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2012 Tools & Strategies for Districts. Finance Membership Program Unit Service Leadership and Governance Balanced Scorecard The balanced scorecard for.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Tools & Strategies for Districts. Finance Membership Program Unit Service Leadership and Governance Balanced Scorecard The balanced scorecard for."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Tools & Strategies for Districts

2 Finance Membership Program Unit Service Leadership and Governance Balanced Scorecard The balanced scorecard for districts is aligned with councils and is focused in five key categories:

3 Gold – Top 10% of districts Silver – Next 40% Bronze – Next 30% Below Minimum – Bottom 20% of districts Breakpoints

4 Key Indicators are worth 200, 100 & 50 points respectively Others are worth 100, 50 & 25 points respectively Circuit Breaker, minimum bronze in fundraising to achieve overall gold

5 Tools for Districts

6 Scorecards, tools, answers …

7 Where have we have we been? Where are we going? How far have we come? District’s Journey to Excellence

8 Objectives progress reports District totals report Council fundraising reports Retention and training data from MyBSA Training report from MyBSA Advancement & unit visitation report sent to councils Service hours report from web page Council and district records for camping, unit status, and district leadership Where have we been? Need to gather the results for each month in 2011.

9 Cub Scout membership Boy Scout membership Venturing membership Exploring participants Total available youth Traditional Units Unit commissioners District committee members Objectives Progress Report Print a report for each month in 2011 to gather data for:

10 Use this report to determine the number of chartered organizations. District Totals Report

11 Use the council FOS report, popcorn reports, etc. to determine your fundraising achievements for 2011. The council will determine how to count the dollars raised by the district. Council Fundraising Reports

12 Retention from MyBSA View the dashboard on the program tab Select a month to get the retention percentage. Since the system goes back only ten months, you will need to use the March values for January and February.

13 Contact Leaders Trained from MyBSA View the dashboard on the program tab Select position(s) to determine the total registered and trained

14 Contact Leaders Trained Percentage Enter the total registrants and total trained in a temporary Excel worksheet to determine the percentage of direct contact leaders trained. Unless the council has maintained independent records for 2011, it will necessary to use this same value for all months in 2011. Direct Contact Position Total RegisteredTotal Trained Cubmaster4723 Tiger Cub Den Leader3312 Den Leader13234 Webelos Den Leader3916 Scoutmaster4221 Leader of 11-Year Olds31 Varsity Scout Coach64 Crew Advisor128 Skipper11 315120 38.1%

15 Unit Visitations & Advancements Councils will receive a report showing how many units received the requisite number of visits in each district. Similar reports will be distributed showing Cub Scout and Boy Scout advancements in each district.

16 Service Hours Report Councils can produce a report showing the number of service hours in each district for any range of dates. To print the report, select the service hours function in ScoutNET>Web Admin. Then select the “Project Summary.Overall Project Summary” report for the desired date range.

17 Local Records of 2011 JTE Data These items are not available on any BSA report, but should come from council and district records. Number of Cub Scouts attending any day camp, resident camp, or family camp (new for 2012) Number of Boy Scouts attending any long-term camp, high adventure camp, jamboree or serving on camp staff Number of units that were quality units or bronze or above at the end of 2011 Number of district committee meetings held in 2011 Number of key district positions filled at the end of 2011

18 Download JTE District Workbook

19 Setup District Workbook Enable macros in order to produce reports … Enter your district and council name …

20 Enter 2011 Performance Select Last Year tab … Enter complete 2011 results in light yellow squares… Data needed for all monthsYear-end only

21 Finance goals may have been set in earlier fundraising planning meeting. Membership goals are set as part of your growth planning conference. Will need to determine total available youth. Other goals may be set by district Key 3. All goals should be approved by the council and accepted by the district committee. Where are we going? Establish 2012 goals and objectives

22 Enter Finance Goals Select the Finance tab and define your goals in terms of bronze, silver, and gold. Set a target indicating the planned performance level … Set a bronze level for each category and month …

23 Enter Other Goals Select the Current tab and input your goals for all other criteria in the December Goal column … The system will calculate ratings and points if you have entered the December 2011 achievements.

24 How Far Have We Come? Gather data to produce monthly status reports … Objectives progress report Council fundraising reports Retention and training data from MyBSA Training report from MyBSA Advancement & unit visitation report sent to councils Service hours report from web page Council and district records for camping, unit status, and district leadership

25 Data Gathering Tips To get the percentage of trained direct contact leaders, it is best to collect the data from the MyBSA Program dashboard at the end of the month. Since this dashboard reflects only current data, it may be different if you wait until the next month. Regional Support will be distributing reports each month showing district totals for Cub Scout advancement, Boy Scout advancement and unit visitations. This will occur after the council dashboard updates on the 8 th of month. The Voice of Scout district level dashboard information will not be available until June 1 st after the first series of surveys is completed.

26 Enter Monthly Results Select the Current tab and input your results for every criterion except Finance … The system will calculate ratings and points if you have entered the monthly achievements for 2011.

27 Enter Monthly Finance Results Select the Finance tab and input your results for each category on the Actual line … The system will calculate ratings and points when you have entered goals and results for all categories.

28 Create Monthly Reports On the Control tab, click the desired month to produce the progress and status reports. Be sure to enable macros …

29 Progress Report This report compares a month to last year-end and goals.

30 Status Report This shows the determined standard and performance growth. Performance growth to same month last year Determined standard for selected month Rating for this criterion

31 Other Tools – Tracking Units Units can be evaluated throughout the year, not just when they recharter. A tracking sheet is available on JTE website.

32 Tracking Units – Monthly Summary The unit tracking tool will show a monthly summary.

33 Managing the Details Districts will want to track progress in other areas, and many will develop their own tools. How are you tracking? Pack and troop camping plans Chartered organization visits – worksheet available on JTE website District committee meetings Further details of unit health

34 Thank you

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