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“O England! Model to the inward greatness, Like little body with a mighty heart…” - William Shakespeare.

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1 “O England! Model to the inward greatness, Like little body with a mighty heart…” - William Shakespeare

2  Renaissance is a French word for “rebirth”  Characterized by the renewal of learning from classical works (Ancient Greek and Roman Texts) and a desire to pass on knowledge to create a better educated future generation  Renaissance Man is a term derived from this era for an extremely productive person, well versed in multiple different disciplines  The Renaissance began in Italy due to considerable wealth earned in banking and trade with the East

3  Humanists sought to answer questions involving life as they knew it:  What is a human being?  What is a good life?  How do I lead a good life?  Wanted to use classic knowledge to strengthen Christianity, not discredit it.

4  Creation of the printing press makes books far more accessible in Europe and England  King Henry the VII brings peace to England, which allows for a cultural renaissance  England gains its own national and religious identity, which enabled English writers to create like never before  Elizabeth I is a patron of literature, and inspires many authors herself

5  “…English people resent the financial burdens imposed on them by the Vatican – the pope, after all, was a foreign power in far-off Italy.”  News of Martin Luther’s 95 Theses reaches English people – There are ways to change the church!  King Henry the VIII creates Church of England, severing all ties with the Roman Catholic Church  England defeats the Spanish Armada in 1588, ensures the safety of England and changes history forever

6  Shaped the world in which we now live today (Had Spanish Armada not been defeated, we could be speaking Spanish!)  America’s roots can literally be traced to this time period- from its discovery to the protestants of this era being some of the first “American” settlers  Literary elements and formats of today are descended from this era

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