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Service Learning (SVL) 9 th Grade Project: Issues in Our Society.

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1 Service Learning (SVL) 9 th Grade Project: Issues in Our Society

2 SVL- Overview An opportunity for students to use academic, communication, and social skills in real life situations to benefit the community. The SVL Project is a graduation requirement for all students in Maryland. 75 hours are required from 6 th -9 th grade. Your Health I teachers and Service Learning Building Coordinators will help you carry out your project.

3 5 Components of SVL 1.Investigation – What are the needs of our community? 2.Planning – Develop a vision, choose a project/event, decide who will do what, create a timeline, list materials, determine cost (if any). 3.Action – Engage in the activity, project or event. 4.Reflection – Take time to think about the impact you are having on your community. 5.Demonstration/Celebration – Show off what you have accomplished!!

4 Overview- Worksheet 1 Take out your SVL Portfolio (folder) Put your Service Learning Projects in order by date. (6 th -7 th -8 th grade samples) Look through all of your samples to reflect on your past experiences and answer the questions on Worksheet 1. Write detailed answers and be thorough in your explanation

5 Overview- Worksheet 2 Question #1: What is the Service Learning graduation requirement for Maryland, and how is Cecil County meeting that requirement? Answer: 75 hours of service OR a county approved program The requirement is met by completing SVL in grades 6 thru 9.

6 Worksheet 2 Continued Question #2: What services in our community could benefit from our involvement? Who needs our help? Think about programs or groups that could benefit from our involvement. Brainstorm with others to come up with some possibilities. Question #3: If you do not complete your Service Learning project during Health I, what are you required to do? An approved program- on your own- to fulfill your SVL requirement.

7 Worksheet 2 Continued Question #4: What are meritorious hours? Where should you document them? Meritorious hours= extra service hours Where? Your guidance counselor can give you a form to complete Why? Meritorious hours look great on college applications, job applications, and they show that you care.

8 Worksheet 2 Continued Question #5: How will you know you have completed the Service Learning project? Worksheets 1-7 are completed accurately and your teacher has signed off on your folder This will be recorded in your SVL Portfolio and kept on file. You can continue adding meritorious hours until you graduate!

9 Before proceeding to worksheet 3, visit the following website: /HoopsForHeartEvent/Hoops-for-Heart- Event_UCM_315630_SubHomePage.jsp Decide if this is something you are interested in participating with your class and/or other classes. You get to decide your Service Learning Project. If you would like to explore other opportunities, take the time to research other possibilities now. After researching, proceed to next slide/worksheeet.

10 Overview- Worksheet 3 In the oval at the top of the page, brainstorm issues and problems in our society 1. Next, choose the top 3 issues/problems Answer questions 2-5 based on this information

11 Overview-Worksheet 4 1. Narrow down to ONE issue/problem and write it on your sheet 2. What causes this problem/issue: 3. What I learned about the problem/issue: 4. How can I help solve the problem/issue? (List project ideas)

12 Overview- Worksheet 5 1. How will this project help my class, school or community? 2. I learned about this issue from: 3. I plan to (check all that apply) Advocate for Take direct action Take indirect action 4. My project will be: 5. To complete my project, I will need (list any supplies) 6. Who will this project benefit? 7. My artifact will be: (visual proof of your service) 8. I will reflect on my project by (date):

13 Overview- Worksheet 6 Typically, worksheet 6 will be filled out by the person/organization for which the service was provided. This can be completed ONCE and photocopied for inclusion in each student’s SVL Portfolio.

14 Overview-Worksheet 7 Reflect on the SVL Project you completed: 1. What was my project? 2. Why did I do the project I selected? 3. What was the hardest part about organizing this project? What was the easiest part? 4. What would you do differently? 5. What was 1 new thing you learned from doing this project? 6. How could you continue my community service in the future?

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