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ECE 477 Final Presentation Group 6  Spring 2005 Mike Lowe Eric SuJohn Parlindungan KamBiu Chan.

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 477 Final Presentation Group 6  Spring 2005 Mike Lowe Eric SuJohn Parlindungan KamBiu Chan."— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 477 Final Presentation Group 6  Spring 2005 Mike Lowe Eric SuJohn Parlindungan KamBiu Chan

2 Outline Project overviewProject overview Block diagramBlock diagram Professional componentsProfessional components Design componentsDesign components Success criteria demonstrationsSuccess criteria demonstrations Individual contributionsIndividual contributions Project summaryProject summary Questions / discussionQuestions / discussion

3 Project Overview Arbuckle’s Automatic Pet FeederArbuckle’s Automatic Pet Feeder Dream machine for every pet loverDream machine for every pet lover Deliver a controlled amount of food to 4 different cats for up to 20 days without any user maintenance.Deliver a controlled amount of food to 4 different cats for up to 20 days without any user maintenance. FeaturesFeatures –RFID pet identification –Remote monitoring through Ethernet –Local user interface (LCD and RPG)

4 Block Diagram Microcontroller Ergos Feeder IR Level Detector Relay Circuit User Interface LCDRPG SCI I/O Internet PC RFID Reader RFID SCI I/O

5 Professional Components Constraint analysis and component selection rationaleConstraint analysis and component selection rationale Patent liability analysisPatent liability analysis Reliability and safety analysisReliability and safety analysis Ethical and environmental impact analysisEthical and environmental impact analysis

6 Constraint Analysis and Component Selection Rationale Constraint Analysis – –Computation Requirement Speed Memory – –Interface Requirements SCI for LCD and RFID Ethernet connectivity – –Power Supply Constraints – –Packaging Constraints – –Cost Constraints

7 Constraint Analysis and Component Selection Rationale Component Selection RationaleComponent Selection Rationale –Microcontroller –RFID Module Freescale 9SHC12NE64 Rabbit 3000 Speed25Mhz54Mhz Memory64kb256kb Ethernet Internal Transceiver External Transceiver Series 2000 LF RFID S4100 multi-function Frequency134.2kHz 134.2kHz – 13.56MHz Range15cm12cm AntennaExternalInternal

8 Constraint Analysis and Component Selection Rationale Component Selection Rationale Cont’dComponent Selection Rationale Cont’d –LCD Display –Rotary Pulse Generator Grayhill 61C11Grayhill 61C11 Optical encoder with pushbuttonsOptical encoder with pushbuttons Small number of input pinsSmall number of input pins Economy of spaceEconomy of space –Pet Food Dispenser Augger style dispenserAugger style dispenser CrystalFontz 634 CrystalFontz CFAH2004A Interface RS232 (serial) 8-bit or 4-bit (parallel) Size20x420x4

9 Patent Liability Analysis Literal InfringementsLiteral Infringements –4,510,495: Remote passive identification system Recommend to continue with developmentRecommend to continue with development Doctrine of Equivalents InfringementDoctrine of Equivalents Infringement –6,793,127: Internet enabled resource constrained terminal for processing RFID tags Recommend to continue with developmentRecommend to continue with development

10 Reliability/Safety Analysis 4 critical components analyzed4 critical components analyzed –Micrel 4690 Power Regulator – MTTF 105 years –Grayhill 61C11 RPG – 1285 years –Motorola MC9S12NE64 – MTTF 21 years –Reed Relay Circuit – MTTF 190 years High criticality failuresHigh criticality failures –Voltage regulator power supply –Reed Relay 120V Power Circuit

11 Ethical/Environmental Analysis Ethical IssuesEthical Issues –Protect electrical components from cats and human. –SW updates through internet to correct any possible firmware errors. –Warning label on main board enclosure (Proper Care for the Cats!!!) –Low food volume alert Environmental IssuesEnvironmental Issues –PCB fabrication (high material consumption) & disposal (lead, hazardous waste) Dry plasma metal depositionDry plasma metal deposition

12 Design Components Packaging design considerationsPackaging design considerations Schematic design considerationsSchematic design considerations PCB layout design considerationsPCB layout design considerations Software design considerationsSoftware design considerations

13 Packaging Design Weight: 15 lbsWeight: 15 lbs Cost: $880.00Cost: $880.00 Two ArchitecturesTwo Architectures –Feeder Architecture –Control Unit Architecture Primary ConsiderationsPrimary Considerations –Safety –Aesthetics –Functionality –Durability

14 Packaging Design


16 Schematic Design MC9SHC12NE64MC9SHC12NE64 –Guarded with 0.22uF decoupling capacitors – –BDM Port: For firmware update – –ATD Port: IR sensor array – –SCI Port: RFID reader, LCD – –General IO: Relay – –Timer Capture: RPG – –Ethernet Port: Web access


18 Schematic Design Voltage RegulatorVoltage Regulator –2 Step down regulators –12VDC unregulated input –5V and 3V DC regulated output

19 Schematic Design RS 232 TransceiverRS 232 Transceiver –Interface 3.3V SCI ports to external 5V serial connection –Provide health information about the connections

20 Schematic Design RPGRPG –Optical encoder –Standard Quadrature 2-Bit Code –8 Changes per revolution Relay controlRelay control –Optically isolated –120 AC Power Relay –Power MOSFET switch with diode

21 Schematic Design IR SensorsIR Sensors –4 sensors monitoring 2 different levels of the food container –Output 0.1 – 2V –Socket based for flexibility

22 PCB Layout Design 7.5” X 3.5”7.5” X 3.5” Trace width:Trace width: –3.3V and 5V GND and Vcc rails: 50mils –Normal wires: 12mils

23 PCB Layout Design Decoupling caps for all ICsDecoupling caps for all ICs Copper pour under relayCopper pour under relay Separate power supply for analog and digital systemSeparate power supply for analog and digital system Physical isolation of the digital and the analog systemPhysical isolation of the digital and the analog system

24 Software Design State machine drives menuState machine drives menu Polling for RFIDPolling for RFID All Others interrupt drivenAll Others interrupt driven Software ModulesSoftware Modules –Timer_isr –Rfid_isr –Lcd_isr –Button_isr –Rpg_isr –Update_web

25 Software Design


27 Success Criteria Demonstrations 1.An ability to receive and decode RFID tags from the cats 2.An ability to accurately dispense food for each cat demo demo 3.An ability to remotely monitor the system via web browser demo demo 4.An ability to interact with user via LCD display and rotary pulse generator demo demo 5.An ability to alert on low food volume

28 Individual Contributions Team Leader – KamBiu ChanTeam Leader – KamBiu Chan Team Member 2 – Mike LoweTeam Member 2 – Mike Lowe Team Member 3 – Eric SuTeam Member 3 – Eric Su Team Member 4 – John ParlindunganTeam Member 4 – John Parlindungan

29 Team Leader – KamBiu Chan PCB Layout DesignPCB Layout Design Patent AnalysisPatent Analysis Schematic DesignSchematic Design Software Design and Testing (Peripherals)Software Design and Testing (Peripherals) Hardware TestingHardware Testing

30 Member 2 – Mike Lowe Design Constraint AnalysisDesign Constraint Analysis Software DesignSoftware Design –Main Program –Ethernet

31 Member 3 – Eric Su Packaging DesignPackaging Design Reliability and Safety AnalysisReliability and Safety Analysis Software Debugging and TestingSoftware Debugging and Testing Team WebmasterTeam Webmaster

32 Member 4 – John Parlindungan Schematic DesignSchematic Design Ethical and Environmental Impact AnalysisEthical and Environmental Impact Analysis Populating PCBPopulating PCB Hardware DebuggingHardware Debugging

33 Project Summary Important lessons learnedImportant lessons learned –Current Limiting Resistors!!! –Debug Header is a MUST!!! –Division of labor and individual accountability –Understand components’ soldering temperature limits

34 Project Summary Second iteration enhancementsSecond iteration enhancements –Sonar for inventory tracking –Web administration capability –Providing more than 1 kind of pet food –Webcam –Diet Log

35 Questions / Discussion

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