________________ UNEP/CBD/COP/7/12   COP1 - late February   Exclusively GMOs   But – invasiveness? hybridization to become invasive?   Is there a need for an IAS annex or a separate protocol for IAS?

16 What’s needed ____________________________________  Identify & accurately quantify all tasks required of the GISP – –How can this be handled operationally? -- GISP and CBD Secretariats to meet at COP7 and this meeting to chart   staff time - > 1 person full-time equivalent   funds for support to Parties to the CBD – capacity building, awareness, policy interventions and support for COP decisions – –How much it will cost? – what is the shortfall in resources? How can these be met? – further CBD-GISP discussions  Mobilize additional resources required – –From where...?

17 Linkages with other conventions: ____________________________________  Ramsar –  Ramsar – waiting in the wings (initial high-level discussions); IUCN has developed IAS related activities in Ramsar  UNEP Regional Seas Programmes and related conventions,  UNEP Regional Seas Programmes and related conventions, e.g. Nairobi Convention (draft MoU in place). Awaits clarification of GISP legal/ institutional issues  International Plant Protection Convention  CITES  International Convention on Management of Ballast Water and Sediments

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