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MASAR Server & Application Guobao Shen Photon Sciences Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Collaboration Working Group Oct 02, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "MASAR Server & Application Guobao Shen Photon Sciences Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Collaboration Working Group Oct 02, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 MASAR Server & Application Guobao Shen Photon Sciences Department Brookhaven National Laboratory Collaboration Working Group Oct 02, 2013

2 What’s MASAR?  MASAR  Machine Snapshot, Archiving, and Retrieve  An EPICS tool for experimental control system  Machine  A facility controlled by EPICS, accelerator for example  Snapshot  Data at specific time point  Value, time stamp, connection status, alarm status, alarm severity  Similar tools, but different purpose  IOC automatic save & restore  IOC bumpless rebooting  Channel Archiving  Archive pre-defined configuration periodically  All data saved time serially 2

3 MASAR Architecture 3 Service Engine pvAccess/channelRPC PyQt Channel Access Gather/C++ Low Level Python Client Library pvAccess/channelRPC Client (C++) pvAccess DSL-PY Module PYMASAR (SQLite) PYMASAR (SQLite) Scripting IOC Scripting High Level Scripting API CSS/BOY pvAccess Client API Library (Java) Finished User AppsPlanningDeveloping Others (Matlab) Others (Matlab)

4 MASAR Service  An EPICS V4 service  V4 C++ modules  pvData beta2  pvAccess beta2  pvIOC beta2  normativeTypes  Communication mechanism  channelRPC 4

5 V3 Type Support  Support all scalar and waveform PV types  float, double, string, and enum  Could be a mix of any of the types 5

6 MASAR Functions  Functions supported by service  Data Structure used by request 6 structure NTNameValue string[] names string[] values string function xxxxxx // function name as above

7 MASAR Data Structure  NTTable  Scalar value  Need NTVariantArray 7 structure timeStamp long secondsPastEpoch 0 int nanoSeconds 0 int userTag 0 structure alarm int severity 0 int status 0 string message string[] label [...] // value field in label field string pv name [] string value [] double value [] long value [] int dbr_type [] bool isConnected [] long secondsPastEpoch [] int nanoSeconds [] string alarmSeverity [] string alarmStatus [] bool is_array [] structure array_value [structure[]]

8 MASAR Client  Python library  7 APIs  API naming convention  Retrieve/Save: RDB oriented  Get/Put: PV oriented 8

9 MASAR UI  PyQt4 based graphic user interface  On top of Python client library  Browse configuration  Browse event  Take snapshot  Retrieve data  Compare data  Restore machine  Export data to external file 9

10 MASAR UI  Multiple comparison  Support up to 9 data sets 10

11 MASAR UI 11  Data plotting

12 MASAR CSS Integration  pvAccess plug-in in CSS  Map NT type into V Type/pvManager  Basic type  Name/value  Table  NT type Java support  Widget development  Reuse existing widget  Table, …  Table manipulation  Join, comparison  Plotting  Columns in single table  Columns in multiple tables  URI pva://pva… 12

13 System Wide Application  Interactive with other services  Channel finder  Get PV list to create a new configuration  Olog  Create a new entry automatically whenever needed  Lattice/Model  Get a machine live lattice  Calculate beam parameters of live lattice  Save model results  Need MUNICONV service support  Engineering unit (Ampere)  Model unit (K value)  Assemble into CSS  Each item is or will be a CSS application  Need to assemble them together 13

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