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This is Part 3 of 3 (2 hour training session). On-line Activities that reinforce Plotting Points and Graphing Linear and Non-linear Functions 1.GeoGebra.

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Presentation on theme: "This is Part 3 of 3 (2 hour training session). On-line Activities that reinforce Plotting Points and Graphing Linear and Non-linear Functions 1.GeoGebra."— Presentation transcript:

1 This is Part 3 of 3 (2 hour training session)

2 On-line Activities that reinforce Plotting Points and Graphing Linear and Non-linear Functions 1.GeoGebra 2.National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) 3. Finding Flipcharts on the Promethean Planet Website

3 GeoGebra 1.Find at least two Geogebra activities that relates to plotting points, and graphing linear and non-linear functions. Explain why you may or may not use each activity in your middle school classroom Use the Reflection Log Worksheet..\Technology Infused Reflection Log.pdf

4 National Library of Virtual Manipulatives (NLVM) Explain why you may or may not use each activity in your middle school classroom. Use the Reflection Log Worksheet..\Technology Infused Reflection Log.pdf 2.Find at least two NLVM activities that relates to plotting points, and graphing linear and non-linear functions.

5 Finding Flipcharts on the Promethean Planet Website 3. Find at least two flipcharts on the Promethean Planet Website. Explain why you may or may not use each activity in your middle school classroom. Use the Reflection Log Worksheet..\Technology Infused Reflection Log.pdf

6 Content/Pedagogy Post-test You are now ready to take your post-test. Good Luck, and I hope you enjoyed the lesson!

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